Growth, puberty and adolescence Flashcards
what is EAR
estimated average requirement
what is RNI
reference nutrient intake
set at 2SD above the estimated average requirement
therefore likely to meet the needs of 97.5% of population
what is standard deviation SD
measure of variability
what is the z-score
number of SD from the mean
you need more than 1 measurement to determine a normal growth rate, true or false
what is a centile space
distance between 2 centile lines
how many phases does a height velocity graph have
babies –> nutrition
children –> GH
Puberty –> sex steroid hormones
what happens for puberty to occur
increase in GnRH secretion by the hypothalamus causing a pulsatile increase in LH secretion leading to development of secondary sexual characteristics
what is the average age of puberty onset in girls and boys
girls - 11yo (anything >8)
boys - 11.5yo (anything >9)
what system is used to stage puberty
Tanner staging
what does Tanner staging measure in boys and girls
boys - testicular volume (orchidometer)
girls - breast size
what testicular volume would be considered as entering puberty
> 4ml
what is the order of onset of the following features of puberty in girls
thelarche, menarche and adrenarche
thelarche - breast budding
adrenarche - pubic then axillary hair and odour
menarche - periods starting
what is thelarche
breast budding
what is adrenarche
body hair and odour