upper extremity 1, 2 Flashcards
the scapular spine separates
the supraspinous and infraspinous fossa
(posterior aspect)
the glenoid cavity articulates with
head of humerus (forms glenohumeral joint)
humerus: surgical neck vs anatomical neck
anatomical separates head from tubercles
surgical neck: inferior to tubercles
the condyle of the humerus is formed by:
anteriorly: coronoid fossa, capitulum, trochlea
posteriorly: olecranon fossa
flexion of elbow: which fossa receives which processes?
coronoid fossa of humerus receives coronoid process of ulna
radial fossa of humerus makes room for radial head
capitulum of humerus articulates with
radial head
extension of elbow: which fossa receives which process?
olecranon fossa of humerus receives olecranon process of ulna
dorsal tubercle: location, function
on radius, acts as pulley for long extensor thumb tendon
trochlear notch: formed by
olecranon and coronoid processes
radial notch: location, function
on ulna, articulates with radial head
radius vs. ulna: diameter
radius: diameter increases distally
ulna: diameter decreases distally
proximal carpals: lateral to medial
scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform
distal carpals: lateral to medial
trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
lymphatic drainage of upper extremity: pathway
superficial: arise from lymphatic plexuses in fingers, palm, dorsum of hand
ascend with superficial veins
basilic: enter cubital lymph nodes, terminate in humeral axillary lymph nodes
cephalic: apical axillary lymph nodes
cephalic vein: pathway
ascends from lateral dorsal venous network
anterior to elbow: communicates with median cubital, passes obliquely across anterior elbow
joins basilic
superiorly: joins terminal aspect of axillary vein
basilic vein: pathway
ascends from medial
merges w/ accompanying veins of brachial artery, forms axillary vein
arteries: pathway from axillary
axillary, brachial
brachial splits into ulnar and radial
descends to palmar arches
periarticular cubital anastomosis: formed by
profunda brachii (branch of brachial artery) posterior to humerus
dermatome pattern
limbs grow as lateral protrusions, with digit one on cranial side
lateral = more cranial than medial
nerve damaged in surgical neck fracture
nerve damaged in spiral fracture of mid-humerus
radial nerve
nerve damaged in medial epicondyle fracture
ulnar nerve
nerve damaged in distal humeral fracture
median nerve
colles fracture: location, structures damaged
dorsally displaced distal radius
ulnar styloid avulsion
pectoralis major: innervation
lateral and medial pectoral nerves
clavicular head (C5, C6)
sternocostal head (C7-T1)
scaphoid fracture: result
avascular necrosis
pectoralis major: function
shoulder adduction, rotation
clavicular head: flexes
sternocostal head: extends