Group 1: Letter A Flashcards
abandon /əˈbændən/ [Reg]
I abandon - we abandon you abandon - you abandon he abandons - they abandon she abandons it abandons
1) give up completely
2) stop using, leaving behind
3) give [oneself] over completely
absorb /əbˈzɔrb/ [Reg]
I absorb - we absorb you absorb - you absorb he absorbs - they absorb she absorbs it absorbs
1) take in and make part of oneself
2) assume, take on
accept /ækˈsɛpt/ [Reg]
I accept - we accept you accept - you accept he accepts - they accept she accepts it accepts
1) receive willingly
2) take as payment
3) agree to, believe to be valid/true
accompany /əˈkʌmpəni/ [Reg]
I accompany - we accompany you accompany - you accompany he accompanies - they accompany she accompanies it accompanies
1) go with as a companion
2) be associated/included with
3) play an instrument in support of the musical performance of
accomplish /əˈkɑmplɪʃ/ [Reg]
I accomplish - we accomplish you accomplish - you accomplish he accomplishes - they accomplish she accomplishes it accomplishes
1) finish, completely successfully
account /əˈkaʊnt/ [Reg]
I account - we account you account - you account he accounts - they account she accounts it accounts
1) consider
accuse /əˈkjuz/ [Reg]
I accuse - we accuse you accuse - you accuse he accuses - they accuse she accuses it accuses
1) charge with [a fault/offesense]
achieve /əˈʧiv/ [Reg]
I achieve - we achieve you achieve - you achieve he achieves - they achieve she achieves it achieves
1) attain, accomplish
acquire /əˈkwaɪər/ [Reg]
I acquire - we acquired you acquire - you acquired he acquires - they acquired she acquires it acquires
1) Get, obtain
2) Take possession of
act /ækt/ [Reg]
I act - we act you act - you act he acts - they act she acts it acts
1) do something
2) have an affect
3) believe like, pretend to be
4) play a role of
add /æd/ [Reg]
I add - we add you add - you add he adds - they add she adds it adds
1) perform addition
2) make an addition
3) join so as to increase the size or quantity of something
4) create as an improvement
5) say further
address /ˈæˌdrɛs / [Reg]
I address - we address you address - you address he addresses - they address she addresses it addresses
1) speak to
2) speak to, using a title or in a particular manner
3) speak about, discuss
adjust /əˈʤʌst / [Reg]
I adjust - we adjust you adjust - you adjust he adjusts - they adjust she adjects it adjusts
1) adapt, conform
2) improve, make correct
admit /ədˈmɪt/ [Reg]
I admit - we admit you admit - you admit he admits - they admit she admits it admits
1) acknowledge as true
2) permit
3) permit to enter
4) have space/seating for
5) accept [into a hospital as a patient]
adopt /əˈdɑpt / [Reg]
I adopt - we adopt you adopt - you adopt he adopts - they adopt she adopts it adopts
1) legally take another person’s child as one’s own
2) take and use [ideas, suggestions] as one’s own.
3) take and follow [a course of action]
4) approve, accept