Group 8: Letter E-F Flashcards
experience /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ [Reg]
I experience - we experience you experience - you experience he experiences - they experience she experiences it experiences
1) undergo, encounter
explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ [Reg]
I explain - we explain you explain - you explain he explains - they explain she explains it explains
1) engage in giving reasons
2) give the cause of / reason for
3) make, clear give details about
expose /ɪkˈspoʊz/ [Reg]
I expose - we expose you expose - you expose he exposes - they expose she exposes it exposes
1) leave unprotected from
2) cause to be affected/influenced by
3) display, make visible, reveal
express /ɪkˈsprɛs/ [Reg]
I express - we express you express - you express he expresses - they express she expresses it expresses
1) state, convey
2) send[something] by rapid delivery
extend /ɪkˈstɛnd/ [Reg]
I extend - we extend you extend - you extend he extends - they extend she extends it extends
1) stretch, continue, include
2) stretch, lengthen, enlarge, prolong
3) offer, give
face /feɪs/ [Reg]
I face - we face you face - you face he faces - they face she faces it faces
1) turn/ be oriented in a certain direction
2) turn/be oriented toward
3) comfort/ deal with (something)
fail /feɪl/ [Reg]
I fail - we fail you fail - you fail he fails - they fail she fails it fails
1) weaken, decline
2) be unsuccessful
3) stop working, break down
4) not earn a passing grade in/on
fall /fɔl/ [Reg]
I fall - we fall you fall - you fall he falls - they fall she falls it falls
1) drop, downward
2) become lower/weaker/less
3) be wounded/killed in battle
favor /ˈfeɪvər/ [Reg]
I favor - we favor you favor - you favor he favors - they favor she favors it favors
1) prefer, like
2) consider most likely to win
3) help, facilitate
4) treat, gently
fear /fɪr/ [Reg]
I fear - we fear you fear - you fear he fears - they fear she fears it fears
1) be afraid of, worry about
feed /fid/ [Irr]
I feed - we feed you feed - you feed he feeds - they feed she feeds it feeds
1) eat
2) supply (food/materials)
3) give food to, supply materials to
4) send (an electric current, a signal)
feel /fil/ [Irr]
I feel - we feel you feel - you feel he feels - they feel she feels it feels
1) perceive oneself to be
2) have an emotion/opinion
3) seem to the sense of touch
fight /faɪt/ [Irr]
I fight - we fight you fight - you fight he fights - they fight she fights it fights
1) engage in combat/argument
2) contend/struggle against, oppose
3) wage, be engaged in
figure /ˈfɪgjər/ [Reg]
I figure - we figure you figure - you figure he figures - they figure she figures it figures
1) be just ads expected
2) calculate, estimate
3) believe, expect
4) likely
file /faɪl/ [Reg]
I file - we file you file - you file he files - they file she files it files
1) catalog and store something
2) put into official records
3) send [copy] to a newspaper
fill /fɪl/ [Reg]
I fill - we fill you fill - you fill he fills - they fill she fills it fills
1) become full
2) put as much as possible into, make full
3) occupy all of
find /faɪnd/ [Irr]
I find - we find you find - you find he finds - they find she finds it finds
1) discover, come upon by chance
2) consider
finish /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ [Reg]
I finish - we finish you finish - you finish he finishes - they finish she finishes it finishes
1) complete an activity/event
2) come to an end
3) bring to and end, complete
fire /ˈfaɪər/ [Reg]
I fire - we fire you fire - you fire he fires - they fire she fires it fires
1) begin to burn
2) discharge (of a weapon)
3) shoot, launch
4) inspire, arouse
fit /fɪt/ [Irr/reg]
I fit - we fit you fit - you fit he fits - they fit she fits it fits
1) be the right size and shape
2) be accommodated
3) be the right size and shape for
4) be appropriate/suitable for
fix /fɪks/ [Reg]
I fix - we fix you fix - you fix he fixes - they fix she fixes it fixes
1) repair, mend
2) make stable
3) direct and hold, focus
4) determine, establish
flee /fli/ [Irr]
I flee - we flee you flee - you flee he flees - they flee she flees it flees
1) move/run away from danger/unpleasantness, escape
2) move away swiftly, vanish
3) run away from
fling /flɪŋ/ [Irr]
I fling - we fling you fling - you fling he flings - they fling she flings it flings
1) move suddenly, scatter
2) throw, reckless
3) cast, throw
flow /floʊ/ [Reg]
I flow - we flow you flow - you flow he flows - they flow she flows it flows
1) move freely
2) proceed smoothly
3) hang loosely
4) come from as a source
fly /flaɪ/ [Irr]
I fly - we fly you fly - you fly he flies - they fly she flies it flies
1) move through the air
2) travel by aircraft
3) wave/float in the air
4) move/spread/go/pass quickly
follow /ˈfɑloʊ/ [Reg]
I follow - we follow you follow - you follow he follows - they follow she follows it follows
1) come/go after/behind
2) occur as a result
3) come/go after/behind
forbid /fərˈbɪd/ [Irr]
I forbid - we forbid you forbid - you forbid he forbids - they forbid she forbids it forbids
1) prohibit, not allow