HEAD AND NECK Flashcards
Origin of Pharyngeal Groove
Origin of Pharyngeal Arches
Origin of Pharyngeal Pouch
Branchial Apparatus I
CLEFT - external auditory meatus ARCH Meckel cartilage incus, malleus, sphenomandibular lig, lingula of mandible maxillary artery trigeminal nerve muscles of mastication, ANT belly of digastric muscle, mylohyoid, tensor tympani and tensor palatini POUCH pharyngotympanic tube
Branchial Apparatus II
CLEFT - overgrows all other arches that eventually obliterates
Reichert cartilage
stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, lesser cornu and part of the hyoid bone
stapedial artery
facial nerve
muscles of facial expression, stapedius muscle, stylohyoid muscle and POST belly of digastric
Branchial Apparatus III
CLEFT - loses contact externally and eventually closes ARCH greater cornu and part of hyoid bone internal carotid artery glossopharyngeal nerve stylopharyngeus muscle POUCH thymus and inferior parathyroid gland
Branchial Apparatus IV
CLEFT - loses externally and eventually closes ARCH laryngeal cartilages aortic arch and subclavian artery vagus nerve (SUP laryngeal branch) cricothyroid, levator palatini and constrictors of pharynx POUCH superior parathyroid gland
Branchial Apparatus V
CLEFT - none existing
ARCH - rudimentary
POUCH - ultimobranchial body
Branchial Apparatus VI
CLEFT - none existing ARCH cricoid cartilage, arytenoid, corniculate and cuneiform R and L pulmonary artery vagus nerve (RECURRENT laryngeal branch) intirinsic muscles of the larynx POUCH none existing
MC facial fracture
Nasal fracture
Manifestations of Nasal Fracture
epistaxis, nasal airway obstruction, alterations in smell, cosmeticdeformity
2nd MC facial fracture
Mandibular fracture
PALATE separated from the MAXILLA
horizontal fracture through maxilla superior to maxillary dentition
Le Fort I
low septal fracture
floating palate
MAXILLA separated from the FACE
pyramidal fracture through maxilla and orbit, outlining the nose
Le Fort II
high septal fracture
violates the orbital rim with risk of INFRAORBITAL NERVE INJURY
floating maxilla
fracture of the facial bones from skull
Le Fort III
entire face moves separately from the cranium
highest rate of CSF leak
floating face
Major Complications of Le Fort Fractures
Facial anesthesia Malocclusion Trismus Globe malposition Vision changes Ectropion Midfacial distortion Nasal obstruction
Rule of 80 for Neck Masses
80% of non thyroid masses - neoplastic 80% of neoplastic masses - males 80% of neoplastic masses - malignant 80% of malignant masses - metastatic 80% of metastatic masses- from primary sites above the clavicle