Grant's Ch. 1 - Deep Muscles of the Back (P1) Flashcards
List the 8 deep muscles of the back.
1) Splenius capitis
2) Splenius cervicis
3) Spinalis
4) Longissimus
5) Iliocostalis
6) Semispinalis capitis
7) Semispinalis cervicis
8) Multifidus
List the medial attachments of the splenius capitis (HINT: there is a range of SPs and 1 single structure).
1) Ligamentum nuchae
2) SP C7-T4
List the 2 lateral attachments of the splenius capitis.
1) Mastoid process
2) Lateral 1/3 of the superior nuchal line
List the unilateral and bilateral actions of the splenius capitis.
Unilateral - laterally flexes and rotates head or neck to the same side
Bilateral - extends head and neck
What innervates the splenius capitis?
Posterior rami of middle cervical nerves
List the medial attachments of the splenius cervicis (HINT: it is just a range of SPs).
SP T3-T6
List the lateral attachments of the splenius cervicis (HINT: it is just a range of SPs).
TP C1-C3
List the unilateral and bilateral actions of the splenius cervicis (HINT: same as the splenius capitis).
Unilateral - laterally flexes and rotates head or neck to the same side
Bilateral - extends head and neck
What innervates the splenius cervicis (HINT: same as the splenius capitis)?
Posterior rami of middle cervical nerves
List the 4 medial attachments of the spinalis.
1) Median sacral crest
2) Posterior surface sacrum
3) SP L and lower T
4) Medial part of iliac crest
List the lateral attachments of the spinalis (NOTE: it’s nonspecific spinous processes).
SP of T and C
List the unilateral and bilateral actions of the spinalis.
Unilateral - laterally flexes VT to same side
Bilateral - extends VT and head & stabilizes VT
What innervates the spinalis?
Posterior rami of lower spinal nerves
List the 4 medial attachments of the longissimus (NOTE: same as the spinalis).
1) Median sacral crest
2) Posterior surface sacrum
3) SP L and lower T
4) Medial part of iliac crest
List the 3 lateral attachments of the longissimus (NOTE: there is a nonspecific range of TPs).
1) Between tubercles and angles of ribs
2) TP of T and C
3) Mastoid process