Head and Neuroanatomy Flashcards
Functional area: Primary somathestic area
BA 3,1,2
Functional area: Primary visual area
BA 17
Functional area: Primary auditory area
BA 41, 42
Broca’s area
BA 44, 45
Wernicke’s area
BA 22
Motor Aphasia
Broca’s aphasia
Lesion above the level of decussation manifests….
What motor neuron is affected where there is spastic paralysis and no fasciculations?
Upper motor neuron
Paleo/ spinocerebellum for coordination of limb movts, reg of muscle tone
Anterior lobe
Cerebellar lobe affected in abnormal FTNT and APST
Posterior lobe
Lobe affected in truncal ataxai
Flocullonodular lobe of the cerebellum
Patient with resting tremors and positive signs has a lesion where?
Basal ganglia
Disease associated with the degeneration of substantia nigra
Parkinson’s Disease
Location for lumbar puncture
b/w L4 and L5
Damage to contralat subthalamic nucleus
If the CSF have low glucose level, the pathogen is most likely…
Purely sensory cranial nerves
Purely motor cranial nerves
Mixed cranial nerves
Cranial nerves with parasympathetic component
Cranial nerves located medially
What innervates the parotid gland?
CN 9 - glossopharyngeal
Cranial nerves located in midbrain
Cranial nerves located in pons
Cranial nerves located in medulla
What cranial nerve passes thru anterior cranial fossa
What cranial nerve passes thru foramen rotundum?
Maxillary n.
What cranial nerve passes thru foramen ovale?
Mandibular nerve
What cranial nerve passes thru optic canal?
What cranial nerve passes thru sup orbital fissure?
3,4,6,5(1st pt)
What cranial nerve passes thru jugular foramen?
What cranial nerve passes thru hypoglossal canal?
What cranial nerve passes thru internal acoustic meatus?
What cranial nerve passes thru foramen magnum?
11 spinal roots
What muscle is innervated by CN 4?
Superior oblique m.
What CN innervates the lateral rectus muscle?
Smiling muscle
Grinning muscle
Blowing muscle
Chin muscle
Kissing muscle
Orbicularis oris
Muscle that opens jaw
Lateral pterygoid
Motor innervation of trigeminal nerve
Muscles of mastication
Sensory innervation of trigeminal n.
Ant 2/3 of mucous membrane of tongue
Muscles of tongue is innervated by
CN 12
Functional area: Primary motor area
BA 4
Unpaired bones of the skull
Frontal Occipital Sphenoid Ethmoid Vomer Mandible
Meeting point of frontal and nasal bones
Point of meeting of the frontal, parietal, squamous temporal and great wing of sphenoid
Skull fracture at pterion may lacerate what artery
Middle meningeal a.
Fracture in what part of the skull cause CSF to escape from the ear, hearing loss and CN 7 damage?
Petrous portion of the temporal bone
Fracture in what cranial fossa causes anosmia, periorbitak bruising and CSF rhinorrhea
Anterior cranial fossa
Horizontal fracture to the maxillary alveolar process
Le Fort I
Maxillary fracture involving central pt of the face
Le Fort II
Maxillary fracture involving zygomatic bone separated from cranium
Le Fort III
Layers of the SCALP
Skin Connective tissue Aponeurosis Loose connective tissue Pericranium
Premature closure of the sagittal suture; long and narrow skull
Premature closure of the coronal suture; tower skull
Oxy/ acrocephaly
Premature closure of the coronal and lambdoid suture on one side of the skull
Forebrain; divides into telencephalon and diencephalon
Midbrain; no division
Hindbrain; divides into metencephalon and myelencephalon
Derivative of cerebrum
Derivative of thalamus
Derivative of midbrain
Derivative of pons and cerebellum
Derivative of medulla
Neural tube differentiates into the ____
Neural crest differentiates into the ____
The pigment cells of the retina and cells of adrenal medulla is derived from the ___
neural crest
AOG of closure of the neural tube
4th week
AOG where the primary brain vesicles differentiate
5th week AOG
Folic acid 400 mg OD must be given starting…
3 mos prior to conception
Supratentorial structures
Cerebrum Basal ganglia Thalamus Hypothalamus CN I and II
Infratentorial structures
Spinal level starts below…
Foramen magnum
3 components of the meninges
Dura mater
Arachnoid mater
Pia mater
Layer of the dura mater that covers the inner surface of the skull
Endosteal layer
Layer covering the brain
Meningeal layer
Fold of dura mater that is b/w cerebral hemispheres
Falx cerebri
Crescent-shaped fold of dura mater that roofs over the post cranial fossa
Tentorium cerebelli
Small fold of dura that divides the cerebellar hemispheres
Falx cerebelli
Dural fold that forms the roof of the sella turcica
Diaphragma sella
Nerve supply of the dura mater
Trigeminal (supratentorial)
C1-3 spinal roots (infratentorial)
Headache due to supratentorial irritation is referred where?
