Group 17: Letter S Flashcards
send /sɛnd/ [Irr]
I send - we send you send - you send he sends - they send she sends it sends
1) mail, dispatch
2) cause to go/be carried
separate /ˈsɛprət/ [Reg]
I separate - we separate you separate - you separate he separates - they separate she separates it separates
1) move/go/break apart
2) stop living together
3) cause to move / be apart, divide
serve /sɜrv/ [Reg]
I serve - we serve you serve - you serve he serves - they serve she serves it serves
1) perform a duty/service/obligation
2) provide food/drink
3) hit a ball over a net to begin play
set /sɛt/ [Irr]
I set - we set you set - you set he sets - they set she sets it sets
1) sink below the horizon
2) become solid/rigid
3) put, lay
settle /ˈsɛtəl/ [Reg]
I settle - we settle you settle - you settle he settles - they settle she settles it settles
1) come to an agreement
2) sink gradually
3) pay ( a debt, bill)
shake /ʃeɪk/ [Irr]
I shake - we shake you shake - you shake he shakes - they shake she shakes it shakes
1) tremble, vibrate
2) cause to move quickly up an down
3) shock, surprise, upset
share /ʃɛr/ [Reg]
I share - we share you share - you share he shares - they share she shares it shares
1) divide something into parts for the use of two or more people
2) participate
3) have in common
shave /ʃeɪv/ [Reg/Irr]
I shave - we shave you shave - you shave he shaves - they shave she shaves it shaves
1) cut off one’s beard
2) cut off the hair of with a razor
reduce slightly
shed /ʃɛd/ [Irr]
I shed - we shed you shed - you shed he sheds - they shed she sheds it sheds
1) cost off / lose fur / leaves
2) take off, get rid of
3) cause to flow/drain/ slough off
4) let flow
shift /ʃɪft/ [Reg]
I shift - we shift you shift - you shift he shifts - they shift she shifts it shifts
1) change position
2) move, change
shine /ʃaɪn/ [Irr /Reg]
I shine - we shine you shine - you shine he shines - they shine she shines it shines
1) give off/ refect light, be bright
2) do very well
3) make bright by polishing
shoot /ʃut/ [Irr]
I shoot - we shoot you shoot - you shoot he shoots - they shoot she shoots it shoots
1) fire a weapon
2) hit/kick/throw/strike a ball/puck toward a goal
3) make a photograph/film
4) fire [a gun]
shout /ʃaʊt/ [Reg]
I shout - we shout you shout - you shout he shouts - they shout she shouts it shouts
1) cry out loudly
2) say very loudly
3) signal unmistakably
show /ʃoʊ/ [Irr/Reg]
I show - we show you show - you show he shows - they show she shows it shows
1) be visible/present/presented/displayed
2) lead, guide
3) display
shrink /ʃrɪŋk/ [Irr]
I shrink - we shrink you shrink - you shrink he shrinks - they shrink she shrinks it shrinks
1) become smaller
2) cause to become smaller
3) try to avoid
shut /shut/ [Irr]
I shut - we shut you shut - you shut he shuts - they shut she shuts it shuts
1) close
2) cause to close
3) confine, pen
sign /saɪn/ [Reg]
I sign - we sign you sign - you sign he signs - they sign she signs it signs
1) write one’s name
2) formally agree to the terms of a contract/agreement
3) hire with a contract
sing /sing/ [Irr]
I sing - we sing you sing - you sing he sings - they sing she sings it sings
1) make musical sounds with one’s voice
2) perform (a piece of vocal music)
sink /sɪŋk/ [Irr]
I sink - we sink you sink - you sink he sinks - they sink she sinks it sinks
1) go below the surface
2) go down gradually
3) become weaker
sit /sɪt/ [Irr]
I sit - we sit you sit- you sit he sits - they sit she sits it sits
1) be seated
2) be in session, meet
3) be seated/located
4) have enough seats for
sleep /slip/ Irr
I sleep - we sleep you sleep - you sleep he sleeps - they sleep she sleeps it sleeps
1) not be awake
2) be inactive
3) take as a place for sleeping
slide /slaɪd/ [Irr]
I slide - we slide you slide - you slide he slides - they slide she slides it slides
1) slip, shift, drop
2) gradually, become worse
3) move/glide smoothly over a surface
slip /slɪp/ [Reg]
I slip - we slip you slip - you slip he slips - they slip she slips it slips
1) lose traction / one’s grip
2) make a mistake
3) gradually become worse
smile /smaɪl/ [Reg]
I smile - we smile you smile - you smile he smiles - they smile she smiles it smiles
1) make the corners of one’s mouth turn up to show amusement/happiness/ pleasure
2) convey with a smile
3) give (a smile of a certain type)
sneak /snik/ [Reg / Irr]
I sneak - we sneak you sneak - you sneak he sneaks - they sneak she sneaks it sneaks
1) move quietly and secretly in order not to be noticed
solve /sɑlv/ [Reg]
I solve - we solve you solve - you solve he solves - they solve she solves it solves
1) find the answer to (a mystery, problem, puzzle)
sound /saʊnd/ [Reg]
I sound - we sound you sound - you sound he sounds - they sound she sounds it sounds
1) make a noise
2) make a noise by blowing on/into
3) give an audible signal/warning