head 3, 4 Flashcards
temporal fossa boundaries
anterior: frontal process of zygomatic bone
posterior: superior temporal line
lateral: closed by temporalis fascia
inferior: superior margin of zygomatic arch
temporal fossa contents
- temporalis
- superficial temporal artery, vein
- zygomatic and temporal branches of facial nerve
infratemporal fossa: boundaries
anterior: maxilla
posterior: mastoid, styloid processes
medial: lateral pterygoid plate
lateral: ramus of mandible
superior: temporal bone, greater wing of sphenoid
inferior: angle of mandible
arteries in the infratemporal fossa
- maxillary artery
- branches: infraorbital, accessory and middle meningeal, sphenopalatine, deep temporal, superficial temporal, buccal, posterior superior alveolar
maxillary artery course
- branches at lateral pterygoid
- leaves infratemporal fossa, enters pterygopalatine fossa, terminates as infraorbital artery
nerves in infratemporal fossa
- branches of mandibular nerve: buccal, lingual, deep temporal, auriculotemporal, inferior alveolar
- chorda tympani
infratemporal fossa muscles
lateral and medial pterygoid
pterygopalatine fossa boundaries
- between maxilla anteriorly, lateral plate of pterygoid process posteriorly
pterygopalatine fossa arteries, nerves
infraorbital, sphenopalatine arteries
infraorbital nerve
sphenopalatine artery: course
- termination of maxillary artery
- passes thru sphenopalatine foramen to supply conchae, meatuses, paranasal sinuses
pterygopalatine ganglion
- preganglionic parasympathetic fibers from greater petrosal nerve
- postganglionic fibers distributed to lacrimal gland via maxillary, zygomatic, lacrimal nerve
temporomandibular joint components
- fibrocartilaginous disc divides joint into upper and lower synovial cavities
- joint capsule, thickens to form temporomandibular ligament
- mandibular fossa, condyloid process
mandible elevation, depression
- elevated: mouth shut
- depressed: mouth open
temporalis muscle
- in temporal fossa
- elevates, retracts mandible
- innervated by mandibular nerve
- elevates, grinds mandible
- innervated by mandibular nerve
medial pterygoid
- works w/ masseter to move mandible up and laterally
- innervated by mandibular nerve
lateral pterygoid
- protracts mandible, sliding head forward to end up inferior to articular process
- needed to open mandible
- innervated by mandibular nerve
oral cavity: boundaries
- anterior, lateral: cheeks, lips
- superior: soft, hard palate
- inferior: floor of mouth
- posterior: continuous w/ oropharynx
palatine tonsils surrounded by
palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
teeth innervation
- in alveolar process of mandible: inferior alveolar nerve
- in alveolar process of maxilla: superior alveolar nerve, infraorbital nerve
tongue: divided by
- sulcus terminalis: horizontally divides into anterior 2/3, posterior 1/3
- median groove: divides posterior 1/3 in half vertically
pharyngeal/posterior 1/3 of tongue: innervation
glossopharyngeal for both general and special sensory
oral/anterior 2/3 of tongue: innervation
general sensory: lingual
special sensory: facial nerve via chorda tympani
tongue muscles innervation
all innervated by hypoglossal, except palatoglossus