Guinea Pig Medicine Flashcards
What is the Sereny test?
Tests invasiveness of enteroinvasive E coli, Shigella, and Listeria. Done by inoculating suspension of bacteria into G pig eye.
What is the Ames test?
Uses bacteria to test whether a chemical can cause mutations in DNA of test organism. Biologic assay.
What is the genus and species of a guinea pig?
Cavia porcellus
What is the vertebral formula of a guinea pig?
C7, T13 (T14), L6, S2 (3), CD 4(6)
Guinea pigs (like NW monkeys, ferrets, and people) are considered to be corticosteroid-resistant because steroid administration is not associated with changes in thymic physiology or peripheral lymphocyte counts. T or F
G Pigs have laryngeal ventricles. T or F
G Pig right lung as 4 lobes and left lung has 3 lobes. T or F
Right (Cranial, middle, caudal, accessory).
Left (cranial, middle caudal)
What is the dental formula of G pigs?
20 teeth 2( I 1/1, C 0/0, PM 1/1, M 3/3)
What is the hole in the soft palate called?
palatal ostium
Name the salivary glands in a G pig
parotid, mandibular, sublingual, molar
Unlike rats, mice, and hamsters, what due guinea pigs lack in the GI tract?
There is no non-glandular portion of the stomach
Gastric pH and SI pH
gastric 2.9, SI 6.4-7.4
How many dietary B vitamins due guinea pigs require?
7 of 10 vs rabbits (3 of 10)
Explain the mucus trap strategy?
Bacteria in colon trapped in mucus without food particles, and returned to cecum by antiperistalsis.
vs rabbits “wash back strategy” of bacteria, solutes, food and water (not mucus).
GI flora of G pigs is similar in rabbits and comprised of what type of bacteria?
gram positive, anaerobic
Name accessory sex glands in males (boars)
vesicular glands, prostate, coagulating glands, and bulbourethral glands.
Name the pouch next to urethral opening.
Intromittent sac
Why do g pigs require vitamin c (ascorbic acid)
They lack L-gulonolactone oxidase, an enxyme involved in synthesis of ascorib acid from glucose.
What dose of ascorbic acid is required?
adults 10-25 mg/kg/day
breeding females 30 mg/kg/day
Natural Vit C is oxidized (lost) in foods in what length of time
90 days.
Stabilized vit C (L-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate) lasts for how long in diets
6 months (or longer in dry conditions at 70 degrees).
What foods are high in ascorbic acid?
red and green peppers, tomatoes, kiwi, oranges, broccoli
Guinea pigs prefer to drink from open bowls compared to nipple drinkers. T or F
List the ages of g pigs at puberty
Males 3 mos, Females 2 mos
Length of estrus in females
15-17 days
Post partum estrus occurs how long after parturition?
2-10 hrs
How long is estrus?
6-11 hrs
Length of gestation?
65-71 days
The pubic symphysis produces a gap of 15mm-25mm about 2 days prior to parturition. T or F
Do g pig pups require sow’s milk for the first 5 days of life?
At what age are g pigs weaned?
21 days (they are precocious)
What is the blood volume of g pigs?
70 ml/kg/bw
Hypocholesterolemia is common in g pigs. T or F
False (Hypercholesterolemia is common)
What is a Kurloff cell?
Unique leukocyte of g pigs that is mononuclear and resembles a lymphocyte but has round or ovoid inclusions (kurloff bodies) that may have antileukemia activity.
What is the normal daily water intake?
100 ml/kg/day
Common treatment of GI stasis in g pigs?
buprenorphine (0.2mg/kg oral-transmucosal q4hrs)
Administration of antibiotics may cause overgrowth of what gram negative bacteria?
Clostridium difficile, resulting in diarrhea and hemorrhagic typhlitis
What causes Tyzzer’s disease and how is it transmitted?
Clostridium piliforme; fecal-oral
Necropsy lesions of Tyzzer’s disease?
intestinal inflammation and focal hepatic necrosis
Causes of bacterial enteritis
Salmonella typhimurium and S. enteritidis (zoonotic)
Necropsy lesions of Salmonella dz
enlarged spleen and liver, yellow necrotic foci on viscera
What bacteria causes abscessation of intestine, liv er, and regional lymph nodes?
Yersinia spp
in weanlings, what bacteria causes wasting, depression and death with yellow fluids in intestines?
E coli
What parasite causes failure to gain weight, weight loss, and diarreha in weanlings and immunosuppressed animals?
Cryptosprodium wrairi
Name three common GI parasites?
Eimeria caviae, Balantidium caviae, and Paraspidodera unicinata
What causes purulent bronchopneumonia often involving consolidated lung lobes and fibrinosupporative pleuritis? May also cause otitis media, encephalitis, metritis, abortions and death.
Bordetella bronchiseptica (gram negative rod)
Treatment for bordetella bronchiseptica
Trimethoprim/sulfa and florfenicol
What serotypes of Streptococus pneumoniae cause disease in guinea pigs?
