Group 14: P-R Flashcards
precede /prɪˈsid/ [Reg]
I precede - we precede you precede - we precede he precedes - they precede she precedes it precedes
1) happen, come/go before
2) introduce/ preface
prefer /prəˈfɜr/ [Reg]
I prefer - we prefer you prefer - you prefer he prefers - they prefer she prefers it prefers
1) like, better
2) formally bring [a charge] in court
prepare /priˈpɛr/ [Reg]
I prepare - we prepare you prepare - you prepare he prepares - they prepare she prepares it prepares
1) make ready
2) get ready, make oneself ready
present /ˈprɛzənt/ [Reg]
I present - we present you present - you present he presents - they present she presents it presents
1) introduce
2) deliver
3) display
4) describe
preserve /prəˈzɜrv/ [Reg]
I preserve - we preserve you preserve - you preserve he preserves - they preserve she preserves it preserves
1) save, protect from harm/damage/destruction
2) keep, (food), from decaying by canning/freezing
press /prɛs/ [Reg]
I press - we press you press - you press he presses - they press she presses it presses
1) try too hard
2) push (on) with steady force
3) crowd, push closely together
4) make smooth/flat
prevail /prɪˈveɪl/ [Reg]
I prevail - we prevail you prevail - you prevail he prevails - they prevail she prevails it prevails
1) be dominant/widespread
2) be successful, win out
3) persuade, get (to do)
prevent /prɪˈvɛnt/ [Reg]
I prevent - we prevent you prevent - you prevent he prevents - they prevent she prevents it prevents
1) stop from happening
2) stop
print /prɪnt/ [Reg]
I print - we print you print - you print he prints - they print she prints it prints
1) write in block letters
2) work/function as a printer
3) produce (text/images on paper) using a printing press
proceed /prəˈsid/ [Reg]
I proceed - we proceed you proceed - you proceed he proceeds - they proceed she proceeds it proceeds
1) go ahead, continue
2) go in after stopping for a while
3) begin and continue (to do)
produce /ˈproʊdus/ [Reg]
I produce - we produce you produce - you produce he produces - they produce she produces it produces
1) show satisfactory results
2) bear/yield food
3) make, create, manufacture
4) supply
promise /ˈprɑməs/ [Reg]
I promise - we promise you promise - you promise he promises - they promise she promises it promises
1) assure (that something will happen)
2) pledge
3) give a reason to expect
promote /prəˈmoʊt/ [Reg]
I promote - we promote you promote - you promote he promotes - they promote she promotes it promotes
1) raise to a higher rank/level/ position
2) encourage, actively support
3) give publicity to
propose /prəˈpoʊz/ [Reg]
I propose - we propose you propose - you propose he proposes - they propose she proposes it proposes
1) suggest for consideration
2) ask to marry one
3) intend, plan
protect /prəˈtɛkt/ [Reg]
I protect - we protect you protect - you protect he protects - they protect she protects it protects
1) keep, safe from harm/damage/loss
prove /pruv/ [Irr/Reg]
I prove - we prove you prove - you prove he proves - they prove she proves it proves
1) demonstrate that something is true/ correct
2) turn out (to be)
provide /prəˈvaɪd/ [Reg]
I provide - we provide you provide - you provide he provides - they provide she provides it provides
1) supply
2) state
publish /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ [Reg]
I publish - we publish you publish - you publish he publishes - they publish she publishes it publishes
1) prepare, print, and distribute (books, magazines)
2) have one’s writing printed in a book
pull /pʊl/ [Reg]
I pull - we pull you pull - you pull he pulls - they pull she pulls it pulls
1) drag, tow something
2) move
3) cause to move
purchase /ˈpɜrʧəs/ [Reg]
I purchase - we purchase you purchase - you purchase he purchases - they purchase she purchases it purchases
1) buy
2) acquire/achieve by sacrifice
pursue /pərˈsu/ [Reg]
I pursue -we pursue you pursue - you pursue he pursues - they pursue she pursues it pursues
1) chase/follow in order to catch/attack
2) continue to work to achieve
3) carry further, continue
push /pʊʃ/ [Reg]
I push - we push you push - you push he pushes - they push she pushes it pushes
1) shove, crowd forward
2) press (against) something
3) cause to move ahead of one
4) press
put /pʊt/ [Irr]
I put - we put you put - you put he puts - they put she puts it puts
1) place, set
2) insert
3) cause to be in a certain condition/state
4) express, say
question /ˈkwɛsʧən/ [Reg]
I question - we question you question - you question he questions - they question she questions it questions
1) request, information from, ask
2) doubt, object to
quit /kwɪt/ [Irr]
I quit - we quit you quit - you quit he quits - they quit she quits it quits
1) stop functioning
2) stop working at the end of a work
3) resign from a job
quote /kwoʊt/ [Reg]
I quote - we quote you quote - you quote he quotes - they quote she quotes it quotes
1) repeat another’s words/writing
2) draw on or make an illustration to previous work
raise /reɪz/ [Reg]
I raise - we raise you raise - you raise he raises - they raise she raises it raises
1) lift, move to a higher position/level
2) increase the amount/ strength of
3) cause to grow (plants, animals)
4) bring up (children)