Head & Neck Flashcards
Facial muscles: Innervated by Facial Nerves (4)
- Orbicularis oris : kissing
- Zygomaticus: smiling
- Risorius: Grinning / Grimace
- Buccinator - Blowing / Sucking aka Trumpeter’s Muscle
Muscles of mastication: Innervated by Mandibular division of Trigeminal Nerve. (4)
- Temporalis : closes jaw
- Masseter : closes jaw
- Medial Pterygoid : closes jaw
- Lateral Pterygoid : opens jaw
Afferent limb of corneal reflex.
Nasociliary nerve of the ophthalmic division of Trigeminal nerve.
Other names of middle ear windows?
- Oval window - Fenestra vestibuli
- Round window - Fenestra cochlea
Nerve supply of the lacrimal gland.
- CN VII : Facial nerve - Submandibular, Sublingual
- CN IX: Parotid gland
Structures passing through the optic canal. (3)
- Optic nerve
- Ophthalmic artery
- Central artery & vein of the retina
Nerves that sends touch, temperature and pain information from the brain to the muscles.
- Dorsal & Efferent
Bell Magendie Law : Ventral = Motor , Dorsal = Sensory
Efferent limb of corneal reflex.
Facial Nerve
Facial vein begins as angular vein which is formed by the union of what two veins?
- Supratrochlear vein
- Supraorbital vein
Papillae that are arranged in the form of V in front of the sulcus terminalis?
Vallate Papillae
Muscles of the tongue innervated by the vagus nerve?
- Palatoglossus
-The rest of the muscles of the tongue are innervated by hypoglossal nerve.
Action of palatoglossus muscle?
Pulls the back of the tongue upward and narrows pharyngeal isthmus.
Responsible for the special sensation in the Anterior 2/3 of the tongue
Chorda Tympani / CN 7 / Facial Nerve
Injury of this nerve causes medial deviation or Esotropia and paralysis of abduction of the ipsilateral eye.
Abducent Nerve Injury
Cranial nerve palsy causing medial strabismus?
Abducens nerve
Anterior transparent part of the eyeball?
Eye muscle paralyzed causing medial strabismus ?
Lateral rectus
Eye muscle that will pull the eyeball opposite the paralyzed muscle.
Medial rectus
Origin of the four recti muscles of the eye?
Common tendinous ring= Annulus of Zinn
Double vision that occurs only in one eye or only when one eye is open?
Monocular diplopia
Site of lesion if there is superior left homonymous quadrantanopia?
Right temporal lobe ( Meyers Loop)
Structures opening in the middle meatus? (4)
- Anterior ethmoid sinus
- Middle ethmoid sinus
- Maxillary Sinus
- Frontal sinus
Sinuses that are present at birth? (2)
- Maxillary Sinus
- Ethmoid Sinus
The arteries that compose the kiesselbach plexus? (4)
- Sphenopalatine (Maxillary)
- Anterior ethmoidal ( ophthalmic)
- Greater Palatine ( Maxillary)
- Superior Labial ( Facial)
Cone of light is seen in what quadrant?
Anteroinferior quadrant
Movement around a vertical axis at the superior and inferior radio-ulnar joints?
Rotatory movement
Membrane separating scala vestibuli and scala media?
Vestibular membrane
Embryonic origin of thalamus?
External landmarks of the hypothalamus?
Optic chiasm
Tuber cinereum
Mammillary bodies
Carotid bifurcation. (3)
C4- Common carotid
T4- Trachea
L4- Common iliac vessels
Muscle that divides the subclavian artery into 3 parts?
Scalenus anterior
Layers that surrounds the larynx and trachea, encloses the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Forms a false capsule of the thyroid gland.
Pretracheal layer
Located medial to the apex of the thyroid.
Thyroid cartilage
Largest endocrine gland in the human body?
Thyroid gland
Liver - largest gland in the body
Relations to the thyroid gland.
Medial (6)
- larynx, trachea, pharynx, esophagus, cricothyroid, external laryngeal nerve
Relations to the thyroid gland.
Carotid sheath
Relations to the thyroid gland.
Anterolateral (4)
Superior belly of Omohyoid
Relations to the thyroid gland.
Parathyroid gland
Relations to the thyroid gland.
Superior (2)
Cricoid cartilage
Contraction of shortening of SCM leading to twisting of the neck with the chin pointing upward and to the opposite side.
Torticollis / Wryneck
Cricoid cartilage is at what level of cervical vertebra?
Level of C6
Pharynx transitions to the esophagus at what level?
C6 / Lower border of cricoid cartilage
Horseshoe shaped bone situated ant midline in the neck and lies at the base of the mandible . Only bone in the body with no articulation?
Hyoid bone
Infrahyoid muscle that depresses larynx
Muscle that separates the submandibular and sublingual space?
Tumors within the oral cavity and lip metastasize first to what level of lymph nodes?
Levels I, II, III
Zone of the neck that extends from the cricoid cartilage to the level of the angle of Mandible
Zone II
Muscle of the pharynx innervated by the Vagus nerve except?
Stylopharyngeus which is innervated by Glossopharyngeal nerve.
Palatine tonsillectomy can damage this nerve causing loss of general sensation and taste on posterior 1/3 of tongue?
Glossopharyngeal nerve ( CN 9)
Nerve associated with superior thyroid artery. Injury produces hoarseness / breathlessness .
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Cartilage that forms the laryngeal prominence in the neck.
Thyroid cartilage
All laryngeal muscles supplied by recurrent / inferior laryngeal nerve except?
Cricothyroid - supplied by the External Laryngeal Nerve
Most common type of esophageal atresia?
Esophageal atresia with TEF at distal end
Artery that arises from the aortic arch or brachiocephalic trunk and reaches the thyroid isthmus inferiorly?
Thyroid IMA Artery
Uncommon arterial supply of the thyroid gland?
Thyroidea ima ( present at 12%)
Most common site of ectopic thyroid?
Cells that synthesize and secrete calcitonin
Parafollicular cells
Nerve that can be injured during ligation of inferior thyroid artery?
Inferior or Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Most common site of nose bleeding
Septal branches of Sphenopalatine and Facial Vessels
Origin of Superior Thyroid Artery?
External Carotid Artery
Origin of Inferior Thyroid Artery ?
Thyrocervical Trunk
( ITA TT )
Superior Thyroid and Middle Thyroid Vein Drains into?
Internal Jugular Vein
Inferior Thyroid Vein drains into?
Brachiocephalic Vein