Group 7 - The Halogens Flashcards
The Halogens are in which group on the periodic table?
group 7
Are halogens metals or non metals?
Non metals
How many electrons do halogens have in their outer shell?
7 electrons
Halogens make diatomic molecules. What are these?
two atoms joined together Cl2 and Br2
The colour of each halogen gets darker as you go down the group. Flourine - colour? Chlorine - colour? Bromine - colour? Iodine - colour?
Flourine - pale yellow gas
Chlorine - Yellow green gas
Bromine - red brown liquid
Iodine - grey black solid (purple liquid if heated)
Halogens combine with metals to form ionic or covalent compounds?
as halogens are non metal
form chloride, bromide, iodide
Halogens combine with non metals to form ionic or covalent compounds?
As both are non metal
As you go down the group to halogens become more reactive or less reactive?
Less reactive
A more reactive halogen can steal the metal from a less reactive halogen. Look at the example…….
Chlorine + Potassium Bromide ——>Bromine + Potassium Chloride
A more reactive halogen can steal the metal from a less reactive halogen. Look at the example…….
Chlorine + Potassium Iodide ——>Iodine + Potassium Chloride
Chlorine + Potassium Bromide ——>Bromine + Potassium Chloride
Write the chemical equation
CL2 + 2KBr ——> Br2 + 2KCl
Chlorine + Potassium Iodide ——>Iodine + Potassium Chloride
CL2 + 2KI ——-> I2 + 2KCl
In displacement reactions, a halogen gains an electron. Is the halogen undergoing oxidation or reduction?
Give 3 examples of halides
chloride, bromide, iodide
What is the test for chlorine?
damp litmus paper is bleached
State of fluorine at room temp
State of chlorine at room temp
State of bromine at room temp
State of iodine at room temp