Grammar 11 - 14 Flashcards
there are seven tables in the meeting room
kaigishitsu ni tēburu ga nanatsu arimasu
i’ll be (i’ve been) in japan for one year
watashi wa nihon ni ichi-nen imasu
how many apples did you buy?
i bought four
ringo o ikutsu kaimashita ka
yottsu kaimashita
five eighty-yen stamps and two postcards, please
hachi jū-en no kitte o go-mai to hagaki o ni-mai kudasai
yes, that will be 500 yen altogether
hai, zenbu de go hyaku-en desu
are there any foreign lecturers at Fuji University?
fuji-daigaku ni gaikokujin no sensei ga imasu ka
they are all american
minna amerika-jin desu
how many brothers and sisters do you have?
kyōdai wa nan-nin desu ka
two elder sisters and one elder brother
ane ga futari to ani ga hitori imasu
how many times a week do you play tennis?
is-shūkan ni nan-kai tenisu o shimasu ka
about 2 times (I do that)
ni-kai gurai shimasu
how long have you been studying spanish?
donokurai Supein-go o benkyō-shimashita ka
only 3 months? you are very good at it, aren’t you?
san-kagetsu dake desu ka. jōzu desu ne
how long does it take from osaka to tokyo on the bullet train?
ōsaka kara tōkyō made shinkansen de donokurai kakarimasu ka
i bought four apples
ringo o yottsu kaimashita
there are two foreign students
gaikokujin no gakusei ga futari imasu
i studied japanese for two months in my home country
kuni de ni-kagetsu nihon-go o benkyō-shimashita
how many mandarin oranges did you buy?
mikan o ikutsu kaimashita ka
how many hours do you study japanese every night?
maiban nan-jikan nihon-go o benkyō-shimasu ka
how long did you study japanese for?
donokurai nihon-go o benkyō-shimashita ka
there are about 30 teachers at our school
gakkō ni sensei ga 30-nin gurai imasu
i go to see a film about twice a month
1-kagetsu ni 2-kai eiga o mimasu
Sunday is my only day off
yasumi wa nichi-yōbi dake desu
it was rainy yesterday
kinō wa ame deshita
it was cold yesterday
kinō wa samukatta desu
hokkaido is bigger than kyushu
hokkaidō wa kyūshū yori ōkii desu
summer is my favorite season
watashi wa 1-nen de natsu ga ichiban suki desu
was kyoto quiet?
kyōto wa shizuka deshita ka
no, it wasn’t quiet
iie, shizuka ja arimasendeshita
did you enjoy your trip?
ryokō wa tanoshikatta desu ka
did you have nice weather?
tenki wa yokatta desu ka
it was very lively. i met a lot of different people
totemo nigiyaka deshita. iroirona hito ni aimashita
is new york colder than osaka?
nyūyōku wa ōsaka yori samui desu ka
yes, it’s much colder
ē, zutto samui desu
which takes less time to the airport; the train or the bus?
kūkō made basu to desha to dochira ga hayai desu ka
the train is quicker
densha no hō ga hayai desu
do you prefer the sea or the mountains?
umi to yama to dochira ga suki desu ka
what japanese dish do you like best?
nihon-ryōri de nani ga ichiban suki desu ka
yesterday’s exam was not easy
kinō no shiken wa kantan ja arimasendeshita
it was hot yesterday
kinō wa atsukatta desu
i didn’t enjoy yesterday’s party very much
kinō no pāti wa amari tanoshikunakatta desu
this car’s bigger than that one
kono kuruma wa ano kuruma yori ōkii desu
Who’s better at tennis, Dan or lizzy?
Dan-dan to Lizzy-san to dochira ga tenisu ga jōzu desu ka
which do you prefer, spring or autumn?
haru to aki to dochira ga suki desu ka
what was your favorite place in Europe?
yōroppa de doko ga ichiban yokatta desu ka
who is the tallest in your family?
kozoku de dare ga ichiban se ga takai desu ka
what’s the coldest time of the year?
1-nen de itsu ga ichiban samui desu ka
i want a car
kuruma ga hoshii desu
i want to eat some sushi
watshi wa sushi o tabetai desu
i’m going to france to study cooking
furansu e ryōri o narai ni ikimasu
what do you want most right now?
ima nani ga ichiban hoshii desu ka
i want a new mobile phone
atarashii keitai ga hoshii desu
where do you want to go for your summer holiday?
natsu yasumi wa doko e ikitai desu ka
i feel tired today, so I don’t want to do anything
kyō wa tsukaremashita kara, nani mo shitakunai desu
what are you doing this weekend?
shūmatsu wa nani o shimasu ka
what did you come to study in Japan?
nihon e nan no benkyō ni kimashita ka
did you go anywhere for your winter holiday?
fuyu-yasumi wa do ko ka ikimashita ka
i went skiing in hokkaido
hokkaidō e sukii ni ikimashita
do you want to have children?
kodomo ga hoshii desu ka
i want to go to okinawa
watashi wa okinawa e ikitai desu
i would like to eat some tempura
tenpura o tabetai desu
what do you want to buy in kobe?
kōbe de nani o kaitai desu ka
my stomach hurts, so i don’t want to eat anything
onaka ga itai desu kara, nani mo tabetakunai desu
i’m going to kobe to have some indian food
kōbe e indo-ryōri o tabe ni ikimasu
i’m going shopping in kobe
kōbe e kaimono ni ikimasu
i came to japan to study art
nihon e bijutsu no benkyō ni kimashita
i’m thirsty, i’d like something to drink
nodo ga kawakimashita kara, nanika [o] nomitai desu
shall i carry your bag?
nimotsu o mochimashō ka
joey is making a phone call now
joey-san wa ima denwa o kakete imasu
please write your name with a ballpoint pen
bōrupen de namae o kaite kudasai
could you tell me how to read this kanji?
kono kanji no yomi-kata o oshiete kudasai
hot isn’t it? shall i open the window?
atsui desu ne. mado o akemashō ka
shall i come to the station to meet you?
eki made mukae ni ikimashō ka
is it raining?
ame ga futte imasu ka
please eat as much as you would like
dōzo takusan tabete kudasai
shall i come tomorrow, too?
ashita mo kimashō ka
shall i lend you my umbrella?
kasa o kashimashō ka
joey isn’t here, is he?
joey-san ga imasen ne
pass the salt please
shio o totte kudasai