Grant's Ch. 1 - Intermediate Muscles of the Back (P1) Flashcards
List the 2 intermediate muscles of the back.
1) Serratus posterior superior
2) Serratus posterior inferior
List the medial attachments of the serratus posterior superior (HINT: it is a range of SPs, and there are 4 “bands” on muscle on each side - left & right).
SP C7-T3
List the lateral attachments of the serratus posterior superior (HINT: part of the answer is a range of ribs, so be specific & be aware that ribs have angles).
Superior borders of ribs 2-5, lateral to their angles
What is the action of the serratus posterior superior?
Elevate ribs 2-5
What innervates the serratus posterior superior?
Anterior rami T2-T5
List the medial attachments of the serratus posterior inferior (HINT: it is a range of SPs).
SP T11-L2
List the lateral attachments of the serratus posterior inferior (HINT: part of the answer is a range of ribs, so be specific & be aware that ribs have angles).
Inferior border of ribs 9-12, lateral to their angles
What is the action of the serratus posterior inferior?
Depress ribs 9-12
What innervates the serratus posterior inferior?
Anterior rami T9-T12