HEAD & NECK Flashcards
Damage to what during surgical airway can result in vocal cord dysfunction
Thyroid cartilage - vocal cords are attached anteriorly to this (and posteriorly to arytenoids)
Anterior midline, moves with swallowing
thyroglossal duct cyst
Boundaries of submandibular triangle
Level 1B LN station
Anterior belly of digastric, posterior belly of digastric and mandible
Weakness of extension adduction and internal rotation of arm
Injury to thoracodorsal nerve (lat dorsi) OR medial pectoral n
MC tumor of upper lip
MCC lower lip
Submental triangle
anterior bellies of digastric,body of hyoid, symphysis menti
mylohyoid muscle makes up the floor of the triangle
which nerve carries parasympathetic postganglionic nerve fibers to parotid gland?
MC site of minor salivary gland tumor
MC minor salivary gland tumor
Adenoid cystic
Where is accessory nerve found
Posterior triangle of neck
Boundaries of posterior triangle of neck
SCM, middle 1/3 of clavicle, and trapezius
MC benign tumor of salivary gland
pleomorphic adenoma
when is emergent tracheotomy preferred over cricothyroidotomy?
true subglottic stenosis (also kids)
greater auricular nerve provides sensory to
lower earlobe, pre and post auricular skin
usually sacrificed during mobilization of inferior pole of parotid
MC incision for parotidectomy
Modified blair- starts in preauricular skin and extends lobule over mastoid tip. then gently curved around SCM down to neck crease
When to do neck dissection in oral cavity tumors?
T2N0 (aka 2-4 cm)
If T3N0 or T4N0 adjuvant XRT will take care of it!!!!
Radical neck dissection removes?
IJ vein
Accessory nerve
Modified neck dissection removes?
1 or 2 of:
IJ vein
Accessory nerve
“Functional” neck dissection removes?
All 5 LN groups
SPARES ALL 3 of IJ vein, acccessory nerve, SCM
MCC of lip overall
Calcification in thyroid lobe
Could be calcific necrosis due to MNG
Papillary thyroid CA
Posterior triangle LN - primary sites?
Preauricular LN – primary sites?
Jugulodigastric LN – primary sites?
Base of tongue
Tx of choice for pleomorphic adenoma
Removal (due to conversion to CA risk)
superficial parotidectomy with preservation of facial nerve
Strongest risk factor for lip SCC
What provides sensation to lower earlobe, pre and post auricular skin
Greater auricular nerve
What provides sensation to upper lobe of ear
Injury to what nerve assoc with Frey syndrome