Grammar 1 - 6 Flashcards
animate intransitive can take object
doodooshaaboo niminikwen
endaayaan, at my place comes from
the verb daa, to live in a certain place
second word in sentence
ina after a hard consonant
rule for VAI verbs ending in -o or -i
The ending is dropped in the first and second person.
wiisiini giwiisiin
giigido ningiigid
weak consonants following prefix wii- or gii-
can change to hard
giiwe wii-kiiwe
Niwii-awi-wiisin endaayaan.
- awi- works how
- may sound as
Directional preverb comes after tense preverb, necessary meaning “go to” otherwise “stay at”. May sound as o-.
first person prefix before b, g
nim, nin
verbs to use daa- with
first person prefix if stem initial vowel
nind, ind
first person prefix if stem initial b
nim, im
first person prefix if stem initial d,z,zh,g
nin, in
first person prefix if stem initial m,n,w
second person prefix if stem initial vowel
second person prefix if stem initial consonant
third person prefix on vai verbs
does not occur (o-)
family member nouns
must have vai type person prefix
noun animate dependent
like misenh
noun inanimate dependent
some body parts
okwegan - her neck
rule for via initial o after person prefix
o becomes oo
nindoojaanimiz gidoojaanimiz but ojaanimizi busy
-win is used how
make vai verbs nouns
ate versus ayaa versus abi
ate - vii, location of objects, it is in a certain place
ayaa - vai, location of people, but can be vii, she is in a certain place
abi - vai, location at home, she is at home
inanimate noun plural endings
almost always n usually an often oon
common plural endings for animate nouns
ag, wag
ayaan versus ayaaw
ayaan - have it, vti
ayaaw - have her, it (animate), vta
this, that, these, those - inanimate
o’ow, i’iw, onow, iniw
this, that, these, those - animate
wa’aw, a’aw, ongow, ingiw
ayaa, citation form of
ayaa - vai, she is in a certain place
ayaa - vii, it is in a certain place
third person vti verbs
prefix o
vta obviative plural
use singular
citation form for intransitive verbs
third person singular
citation form for transitive verbs
imperative singular
vti plural object ending
ending to make vta object plural
g same as animate nouns
plural person pronouns
niinawind giinawind giinawaa wiinawaa
conjugate izhaa watch third person plural
she goes to a certain place
I, you, she will certainly go
turns vai into vii
-magad eg. bezikaamagad it goes slow
imperative ending for vai verbs
-daa eg. ozhiitaadaa let’s get ready