Handover, Takeover & Your Role as Chief Mate Flashcards
Handover & Takeover Procedure, as well as your roles as a Chief Mate (Safety, Security, Environment, Crew Manager etc.)
List the Handover & Takeover Procedure as a Chief Mate…
- Safety Management - SMS Usage
- Certification and Documentation
- Personnel - Suitable Manning
- Emergency Preparedness - Drills
- Shipboard Operations - Cargo Ops and Ballast Ops
- Inspection and Maintenance - PMS and Surveys (Outstanding Issues)
What certificates and documents would you expect to takeover from the reliving Chief Officer?
- Crew Overtime Records
- Hours of Rest & Working Hours Records
- Approved manuals - Stability booklet, IGS, COW, cargo securing manuals, ORB part I & II (if tanker), cargo record book, register lifting appliances & handling gear, approval of loadicator (type & test condition), previous mooring plans, as per MEG4
- Loadicator test results
- Loadicator arr & dep of every port
- Gas instrument servicing
What are your responsibilities as a Chief Officer?
- Assist Master implementing Safety & Environmental Protection Policy
- SMS understood and applied
- Follow systems of work (permits, risk assessments etc.)
- Calculate stability arr & dep & conditions
- Vessel meets flag requirements
- PMS established
- Training of crew
What are your roles as a Chief Officer?
- Safety Officer
- Security Officer
- Environmental Officer
- Stability Officer
- Cargo Management
- Crew Management
- Maintenance (Deck)
- Purchasing
- Compliance
- Safe Navigational Watch
What are your duties as a Safety Officer?
- Compliance of the SMS
- Safety inspections of the vessel
- Reporting deficiencies & non-conformities
- Increasing awareness of safety to crew
- Act on crew safety concerns
- Maintain records of accidents, training
- Training of crew
- Report and liase to Master anything to related to safety of the ship and crew
What UK Legilsation states the roles of the Safety Officer?
Merchant Shipping (Health & Safety at Work) Regulations 1997
What are your duties as a Security Officer?
- Reporting to the Master & CSO
- Ship & crew operate according to SSP
- Maintain security at all times
- Train crew with security related duties
- Contact with PFSO at port facilities
- Liaise anything to the PFSO that could risk the vessel
Where would find your responsibilities as a Chief Officer?
SMS (duties, responsibilities)
As a Safety Officer, how would you and the Master implement safety on board?
From the Health & Safety Act 1997 & company SMS procedures:
- AWARENESS: induction, training, record keeping
- IMPLEMENTATION: risk assessments, procedures, safe systems of work (PTW, tool-box talks)
- REVIEW: investigations, meetings, committee
What are the principles to ensure health & safety on board?
- Avoidance of taking risks
- Evaluate unavoidable risks
- Adopt safe systems of work
- Provide updated & relevant information to crew
- Constantly update and improve procedures
When must a safety officer be appointed on UK vessels?
Any merchant vessel (not fishing) carrying 5 or more seafarers
Not advisable to be either Master or Medical Officer
When must you have a safety committee onboard and who should be part of it?
Any merchant vessel carrying 5 or more seafarers
Should include Master, Safety Officer and any other persons elected covering all departments
What documents would a Deck Officer need to have before taking duties?
- Passport
- Visas
- Vaccines
- Discharge Book
- CoC or CEC with CRA (Confirmation of Receipt of Application)
- Medical (ENG1)
- Basic STCW (Survival Techniques, PSSR, First Aid, Fire, Security Awareness / Security Duties)
- Advanced STCW (Medical First Aid, Fire Fighting, PSC & RB, Radar & ARPA Management, ECDIS (generic & type specific))
What documents would a Engineer Officer need to have before taking duties?
- Passport
- Visas
- Vaccines
- Discharge Book
- CoC OR CEC with a CRA (Confirmation of Receipt of Application)
- Medical (ENG1)
- Basic STCW (Survival Techniques, PSSR, First Aid, Fire, Security Awareness / Security Duties)
- Advanced STCW (Medical First Aid, Fire Fighting, PSC & RB, High Voltage training)
What documents would a Deck Rating (AB, Nav Watch Rating, Rating) need to have before taking duties?
- Passport
- Visas
- Vaccines
- Discharge Book
- AB Certificate
- Nav Watch Rating Certificate
- Medical (ENG1)
- Basic STCW (Survival Techniques, PSSR, First Aid, Fire, Security Awareness / Security Duties, PSC & RB)
What documents would a Engine Rating (Motorman, Fitter, GP1) need to have before taking duties?
- Passport
- Visas
- Vaccines
- Discharge Book
- Certificate of Proficiency Able Seafarer (Engine Room)
- Certificate of Proficiency Watch Rating (Engine Room)
- Certificate of Proficiency Electro Technical Rating (Engine Room)
- Medical (ENG1)
- Basic STCW (Survival Techniques, PSSR, First Aid, Fire, Security Awareness / Security Duties, PSC & RB)
What documents would a Ship’s Cook need to have before taking duties?
- Passport
- Visas
- Vaccines
- Discharge Book
- Ships Cook Certificate
- Medical (ENG1)
- Basic STCW (Survival Techniques, PSSR, First Aid, Fire, Security Awareness / Security Duties, PSC & RB)
- Food Safety in Catering
- Cultural and Religious Catering Requirements
- Dietary Requirements of Shift Workers