Grammar Flashcards
Dnes nepracuje. Vzal si den volna.
he isn’t working today. He has taken the day off
Nebavi ho to.
Ten kurz ho nebavi.
He isn’t enjoying it.
He isn’t enjoying the course.
Myslím, že bude pršať.
I thing it’s going to rain.
Ako to chutí?
What does it taste like?
Zvyčajne taký nebýva (nie je taký)
He isn’t usually like that.
Meškáš, kde si bol?
You’re late, where have you been?
Prečo to nepovedali vopred?
Why didn’t they say that beforehand?
Napriek našim jedinečnym osobnostiam
despite our unique personalities
Určité správanie má tendenciu objavovat sa znova a znova
Certain behaviors tend to arise again and again
Vidíme sa len velmi občas
We only see each other very occasionally
Jednoznačnym spôsobom zníženia znečistenia
The obvious way of reducing pollution
Z pochopitelnych dôvodov
For obvious reasons
Vždy som si myslel, že
I have always thought that
Right away