Serotypes III, IV, and XIX
What clinical signs to S pneumoniae cause?
bronchopneumonia, fibrinopurulent pleuritis, pericarditis
What bacteria is commonly associated with urolithiasis?
Corynebacterium renale
What is the most common composition of uroliths?
calcium carbonate
What can be used to reduce urinary calcium levels?
Potassium citrate
What negative side effect does potassium citrate cause?
What two types of ovarian cysts occur?
Serous (cystic rete ovarii; non-functional), and Hormone producing foliccular cysts.
Follicular cysts are associated with what condition?
Bilaterally siymmetric nonpruritic flank alopecia.
What is a common treatment for follicular cysts?
GnRH and hCG to induce surge of LH: 25ug q14 days x 2 injections
Most common uterine tumor?
Uterine leiomyomas
Most dystocias in sows occur when first bred after what age?
8-12 mos.
Common cause of dermatophytosis?
Trichophyton mentagrophytes and T benhamiae, then Microsporum canis
What is the fur mite of guinea pigs?
Chirodiscoides caviae (elgonated body with triangular rostrum) First to pairs of limbs are hooked.
What is a skin mite (mange) of g pigs?
Sarcoptic mite (Trixacarus caviae): oval with triangular scale on back without spikes. The anus is dosral in the female, and the rostrum is pentagonal. Sucker at tip of nonarticulated pedicle
Name common lice of g pigs?
Gliricola porcelli (elongated and thin abdomen, two antenae, dimple, two maxillary palps. Gyropus ovalis (oval abdomne), two antennas, dimple in head and two maxillary palps. Each limb has a claw.
What is used to treat ectoparasites in g pigs?
Ivermectin (q14 days x 4), or selamectin (single dose)
Most common skin neoplasm of g pigs?
Trichofolliculoma (dorsal rump with coccygeal gland)
Mammary gland neoplasias are most prevalent in females? T or F
False (males more prevalent) Up to 75% malignant (adenocarcinomas)
Lack of Vitamin C results in what?
Defective type IV collagen, laminin, and elastin resulting in joint and gingival hemorrhages (scurvy)
30% Satin guinea pigs develop which disease by 1yr of age?
Fibrinous Osteodystrophy
Fibrinous Osteodystrophy is caused by?
Primary/secondary hyperparathyroidism and causes increased osteoclastic bone resorption replaced by fibrous tissue.
Fibrinous osteodystorphy closely resembles what disease?
Hypovitaminosis C
What is the treatment in non guinea pigs to reduce osteoclastic activity and bone pain often seen with hypovitaminosis C or Fibrinous osteodystrophy?
Bisphosphonates, but not treatment guinea pigs. Poor prognosis.
Common skin mite that causes severe pruritus that results in seizures?
T. caviae
Arenavirus that causes meningitis and hind-limb paralysis
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV)- more common in mice, hamsters, chincillas
Disease that causes lymphocytic infiltrates in choroid plexus, ependyma, and meningies
What condition causes “pea eye” or “fatty eye” in American shorthairs?
hypertrophy of lacrimal or zygomatic glands, and increased fat deposits in conjunctiva.
Incidental finding of white lesion at limbus
Heterotopic Calcification of ciliary body
What constitutes Whipple’s triad?
symptoms hypoglycemia, documented hypoglycemia, response to treatment from glucose (associated with insulinoma)
Treatment for insulinoma?
diazoxide bid, or steroids for gluconeogenesis
Diabetes treatment
No insulin necessary. Low-fat, high fiber diet recommended.
Most common endocrine disorder in guinea pigs?
Hyperthyroidism (>3yrs age)
Causes of hyperthyroidism in guinea pigs?
thyroid hyperplasia, adenoma, and carcinoma.
Clinical signs of hyperthyroidism
weight loss, PU/PD, hyperactivity, nervousness, soft feces or diarrhea, heart murmur, arrhythmia
Treatment for hyperthyroidism guinea pigs
Radioactive Iodine- 131
Treatment for cushings (hyperadrenocorticism)
Trilostane, adrenalectomy
What bacteria causes cervical lymphadenitis
Streptococcus equi, subsp zooepidemicus
Epitheliotropic T-cell Lymphoma can present with pruritic alopecia and scaling. T or F
Type-C retrovirus in laboratory guinea pigs causes what disease?
Cavian leukemia
Treatment for Type-C retrovirus?
Prednisolone SID for 24 days, or lomustine every 21 days.
What does a paurangiotic fundus mean?
Vessels only near optic nerve. Similar to squid.
What tear test should be used to determine tear production?
phenol red thread tear test
Primary cause of conjunctivitis in G pigs with mild chemosis, ocular discharge, and follicle formation.
Chlamydia caviae
What condition causes conjunctivitis with flaky discharge?
Vitamin C deficiency
Primary cause of conjunctival masses in guinea pigs