Articles & Experiments Flashcards
Short summing up of Articles and Experiments
Rating people when it you feel hot and crowded.
- students had to rate the attractiveness on others
- they rated mostly similar students as rather attractive .
- the stressors heat and crowded did have an impact on the rating - rating more negatively when feeling badly.
Experiment about how we perceive faces and which ones we find most attractive .
- there are four standard faces that we feel most attracted to , due to the average face theory.
Excitement and attraction on suspension attraction P. 611
Mental Support in relationships P.616
Maintaining long term relationships 618
Paradoxical effect of thought suppression - white bear
- if we suppress our thoughts we produce an obsession or preoccupation against it . –> also referred to in the self control theory
The Rebound effect = suppressing of a thought makes it come back stronger.
The man who wasn’t
there: Subliminal social
comparison standards
influence self evaluation
- we always tend to compare ourselves to others , no matter if we are exposed to a standard or an extreme.
- findings still show that we tend to think we are as the standard when being exposed to it and different to the extreme when being opposed to it.
- -> this goes hand in hand with the social comparison theory . We tend to compare ourselves only to explicit persons . Choose our comparison.
Why we post selfies - understanding the motivation of posting pictures of oneself . What are the 5 reasons to post selfies ?
- Communication
- Archiving
- Attention seeking
- Entertainment
- Narcissism
- -> helps one to validate the self perception through the validation of others.
With malice towards none and charity towards some.
- Ingroup favouritism enables discrimination
- more often it is ingroup favouritism than outgroup hostility that cause discrimination
- -> rooted in the balance theory ( Heider) , Balanced self theory , Justification theory, Conformity , Prejudice and Discrimination.
prejudice towards gay men and need for physical cleaning
- differences in gender in terms of discrimination towards gay men
- women have less prejudices / negative stereotypes
- heterosexuals feel the need to clean themselves after having imagined physical contact with a gay men .
–> Gay men are identified with illnesses / bad hygiene
Behavioural immune system : groups that are identified with illnesses and bad hygiene are more likely to be judged by others / avoided / regarded with disgust.
Mood as a resource of dealing with health recommendations.
- study on how smokers are influenced by their mood, concerning their willingness to change their smoking behaviour in regards to health recommendations.
- study aims for the participants effective self regulation.
- health recommendations are more effective when the people are in a good mood
- they accept their bad and good sides and are more capable of keeping themselves out of trouble. Extensive coping behaviour.
Smokers - best processed under pos mood
non Smokers- best processed under neg mood
Lané and Darleys three in one experiment
The Bystander effect was tested in 5 conditions , it referred to how long it takes people to call for help if they see a person collapsing .
1 Alone
2 diffused responsibility
3 diffused responsibility and the one seeing the other
4 diffused responsibility and audience effect
5 Both see each other
Other Lané and Darleys experiments ?
smoke in the questionnaire room
lady in distress
he’s having a fit
life/ death vs everyday situations
- people are generally more likely to help close kin
- people are more likely to help sick persons when they are in everyday life situations
- when they are in perilous situations rather healthy persons
women vs men empathising with distressed teenagers
- when having prior experiences women show an increased empathising with distressed teenagers .
reward and punishment on the child helping behaviour
- modelling and reinforcement have a strong effect on the child . - tokens given to poor child from an adult
afterwards reinforced or “ punished “ for given the token
motorist experiment
modelling theory confirmed
erotic video experiment
- no video , video , erotic video
- men who watched the erotic video where way more likely to help a women in need .
What was the basis of lanes and Darleys smoke experiment ?
- the Kitty Genovese murder.