1.4 Flashcards
Receptory zachytia
Receptors pick up
Velky rozsah
Wide range
Bol som si velmi vedomy skutocnosti
I was very conscious of the fact
Vodic bol stale pri vedomi
The driver was still conscious
Venovat pozornost
Pay attention to the
bežné miesta
common locations
Pozitívne signály
Positive cues
Este musime prist na to
We still have to figure out
Uvedomil som si
I realized
Odhalit nas postoj
To reveal our attitude
Neviem vyjadrit svoje pocity slovami
I can’t convey my feelings in words
Osvojit si (prijat) interdisciplinarny pristup
to adopt an interdisciplinary approach
Kvalifikovany sprievodca
Skilled guide
Pred zapisom
Before enrollment
Obchodne rokovania
Business negotiations
Neoddelitelnou sucastou kurzu
an integral part of the course
Ziadne formálne požiadavky na vstup
no formal entry requirements
Poskytnut prilezitosti pre
provide opportunities for
Ziskat kredit
Obtain a credit
Dospiet k záveru
to reach a conclusion