Female Reproductive System Flashcards
This cell type is characteristic of what type of infxn?

- Cell characteristics:
- Multinucleated giant cell
- eosinophilic inclusions
- Ground-glass nuclei
- Symptoms
- inguinal lymphadenopathy
- Red papule => vesicle => pustule => painful ulcer
- Dysuria / urinary retention

The picture respresents what type of infxn?

Molluscum contagiosum type II (Pox virus)
- Cell characteristics
- Large intracytoplasmic viral inclusions
- Gross appearance
- Pearly, dome - shaped papules with dimpled center
The cell type is characteristic of what type of infxn?

- Organism: Trichomonas vaginalis
- Cell characteristics:
- flagellated protozoan
- Symptoms
- Strawberry cervix
- Vaginal discharge
- yellow-green / gray
- Copious
- Frothy
- Fishy odor

The histology below shows what type of infxn?

Gardnerella vaginalis = bacterial vaginosis
- Histo
- epithelial cells from PAP smear
- covered in organisms
- Symptoms
- Discharge
- Gray / white
- fishy odor
- not frothy like trichomonos
- Discharge
Mycoplasma infection of the endometrium has been shown to cause what complications?
- Infertility
- Preterm delivery
- Spontaneous abortion
- Chorioamnionitis
The histology below indicates what disease? What is the most likely infectious cause?

- Cause:
- Chlamydia

What organisms cause PID?
- Gonococcus
- Chlamydia
- Enteric bacteria
- Strep
- Staph
- Clostridium perfringens
What is the progression of PID infxn (gonococcal)?
- Begins in Glands
- Bartholin, vestibular or periurethral glands
- Acute suppurative salpingitis
- may leak out of fimbriated end
- Salpingo-oophoritis
- fibria seal or become plastered against ovary
- abscess can form
- fibria seal or become plastered against ovary
- Pyosalpinx
- Hydrosalpinx (proteolysis of pus)
What is the progression of PID in non-gonococcal infxn?
- Ascend thru lymphatics and veins rather than mucosa
- Greater inflammatory response deep in tissue
- less exudate and mucosal involvement
- May spread to adjacent organs
What are the complications of PID?
- Peritonitis
- Intestinal obstruction from adhesion between bowel and pelvic organs
- Bacteremia
- Infertility
What is pictured below?

Bartholin cyst
The histology below shows what disease?

Lichen sclerosus
- Characteristic:
- Parchment-like skin
- Histo
- Epidermal thinning
- Hyperkeratosis of upper layers
- Basal degeneration

What is pictured below?

Squamous cell hyperplasia
(Lichen simplex chronicus)
- Key feature:
- No atypia
- Clinical feature
- pruritis
- Gray-white or red with white plaques
- Stenosis of vag opening not seen (as in lichen sclerosus)
The histology below is characteristic of what disease?

Condyloma acuminatum
- Infxn by HPV 6 and 11
- Histology
- koilocytes
- perinuclear clearing
Basaloid and Warty carcinomas
- Type of cancer
- Associated with infection by what?
- Gross appearance
- Microscopic appearance
- Type of cancer
- SCC of vulva
- Associated with infection by what?
- High risk HPV
- 16, 18, 31
- High risk HPV
- Gross Appearance
- White or pigmented plaques
- Microscopic appearance
- Basaloid: poorly-differentiated
- Warty: well-differentiated, koilocytic atypia

Keratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Associated with what medical conditions?
- Gross appearance
- Microscopic appearance
- Cause

- Association
- long standing squamous cell hyperplasia
- Lichen sclerosis
- Gross appearance
- Nodules in background of inflammation
- Microscopic appearance
- atypia of basal layers
- keratin pearls
- Cause
- Association w/ p53 mutation

What are the most common locations of lymph node involvement in keratinized SCC of the vulva? Of other metastasis?
- Inguinal
- Pelvic
- Iliac
- Periaortic
- Lung
- Liver
Papillary hidradenoma
- Origin
- Associated with infection by what?
- Gross appearance
- Microscopic appearance

- Origin
- apocrine sweat gland
- Associated with infection by what?
- Gross appearance
- dome shaped
- well circumscribed nodule
- Outcome:
- benign course

What disease is pictured?

Extramammary Pagets disease

What disease is pictured?

