Group 2: Letter A-B Flashcards
appear /əˈpɪr/ [Reg]
I appear - we appear you appear - you appear he appears - they appear she appears it appears
1) come in into sight/experience
2) come before the public
3) go before an official body
apply /əˈplaɪ/ [Reg]
I apply - we apply you apply - you apply he applies - they apply she applies it applies
1) be pertinent/relevant
2) request admission
3) have to do with
appoint /əˈpɔɪnt / [Reg]
I appoint - we appoint you appoint - you appoint he appoints - they appoint she appoints it appoints
1) designate for an office/position
approach /əˈproʊʧ/ [Reg]
I approach - we approach you approach - you approach he approaches - they approach she approaches it approaches
1) come near
2) make a proposal to
3) be almost the same as
approve /əˈpruv/ [Reg]
I approve - we approve you approve - you approve he approves - they approve she approves it approves
1) accept as satisfactory
2) take a favorable view
3) give consent to
argue /ˈɑrgju/ [Reg]
I argue - we argue you argue - you argue he argues - they argue she argues it argues
1) disagree, quarrel
2) debate
3) assert, try to prove by giving reasons
arise /əˈraɪz/ [Irr]
I arise - we arise you arise - you arise he arises - they arise she arises it arises
1) get out of bed
2) stand/spring up, move upward
3) come into being
4) originate
Note: The verb arise is interchangeable with “rise” in most meanings and uses.
arm /ɑrm/ [Reg]
I arm - we arm you arm - you arm he arms - they arm she arms it arms
1) equip with weapons
2) prepare for use, activate
arrange /əˈreɪnʤ/ [Reg]
I arrange - we arrange you arrange - you arrange he arranges - they arrange she arranges it arranges
1) put in a certain order
2) plan, cause something to happen
3) adapt a musical composition for other voices or instruments
arrive /əˈraɪv/ [Reg]
I arrive - we arrive you arrive - you arrive he arrives - they arrive she arrives it arrives
1) reach a destination
2) make an appearance
3) come finally
4) achieve success/fame
5) reach by traveling
ask /æsk/ [Reg]
I ask - we ask you ask - you ask he asks - they ask she asks it asks
1) inquire about
2) invite
assist /əˈsɪst/ [Reg]
I assist - we assist you assist - you assist he assists - they assist she assists it assists
1) help out
2) provide support/aid to
associate /əˈsoʊsiət/ [Reg]
I associate - we associate you associate - you associate he associates - they associate she associates it associates
1) be friendly, spend time
2) form an alliance
3) make a connection between
4) be caused by [USED IN THE PASSIVE]
assume /əˈsum/ [Reg]
I assume - we assume you assume - you assume he assumes - they assume she assumes it assumes
1) take [responsibility for]
2) pretend to have
3) suppose [something] to be true, for granted
assure /əˈʃʊr/ [Reg]
I assure - we assure you assure - you assure he assures - they assure she assures it assures
1) guarantee
2) cause to feel sure, promise
attach /əˈtæʧ/ [Reg]
I attach - we attach you attach - you attach he attaches - they attach she attaches it attaches
1) fasten
2) form an emotional link
3) attribute
4) assign temporarily
5) take by legal authority
attack /əˈtæk/ [Reg]
I attack - we attack you attack - you attack he attacks - they attack she attacks it attacks
1) make an assault
2) assault physically/verbally
3) begin to work on vigorously
attempt /əˈtɛmpt/ [Reg]
I attempt - we attempt you attempt - you attempt he attempts - they attempt she attempts it attempts
1) try to do/ accomplish
attend /əˈtɛnd/ [Reg]
I attend - we attend you attend - you attend he attends - they attend she attends it attends
1) be present at a meeting/ programs
2) be present at [a meeting, program]
3) assist, care for
4) take care of, apply oneself
attract /əˈtrækt/ [Reg]
I attract - we attract you attract - you attract he attracts - they attract she attracts it attracts
1) cause to come nearer
2) arouse by appeal to interest/emotion
avoid /əˈvɔɪd/ [Reg]
I avoid - we avoid you avoid - you avoid he avoids - they avoid she avoids it avoids
1) keep away from
2) refrain from
awake(n) /əˈweɪk(ɛn)/ [Reg/Irr]
I awake - we awake you awake - you awake he awakes - they awake she awakes it awakes
1) quit sleeping
2) arouse from sleeping
3) stir up
Note: Awake and awaken have the same meanings and uses. “Wake” is used with “up”, but awake, awaken, and waken are not.
back /bæk/ [Reg]
I back - we back you back - you back he backs - they back she backs it backs
1) go backward
2) cause something to go backward
3) support
4) put [something] on the back of
5) bet on
base /beɪs/ [Reg]
I base - we base you base - you base he bases - they base she bases it bases
1) establish [a decision/course of action/opinion]
2) locate the headquarters of
3) station [military]
be /bi/ [Irr]
I am - we are you are - you are he is - they are she is it is
1) exist
2) have the identity, properly, or a characteristic of
bear /bɛr/ [Irr]
I bear - we bear you bear - you bear he bears - they bear she bears it bears
1) produce
2) go
3) carry
4) support
5) be accountable for
beat /bit/ [Reg]
I beat - we beat you beat - you beat he beats - they beat she beats it beats
1) strike repeatedly
2) mix by stirring
3) defeat, win
4) be better than