Head and Neck Flashcards
What is fluoroapatite?
- Component of tooth enamel
- Made from fluoride
- Cavity resistant!
- Definition
- Cause
- Gingivitis
- Inflammation of mucosa surrounding teeth
- Cause
- Plaque mineralizes into a calculus beneath gum line
- Plaque composition
- bacteria
- salivary proteins
- desquamated epithelial cells
What are the symptoms of Chronic Gingivitis?
- Red, swollen gums
- Gums pull away from the teeth
- Bleeding
What population most commonly has gingivitis?
- Definition
- Cause
- Definition
- Inflammation of periodontal ligaments, alveolar bone, cementum
- teeth may loosen and fall out
- Cause
- Unknown
- Associated with change in bacterial
- Associated Health Conditions
- Systemic effects
- Associated health conditions
- Depressed immune system:
- Leukemia
- DIabetes
- Crohn’s
- Down’s syndrome
- Depressed immune system:
- Systemic effects
- Infective endocarditis
- Pulmonary abscess
- Brain abscess
- Complications of pregnancy
Aphthous Ulcers (Canker Sores)
- Symptoms
- Location
- Stimulating factors
- Symptoms
- Painful
- Recur
- Location
- Inside of lips
- Never on vermillion! (herpes)
- Stimulating factors
- Stress
- Fever
- Certain foods
Aphthous Ulcers are associated with what disease states?
- Celiac
- Behcet’s sydrome
- Recurrent oral and genital ulcers
- Eye inflammation
What inflammatory infiltrate indicates a secondary bacterial infection with Aphthous Ulcers?
Neutrophilic infiltrate
Irritation Fibroma
- Definition
- Location
- Cause
- Treatment
- Definition
- Fibrous mass
- Benign
- Location
- Along buccal bite line
- Gingivodental margin
- Cause
- Repetitive trauma
- Treatment
- Complete excision
Pyogenic Granuloma
- Definition
- Location
- Population
- Treatment
- Definition
- Vascular (red / purple) polypoid lesion
- Benign
- Location
- Gingiva
- Population
- Children
- Young adults
- Pregnant women
- Treatment
- Excision
Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma
- Definition
- Location
- Cause
- Treatment
- Definition
- Red growth of gingiva
- Includes bone
- Location
- Gingiva
- Cause
- Arise from pyogenic granuloma
- De novo
- Treatment
- Complete excision down to periosteum
- (high recurrence rate)
Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
- Definition
- Location
- Treatment
- Definition
- Bluish / purple nodule
- Multinucleated foreign body giant cells separated by fibrous tissue
- Location
- Soft tissue of gingiva
- (Central giant cell granuloma is found in bone)
- Treatment
- Excision
How is Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma differentiated from the following?
- Central Giant Cell Granuloma
- Brown Tumor
- occurs in bone
- (peripheral in soft tissue)
- Brown Tumor
- background of hyperparathyroidism
What defense mechanisms prevent infection of the oral cavity?
- Indigenous flora
- Secretory IgA
- Collections of lymphocytes
- Antibacterial components of saliva
What are the manifestations of primary HSV of the mouth?
Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatosis
- Vesicles
- Painful ulceration
- Lymphadenopathy
- Fever
- May occur on the vermillion
What are the manifestations of secondary HSV oral infection? What is the cause?
Cold sores / Herpes labialis
- Vesicles around mucosal orifice
- Cause:
- Activation of dormant virus in trigeminal ganglia
- Activation caused by:
- resp infxn
- Fever
- Exposure to sun / cold
- Pregnancy
What is the microscopic appearance of HSV? What is used to visualize it?
- Microscopic appearance
- Acantholysis
- Ground glass viral inclusion
- Giant cells
- Visualize:
- Tzanck prep smears
- shows giant cells
- Tzanck prep smears
How is Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatitis differentiated from Aphthous Ulcers?
- Has systemic symptoms
- Occurs on the vermillion
- Aphthous Ulcers
- No systemic symptoms
- Never on vermillion
What is the most common fungal infection of the oral cavity?
Candidiasis (Thrush)
Oral Candidiasis
- Appearance
- Cause
- Appearance
- Gray-white membrane over red mucosa
- Can be scraped off (unlike hairy leukoplakia)
- May ulcerate
- Cause
- Disturbance of oral flora
- antibiotics
- diabetes
- immune-compromise
- Disturbance of oral flora
What is causing the increased incidence of deep fungal infections of the head, neck, and oral cavity?
- Cancer therapy
- Organ transplants
***Immune compromise***
Hairy Leukoplakia
- Gross Appearance
- Micro
- Cause
- Appearance
- White, confluent fluffy patches
- Lateral border of tonue
- Cannot be scraped off
- Micro
- Hyperkeratosis
- Balloon cells
- Acanthosis
- Cause
Hairy Leukoplakia occurs in what populations?
- Cancer patients
- Transplant patients
- Advanced age
- Gross Appearance
- Micro Appearance
- Cause
- Appearance
- Red velvety area
- May erode
- Micro
- atypia
- Pre-malignant (CIS)
- Malignant
- Dysplasia w/o hyperkeratosis
- atypia
- Cause
- assoc. w/ tobacco use
What is the most common cancer of the head and neck?
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
What is the long-term survival of SCC of the head and neck? What is the most common cause of death in five year survivors?
- Survival: 50%
- Cause of death: second primary tumor
What are the risk factors for the following types of SCC?
- Head and Neck (in general)
- Lower lip
- Oropharynx
- Head and Neck (in general)
- Alcohol and Tobacco use
- Lower lip
- Actinic exposure
- Pipe smoking
- Oropharynx
Alterations in which genes is associated with Classic SCC of the Head and Neck?
- p53
- p63
Alterations in which genes is associated with HPV SCC of the Head and Neck?
- p53
- p16
- Rb pathway
Where does SCC metastasize first? What are the locations of distant metastasis?
- First
- Cervical Nodes
- Distant
- Mediastinal nodes
- Lung
- Liver
- Bone
Mutation in which gene causes progression from hyperplasia / hyperkeratosis to moderate dysplasia of the mouth (progression to SCC)?
Mutation in which gene causes progression from moderate dysplasia to Severe displasia / CIS of the mouth (progression to SCC)?
Mutation in which gene causes progression from Severe displasia / CIS to SCC of the mouth?
Rb pathway
Cyclin D
Dentigerous cysts
- Appearance
- Location
- Treatment
- Appearance
- Unilocular cyst
- Location
- around crown of unerupted tooth
- usually wisdom tooth
- Treatment
- Removal
Odontogenic Keratocysts
- Appearance
- Location
- Treatment
- Appearance
- Uni- or Multilocular cyst
- Corrugated surface
- Location
- post. mandible
- Treatment
- Aggressive excision
- (60% recurrence rate)
What is Gorlin Syndrome?
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
Has multiple odontogenic keratocysts
Periapical cysts
- Appearance
- Location
- Cause
- Treatment
- Appearance
- Periapical abscess
- Location
- Around apex of teeth
- Cause
- Pulpitis
- Treatment
- Removal of infected material
- May extract tooth
- Appearance
- Origin
- Treatment
- Appearance
- cystic lesion
- Locally invasive tumor
- Origin
- Odontogenic epithelium
- Treatment
- Wide resection to prevent recurrence