Malignant melanoma
Markers for Paget vs melanoma
- Paget
- Keratin 7 (+)
- PAS (+)
- mucopolysaccharide stain
- Melanoma
- S-100 (+)
- Lacks keratin and PAS staining
What disease process is pictured below?

Vaginal adenosis
- Histo
- Focal remnants of columnar, glandular epithelium of mullerian duct
- mucous-secreting epithelium (like endocervix) or
- tuboendometrial epithelium

What disease process is pictured below?

Vaginal adenocarcinoma
What disease process is pictured below?

- Histo
- Fibromyxomatous stroma
- Mucus - secreting endocervical glands
- Symptoms
- vaginal spotting or bleeding

Changes in cervical epithelium throughout life
- At birth
- Young adult
- Adult
- at birth
- SS nonkeratinized epithelium
- Young adult
- Simple columnar extends out of uterus and over cervix
- Adult
- Transformation zone with regrowth of squamous epithelium
What disease process is pictured below?

Nabothian cysts
- During transformation, squamous epithelium covers and obstructs cervical gland opening
- mucus accumulates in deeper glands

What percent of low grade cancers progress to high grade? What percent of high grade progress to invasive SCC?
10% for both
What markers identify a proliferating zone in upper 2/3 of cervical epithelium?
What markers are associated with intraepithelial lesions?`
- Ki-67
- marker of cell proliferation
- p16INK4
- cyclin kinase inhibitor
- associated with high-risk HPV
What is the CIN grade?

There is none! This is normal cervical epithelium
(SS, nonkeratinized)
What is the CIN grade?

Low grade (LSIL)
What is the CIN grade?

High grade (HSIL)
What is the CIN grade?

High grade (HSIL)
How are CIN lesions visualized?
Application of acetic acid
Appears as white patches
What is the most common pattern of cervical SCC?
Fungating (or exophytic)
Others: ulcerating, infiltrative
What disease process is pictured below?

Microinvasive SCC of cervix
What disease process is pictured below?

Invasive SCC of cervix
Keratinization in some cells (keratin pearl on L)
What disease process is pictured below?

arise in endocervical glands
Association with HPV type 18
Describe the stages of SCC
- Stage 0
- Stage 1
- confined to the cervix
- Ia1: invasion < 3mm deep and 7mm wide
- Ib: invasive but confined to cervix
- Stage 2
- Extends to upper 2/3 of vagina
- Stage 3
- Extends to pelvic wall and lower 1/3 of vagina
- Stage 4
- Extends beyond pelvis or involves bladder or rectum
What disease process is pictured below?

Anovulatory endometrium
- Breaking down but glands match what should be proliferative phase
- Estrogenic stimulation
What are some causes of Dysfunctional uterine bleeding?
- Inadequate luteal phase
- low protesterone output
- corpus luteum not functioning correctly
- OC
- Menopausal or postmenopausal changes
- ovarian failure and atrophy of endometrium
What disease process is pictured below?

What disease process is pictured below?

Endometrioma or “chocolate cyst”
Location: ovary

What disease process is pictured below?

See coming off colon (see surrounding glands)
What disease process is pictured below?

Atypical endometriosis
- Single gland, some fluid inside
- Little hemosiderin

What disease process is pictured below?

- Endometrial nests w/i myometrium
- Produces hemorrhagic cysts in uterine wall

What disease process is pictured below?

Endometrial polyp
What disease process is pictured below?

Non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia

What disease process is pictured below?

Atypical endometrial hyperplasia
- More likely to progress to adenoCA

Type I endometrial carcinoma
- Associated mutations
- Background of endometrial dysfunction
- Mutations
- Pi3/AKT pathway
- KRAS activation
- ARID1A loss of function
- Endometrial dysfunction
- Hypertrophy
- Associated with hyperestrogenism
Type II (serous) carcinoma
- Associated mutations
- Background of endometrial dysfunction
- Mutations
- TP53
- Endometrial dysfunction
- atrophy
- Not associated with hyperestrogenism
- Associated with extensive peritoneal spread
Describe the staging system for Endometrial Adenocarcinomas
- Stage I
- confined to corpus
- Stage II
- corpus and cervix
- Stage III
- Outside uterus but not outside true pelvis
- Stage IV
- Outside true pelvis or involves mucosa of bladder or rectum
What type of neoplasm of the endometrium shows focal differentiation of extrauterine tissues such as muscle, adipose, cartilage, and bone?

