Group 18: Letter S Flashcards
speak /spik/ [Irr]
I speak - we speak you speak - you speak he speaks - they speak she speaks it speaks
1) talk, say words
2) have a conversation
3) make a public presentation
4) say, express
speed /spid/ [Irr]
I speed - we speed you speed - you speed he speeds - they speed she speeds it speeds
1) go/move fast
2) drive faster than the legal limit
3) cause to go/move faster
spend /spɛnd/ [Irr]
I spend - we spend you spend - you spend he spends - they spend she spends it spends
1) pay out money
2) pay
3) be occupied for (a period of time)
spill /spɪl/ [Reg]
I spill - we spill you spill you spill he spills - they spill she spills it spills
1) flow over the edge of a container
2) be emptied (onto a surface)
3) cause to flow over /run out
spin /spin/ [Irr]
I spin - we spin you spin - you spin he spins - they spin she spins it spins
1) whirl around quickly
2) seem to be whirling around quickly, as if make someone dizzy
spit /spɪt/ [Irr/Reg]
I spit - we spit you spit - you spit he spits - they spit she spits it spits
1) force something (often, saliva) from one’s, mouth
2) be very angry
3) rain/show lightly
split /splɪt/ [Irr]
I split - we split you split - you split he splits - they split she splits it splits
1) separate/divide into parts
2) end a marrige/relationship
3) cause to separate
spoil /spɔɪl/ [Reg]
I spoil - we spoil you spoil - you spoil he spoils - they spoil she spoils it spoils
1) rot, become inedible/undrinkable
2) ruin, make useless/worthless
3) raise with too little disciple
spread /sprɛd/ [Irr]
I spread - we spread you spread - you spread he spreads - they spread she spreads it spreads
1) move/extend outward
2) extend (over/ to an area)
3) cause to move/expand outward
spring /sprɪŋ/ [Irr/Irr]
I spring - we spring you spring - you spring he springs - they spring she springs it springs
1) jump/move suddenly
2) suddenly appear
3) cause to snap shut
stand /stænd/ [Irr]
I stand - we stand you stand - you stand he stands - they stand she stands it stands
1) be/get in an upright position
2) remain undisturbed
3) remain as in
stare /stɛr/ [Reg]
I stare - we stare you stare - you stare he stares - they stare she stares it stares
1) look steadily with one’s eyes open, often in awe/fear/stupidity/surprise
2) look steadily with one’s eyes open
start /stɑrt/ [Reg]
I start - we start you start - you start he starts - they start she starts it starts
1) begin
2) move/jump/jerk suddenly in alarm/surprise
3) originate, establish
state /steɪt/ [Reg]
I state - we state you state - you state he states - they state she states it states
1) report, express in a definite and formal manner
stay /steɪ/ [Reg]
I stay - we stay you stay - you stay he stays - they stay she stays it stays
1) remain in a place
2) remain (in a place)
3) stop/delay (a formal action)
steal /stil/ [Irr]
I steal - we steal you steal - you steal he steals - they steal she steals it steals
1) take something that doesn’t belong to you
step /stɛp/ [Reg]
I step - we step you step - you step he steps - they step she steps it steps
1) walk a short distance
stick /stɪk/ [Irr]
I stick - we stick you stick - you stick he sticks - they stick she sticks it sticks
1) remain fixed in place
2) attach, fasten
3) poke, pierce, thrust
sting /stɪŋ/ [Irr]
I sting - we sting you sting - you sting he stings - they sting she stings it stings
1) hurt by pricking/piercing the skin
2) feel a sharp tingling/burning pain
3) cause emotional pain
stink /stɪŋk/ [Irr/Irr]
I stink - we stink you stink - you stink he stinks - they stink she stinks it stinks
1) give off a strong, unpleasant
2) be worthless/very bad
stop /stɑp/ [Reg]
I stop - we stop you stop - you stop he stops - they stop she stops it stops
1) halt
2) cease functioning
3) cause to halt
4) pause
stress /strɛs/ [Reg]
I stress - we stress you stress - you stress he stresses - they stress she stresses it stresses
1) become extremely tense/anxious
2) emphasize
stretch /strɛʧ/ [Reg]
I stretch - we stretch you stretch - you stretch he stretcheses - they stretch she stretches it stretches
1) extend, become larger
2) warm up one’s muscles
stride /straɪd/ [Irr]
I stride - we stride you stride - you stride he strides - they she strides it strides
1) walk with long steps
2) walk briskly
strike /straɪk/ [Irr/Irr]
sI strike - we strike you strike - you strike he strikes - they strike she strikes it strikes
1) attack, cause sudden damage/injury
2) refuse to work until one’s demands
3) hit forcefully
4) occur to
string /strɪŋ/ [Irr]
I string - we string you string - you string he strings - they string she strings it strings
1) hang/stretch (in a line)
2) thread (on a line/cord)
3) put string on (a racket, bow, musical instrument)
strive /straɪv/ [Reg/Irr]
I strive - we strive you strive - you strive he strives - they strive she strives it strives
1) make a great effort, try very hard
2) fight, struggle