Group 7: Letter D-E Flashcards
dream /drim/ [Reg /Irr]
I dream - we dream you dream - you dream he dreams - they dream she dreams it dreams
1) have thoughts and images while one sleeps
2) pass time idly
3) have (thoughts and images) while one sleeps
dress /drɛs/ [Reg]
I dress - we dress you dress - you dress he dresses - they dress she dresses it dresses
1) put on / wear clothes
2) provide with clothes
3) decorate
4) apply medicine and bandages to [a wound]
drink /drɪŋk/ [Irr]
s I drink - we drink you drink - you drink he drinks - they drink she drinks it drinks
1) take q liquid in one’s mouth and swallow it
2) consume alcoholic beverages
3) consume (a liquid)
4) cause(oneself) to be in a particular state as a result of expressive alcohol consumption
drive /draɪv/ [Irr]
I drive - we drive you drive - you drive he drives - they drive she drives it drives
1) operate a vehicle
2) move with great force/speed
3) operate [a vehicle quipped with]
4) cause to go [to a specific place]
drop /drɑp/ [Reg]
I drop - we drop you drop - you drop he drops - they drop she drops it drops
1) fall
2) fall/ lie down due to exhaustion
3) decrease
4) let fall
dry /draɪ / [Reg]
I dry - we dry you dry - you dry he dries - they dry she dries it dries
1) become moisture-free
2) remove all the moisture from
eat /it/ [Irr]
I eat - we eat you eat - you eat he eats - they eat she eats it eats
1) take foo in one’s mouth and swallow it
2) consume (food)
3) bear the expense of
4) make as if by eating
eliminate /ɪˈlɪməˌneɪt/ [Reg]
I eliminate - we eliminate you eliminate - you eliminate he eliminates- they eliminate she eliminates it eliminates
1) expel bodily waste
2) put an end to, eradicate
3) remove from competition
4) remove from consideration
emerge /ɪˈmɜrʤ/ [Reg]
I emerge - we emerge you emerge - you emerge he emerges - they emerge she emerges it emerges
1) appear, come into view
2) come into existence
3) become known
4) finish a contest/event in a specific condition/state
emphasize /ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz/ [Reg]
I emphasize - we emphasize you emphasize - you emphasize he emphasizes - they emphasize she emphasizes it emphasizes
1) place special importance on, stress
employ /ɛmˈplɔɪ/ [Reg]
I employ - we employ you employ - you employ he employs - they employ she employs it employs
1) hire workers
2) hire
3) have working for oneself
4) make use of
enable /ɛˈneɪbəl/ [Reg]
I enable - we enable you enable - you enable he enables - they enable she enables it enables
1) make possible/feasible
2) make it possible for [someone/something to do]
3) activate, cause to operate
encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntər/ [Reg]
I encounter - we encounter you encounter - you encounter he encounters - they encounter she encounters it encounters
1) meet/face, often by chance
2) experience, come up against
encourage /ɛnˈkɜrɪʤ/ [Reg]
I encourage - we encourage you encourage - you encourage he encourages - they encourage she encourages it encourages
1) give hope/confidence to
2) advise, urge
3) promote
4) make likely to
end /ɛnd/ [Reg]
I end - we end you end - you end he ends - they end she ends it ends
1) stop, cease
2) finish, stop
engage /ɛnˈgeɪʤ/ [Reg]
I engage - we engage you engage - you engage he engages - they engage she engages it engages
1) start fighting
2) fit/lock together, be in gear
3) be pledged to marry
enjoy /ɛnˈʤɔɪ/ [Reg]
I enjoy - we enjoy you enjoy - you enjoy he enjoys - they enjoy she enjoys it enjoys
1) get pleasure/satisfaction from
2) have/experience[something good]
enter /ˈɛntər/ [Reg]
I enter - we enter you enter - you enter he enters - they enter she enters it enterns
1) come in
2) come/go into
3) participate/enroll in
4) register/enter [data]
entitle /ɛnˈtaɪtəl/ [Reg]
I entitle - we entitle you entitle - you entitle he entitles - they entitle she entitles it entitles
1) give the right
2) give a name to
escape /ɪˈskeɪp/ [Reg]
I escape - we escape you escape - you escape he escapes - they escape she escapes it escapes
1) get free (from confinement restriction), leak
2) break free [from confinement / an unpleasant or difficult situation/event]
3) come from unintentionally
4) avoid
establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ [Reg]
I establish - we establish you establish - you establish he establishes - they establish she establishes it establishes
1) bring about, create
2) prove beyond doubt
estimate /ˈɛstəmət/ [Reg]
I estimate - we estimate you estimate - you estimate he estimates - they estimate she estimates it estimates
1) make a general guess about the worth/extent/size of
examine /ɪgˈzæmɪn/ [Reg]
I examine - we examine you examine - you examine he examines - they examine she examines it examines
1) inspect, investigate, analyze
2) interrogate, question
exercise /ˈɛksərˌsaɪz/ [Reg]
I exercise - we exercise you exercise - you exercise he exercises they exercise she exercises it exercises
1) perform physical activities to make oneself healthier/stronger
2) use repeatedly to strengthen
3) train, give a physical workout to
4) put into use/action
exist /ɪgˈzɪst/ [Reg]
I exist - we exist you exist - you exist he exists - they exist she exits it exits
1) be real
2) continue to live/to be active
3) occur, be found
expand /ɪkˈspænd/ [Reg]
I expand - we expand you expand - you expand he expands - they expand she expands it expands
1) enlarge, become bigger
2) make bigger
3) express in full
expect /ɪkˈspɛkt/ [Reg]
I expect - we expect you expect - you expect he expects - they expect she expects it expects
1) be pregnant /due for deliver
2) that that (something) will happen