Malignant mixed Mullerian Tumors

What disease process is pictured below?

What determines malignancy in leiomyosarcoma?
- 10 or more mitotic figures/high power view
- 5 or more with cellular atypia
- Necrosis present
What disease process is pictured below?


What disease process is pictured below?

What is the origin of paratubal cysts?
Wolffian duct (mesenephric duct) remnants
What is the origin of Hydatid cysts of Morgagni?
Mullerian (paramesenephric) duct remnants
- Location
- finbriated end of tube
- broad ligament
- Benign
What mutation is associated with Adenocarcinoma of the fallopian tubes?
What disease process is pictured below?

Adenomatoid tumor (benign)

What disease process is pictured below?

Adenocarcinoma of the fallopian tubes

What disease process is pictured below?

Polycystic ovarian disease

What disease process is pictured below?

Stromal Hyperthecosis
- Gross
- white-tan ovary
- Micro
- hypercellular stroma with luteinization visible as discrete nests
- Clinical presentation
- virilization

Describe the following:
- Placenta accreta
- Placenta increta
- Placenta percreta
- Placenta accreta
- attachment into the myometrium
- Placenta increta
- penetration of myometrium
- Placenta percreta
- Penetration to serosa, may attache to adjacent organs

How do the following twinning circumstances occur?
- Dichorionic diamnionic
- Dichorionic diamnionic (fused)
- Monochorionic diamnionic
- Monochorionic monoamnionic
- Top: Two separate fertilizations, two implantation sites OR early separation of two implantation sites
- Bottom left (MD): One fertilization, one ova, two inner cell masses (ICM)
- Bottom right (MM): One fertilization, one ova, one ICM, two primitive streaks

What type of infection is most likely to ascend through the birth canal?
Bacterial (often polymicrobial)
- Strep
- E coli
- Ureaplasma
- …
What type of infection is most likely to spread hematogenously (transplacentally)?
- Toxoplasmosis
What disease process is pictured below?

Acute amnionitis
- Necrotic lesions
- Inflammation
- Neutrophils
What disease process is pictured below?

- Some inflammatory cells
- Fibrin (eosinophilic, associated with necrosis)
What is the pathology of pre-eclampsia?
- Early pregnancy
- Failure of spiral arteries to change from resistance vessels to high capacity vessel
- Normal job of intervillous trophoblasts
- Failure of spiral arteries to change from resistance vessels to high capacity vessel
- Late pregnancy
- Vessels can’t handle demand
- Placental hypoxia
- Maternal endothelial dysfunction
- Overproduction of sFlt1
- Decoy receptor: VEGF and PlGF (placental)
- (-) VEGF signaling
- Overproduction of endoglin
- (-) TGF receptors
- Decreased PGI2 (normally antithrombotic)
- Overall
- decreased antithrombotic
- decreased proangiogenic activity
What is the role of fetal intervillous trophoblasts in placental development?
- Invade spiral arteries
- Replace smooth mm and endothelium
- Ultimately:
- converts high resistance to high capacity
Placental hypoxia leads to maternal endothelial dysfunction and overproduction of what factors?
- sFlt1
- decoy VEGF receptor
- also binds placental GF (PlGF)
- (-) angiogenic activity
- (-) NO induction by VEGF
- Endoglin
- decoy TGF-ß receptor
- blocks TGF-ß activity
Placental hypoxia leads to maternal endothelial dysfunction and underproduction of what factor?
- normally antithrombotic
- Result: increased coagulability
What disease process is pictured below?

Spontaneous pregnancy loss
- Elevated HCG lvls
- No viable embryo but pregnancy failed to terminate
- Ultrasound: diffuse villous enlargement

What disease process is pictured below?

Hydatidiform mole
(not specified)

What disease process is pictured below?

Full hydatidiform mole
- Villi enlarged, edematous
- (-) p57
- Only paternal genes

What disease process is pictured below?

Partial hydatidiform mole
- Only some villi are swollen / edematous
- (+) p57
- Triploid

What disease process is pictured below?

Invasive hydatidiform mole
What disease process is pictured below?

