Groups Flashcards
Chapter 8 ,9
Guess what the fricken audience effect is?
The impact the presence of others has on your task performance .
Whats cognitive dissonance?
An inner conflict between your attitudes / beliefs and your actions or behaviour.
- A group is emotionally binding it’s group members to the group and creating therefor a sense of unity and oneness.
Communication network
- rules in a group that point out how the communication works in a group according to the groups hierarchy.
Coordination loss
- Problems with the coordination of the behaviour in a group leads to worse performance. As a group and individually.
Correspondence bias
- people have the tendency to look at the behaviour of others as it would directly correspond with a deeper underlying attitude of them.
Diffuse status characteristics
- a persons abilities entering a group are not particularly helpful to the group, but are shaped by the outgroup he has been with
Distraction conflict theory
- if other humans are in the room it creates a conflict between fulfilling the task you are doing and interacting with the other humans.
Drive theory
- A theory from a Mr. Zajonc that states that the presence of others gives us the motivation to act in certain patterns of behaviour when being with others.
- property of a group that makes it look like it’s united and coherent and has an own identity.
Why the heck do we need a long word like Ethnomethodology?
- Garfinkel’s theory that a groups hidden norms become visible through the violation of those norms.
Whats the evaluation apprehension model?
- Evaluation apprehension model argues, that humans have learnt to change their behaviour in the presence of others because they have learnt to be evaluated.
Is the expectation states theory according to your expectations?
- The expectation states theory that people get certain roles in groups according to their status and therefor assumed abilities / performances.
Free rider effect ?
- enjoying the membership of a group without any costs
- two or more persons identifying with the same opinions and beliefs. share a definition or themselves, and act according to that definition .
Group socialisation
- dynamic group relationship that describes the process of a member that climbs up a latter of success due to her/ his commitment .
Group structure
- dividing a group into different roles with different status and prestige .
What are initiation rites ?
- painful / embarrassing rites of marking the downgrade of a group member from one role to another.
Whats the mere presence?
- a shitty audience. Only physically present, but not actively responding.
Norms - are there any?
- attitudinal and behavioural unity that define the membership of one group and differentiate it to another.
What is Personal attraction ?
- liking someone because of your individual sympathy towards that person and because of a relationship to that person.
A Process loss?
- the group performance got worse but individual performances stay high.
- inferences about why this loss is there are being made among all the group members.
The Ringelmann effect ?
- Mr Ringelman discovered, that ones effort he puts in a group shrinks the bigger the group gets.
What Roles do we play?
- different behaviour patterns that differ among the members of group but serve all the group good.
Schism .- no fantasy language but actually?
- dividing a group into its subgroups again and marking that they all have different ideologies and slightly different norms.
Ouuu Social attraction ?
- being attracted to someone because he is in the same group as you are and is an ideal prototype of that group.
Name the different types of leaders that exist ?
- democratic leader - charismatic leadership
- laissez faire leader
- autocratic leader
What are the big five personality traits ?
- extraversion , surgency, agreeableness , openness to new experiences, conscientiousness, emotional stability
Contingency theory ? Who needs that?
- theory that states, that the nature of a leadership situation is dependent on the situation the group is in .
cultural values theory
- people take opinions from their group members over concerning certain society relevant positions / topics and adapt them then to the cultural norm to gain approval.
Distributive justice
- how fair the outcome of a decision is .
A Glass Ceiling ? What role does it play here ?
- women cant reach top positions
Great Person theory- what a creative name
- effective leadership is only possible if the leader has certain characteristics.