Healing Flashcards
1 of 7
Explain the biblical basis for healing and its relationship to the redemptive work of Christ.
Christ is our healer. Christ died for our sin and also for the effect of our sin.
Christ was the fulfillment of OT prophecy (Isaiah 53)
Ultimately, even if we experience great pain and sickness in this life, Christ’s redemptive work assures us that someday we will trade in this mortal body for an eternal one that will be free from sickness and disease.
2 of 7
What instruction does James 5 teach in relation to healing?
- Sick person calls on the elders for prayer
- Time of confession
- Elders anoint with oil
- All pray for healing in faith
James 5
3 of 7
Explain the difference between the “gift of healing” and healing prayer as described in James 5.
The gift of healing is a unique spritual gift given to some by the determination of the Holy Spirit -1 Corinthians 12.
Healing prayer is available to every believer and requires no special gifting to make the request. - James 5
4 of 7
How would you counsel a believer who has followed the instructions of James 5 and is still seeking a miraculous healing?
Patience & Suffering brings testing and refining of our faith; produces peserverance which makes us more depenent on God - James 1 & Romans 5 3-4
5 of 7
In the anointing and prayer ministry for the sick by the elders, what does “the prayer of faith” mean?
Surrendering completely in prayer; body & spirit
6 of 7
How is the problem of sin related to the problem of sickness?
Because of the fall (Genesis 3) our bodies are subject to sickness & death.
Sickness can be the result of sin, or spiritual oppression.
7 of 7
What is the difference between miraculous healing and divine life for the believer?
Miraculous Healing is an instantaneous miraculous act that shows one’s faith in Christ for healing at a given point in time.
The Divine Life, is the Spirit living in us. (Romans 8:11)