- See trophoblastic cells
- cytotrophoblasts = mononucleated
- syncytialtrophoblast cells = multinucleated

Most frequent mets of choriocarcinoma?
- Lungs
- Vagina
What disease process is pictured below?

Placenta-Site Trophoblastic Tumor
- Cell of origin
- extravillus trophoblast
- Invades myometrium
What disease process is pictured below?

Serous Cystadenoma
What disease process is pictured below?

Serous cystadenocarcinoma
- papillary growth
- solid tumor

Serous cystadenoma
- A: low grade
- B: borderline tumor
- C: low grade micropapillary serous carcinoma
- D: Papillary serous cystadenocarcinoma (invasion of stroma)
Mutations in what genes signal low-grade (well differentiated) serous tumors?
- rarely p53
Mutations in what genes signal high-grade (poorly differentiated) serous tumors?
- p53
- RB
What mutation and serous tumor type is present in those with BRCA mutations?
Most common mutation associated with mucinous tumors?
What disease process is pictured below?

Mucinous cystadenoma
- multicystic
- Columnar cells with apical mucous accumulation

What is pseudomyxoma peritonei?
Mucinous ascites due to mucinous tumor extention into peritoneal cavity
- may obstruct intestines
- death results
- Usually extra-ovarian tumor that spreads to ovaries
What disease process is pictured?

pseudomyxoma peritonei
Endometrioid ovarian tumors
- Histo
- Gene Mutations
- Histo
- have tubular glands that resemble endometrial glands
- Genes
- DNA mismatch repair (CTNNB1)
- TP53
- Similar to those in endometrial endometrioid carcinoma
Clear Cell Adenoma
- Histo
- Gene mutations
- Histo
- large epithelial cells (hobnail)
- abundant clear cytoplasm
- Genes
- TP53
- Similar to those of endometrioid carcinoma
What disease process is pictured below?

Brenner tumor
What are the categories of transitional cell tumors?
- Benign
- Atypical proliferating Brenner tumor
- Borderline
- Malignant Brenner tumor
- benign Brenner nest admixed with malignant cells
- Transitional cell carcinoma
- >50% malignant cells
What disease process is pictured below?

Benign teratoma

What disease process is pictured below?

Struma ovarii
What disease process is pictured below?

Carcinoid teratoma
- Carcinoid elements, origin probably GI
- Typical pattern: organization of nests, these cells secrete 5-hydroxytryptamine
What disease process is pictured below?

Strumal carcinoid teratoma
What disease process is pictured below?

Immature teratoma
- Regions of hemorrhage and necrosis
- Less epithelial growth than mature

What disease process is pictured below?

- Round nuclei
- Uniform shape
- Clear cytoplasm
- Scant stroma, often with lymphocytes

What transcription factors are common to dysgerminomas and seminomas?
- OCT3
- OCT4
What disease process is pictured below?

Yolk sac tumor
- Histo: Schiller-Duval bodies
- looks like glomerulus

What disease process is pictured below?

Choriocarcinoma of ovaries
- Cytotrophoblasts (mononucleated cells)
- Syncytialtrophoblasts (multinucleated)

What mutation is common in granulosa tumors?
What disease process is pictured below?

Granulosa tumor with Call-Exner body shown
- Below, stain for inhibin

What disease process is pictured below?

- Front,
- Large bisected fibroma of the ovary apparent as a white, firm mass .
- Back,
- Thecoma-fibroma composed of plump, differentiated stromal cells with thecal appearance.

What disease process is pictured below?

Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor

What is the effect of Sertoli-Leydig tumors in the following?
- Children
- Women
- Children:
- Block female sexual development
- Women
- defeminization
- breast atrophy
- amenorrhea
- defeminization
- Virilization
What disease process is pictured below?

Krukenberg tumor
- Gastric origin
- “signet-ring cell carcinoma”

- Hilus cell tumors
- Pregnancy luteoma
- Gonadoblastoma
- •Hilus cell tumors (pure Leydig cells)
- •Androgen producing
- •Virulization less than in Sertoli/Leydig cell tumors
- • Pregnancy luteoma
- •Closely resembles corpus luteum
- •Generally produces androgens
- •Gonadoblastoma
- •Immature Sertoli cells and granulosa cells
- •80% phenotypic females
- •20% phenotypic males with undecended testes and female internal secondary organs (pseudohermaphrodites)
- •50% have coexistent dysgerminoma