forehead and face
Headache due to infratentorial irritation is referred where?
back of the head and neck
Impermeable membrane covering the brain; b/w pia mater and dura mater
Arachnoid mater
Precentral gyrus
Primary motor cortex
Postcentral gyrus
Primary motor cortex
Heschl’s gyrus
Primary auditory cortex
Inferior frontal gyrus
Broca’s area
Location of decussation of the corticospinal tract
Lower medulla
Cerebellar syndrome that causes ataxia, dysmetria, dysdiadochokinesia, intention tremor
Posterior lobe syndrome
Cerebellar syndrome that causes loss of coordination, (+) heel-to-shin test
Anterior lobe syndrome
Cerebellar syndrome that causes truncal ataxia
Flocculonodular lobe syndrome
CSF flows from the lat ventricle to the 3rd ventricle thru the ___
Foramen of Monroe
CSF flows from the 3rd ventricle to the 4th ventricle thru the ___
Aqueduct of Sylvius/ Iter
CSF flows from the 4th ventricle to the SAS thru the ___
Foramen of Magendie and Luschka
Normal CSF volume
130 mL
Normal CSF protein /100 mL
15-45 mg
Normal CSF glucose/ 100 mL
50-85 mg
Normal CSF chloride/ 100 mL
720-750 mg
number of cells in the CSF
0-3 lymphocytes/ cu mm
LP is done at what level
b/w L4 and L5
Lesion in what CN will cause ptosis, dilated fixed pupil, and eye turned down and out
CN 3
Lesion in what CN will cause extorsion of the eye and weakness of downward gaze
CN 4
Lesion in what CN will cause medial deviation, abductor paralysis of the eye muscle
CN 6
Nerve affected in Bell’s palsy
CN 7
Most common location of berry aneurysm
Posterior communicating artery
Venous drainage to the face
Facial vein
Retromandibular vein
Structures affected in cavernous sinus thrombosis
CNs III, IV, V1, V2, VI
Venous blood sinuses
Sup and Inf Sagittal
Right and left transverse
Straight sinus
What bone is the root of the tongue attached to?
Hyoid bone
What divides the tongue into the anterior and posterior part?
Sulcus terminalis
Remnant of thyroglossal duct
Foramen cecum
What innervates the muscles that alters tongue’s shape (intrinsic)?
CN 12
What innervates the muscles that alter the position of the tongue (extrinsic)?
CN 12 except palatoglossus w/c is innervated by CN 10
What innervates the mucous membrane of the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue?
CN 5
What innervates the mucous membrane of the posterior 2/3rds of the tongue?
CN 9
What innervates the taste buds of the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue?
CN 7
What innervates the taste buds of the posterior 1/3rds of the tongue?
CN 9
Muscle that elevates the tongue
Muscle that retracts the tongue
Muscle that depresses the tongue
Muscle that protrudes the tongue
EOMs supplied by CN 3
Medial rectus
Superior rectus
Inferior rectus
Inferior oblique
Superior colliculus: CN 3; inferior colliculus: ____
CN 4
Hypophysial/ Rathke’s pouch develops into the __
Anterior pituitary gland
Neurohypophysial bud develops into the ___
Posterior pituitary gland
External 1/3 of the EAM is ______ while the inner 2/3 is _____
Cone of light is appreciated in what part of the TM?
Anteroinferior quadrant
Tympanic cavity contains:
Chorda tympani if CN 7
Tympani br of CN 9
Internal/ medial surface of the tympanic membrane is innervated by:
CN 9
External/ lateral concave surface of the tympanic membrane is innervated by:
CN 5, 7, 9, 10
Muscles of the inner ear
Stapedius muscle
Tensor tympani muscle
Otosclerosis or the abnormal bone formation around the staoes and oval window causes ___
conduction deafness
What membrane separates scala media and scala tympani?
Basilar membrane
What membrane separates scala media and scala vestibuli?
Vestibular/ Meissner’s membrane