Gram + Bacilli Flashcards
Bacillus Anthracis and Cereus
-Black Escar, CAP (made of protein) = Poly D
-Gram + Rods/Chains
-Obligate Aerobe
-Spore Forming
-Toxins: EF and LF (both present)
(EF increase CAMP, LF cleaves MAP kinase = tissue necrosis)
-Pulmonary anthrax from sheep’s wool = pulmonary hemorrhage (wide mediastinum, dry cough)
TX: Fluroquinolones or Doxycycline
Cerus: Food Poisoning after reheating rice
Clostridium Tentani
-Gram + / Obligate Anaerobe
-Spore forming (nails/soil)
-Neuromuscular SX (Risus Sardonicus, Lock Jaw, Opisthotonus (arch back)
-Retrograde transport of toxin, cleave SNARE (gaba/gly) in Renshaw cells
VAC: toxoid
Clostridium Botulinum
-Gram + / Spore Former
-Adult: canned food, preformed tox
-Baby: honey, formed tox
-Neuro SX: Flacid Paralysis (descending), Floppy Baby Syndrome
-Tox: cleave SNARE in motor neuron (ACh)
Clostridium Difficile
-Gram + / Spore Former / OB ANAEROBE
-CAUSE: clindamycin / poor hand wash
-A = brush border enz = diarrhea
-B = depoly. actin fila = pseudomembrane
DIAG: assay to detect toxin in stool
TX: ORAL Vanco or Metronidazole
Clostridium Perfringens
-Motorcycle acc, military combat
-Spore former, soil, OB ANEROBE
-Tissue: Gas Gangrene (alpha toxin = lecthinase = lyse RBC)
-Double zone of hemolysis in agar
TX: IV Penicillin G
Food poisoning (diarrhea = slow onset = transient (no tx needed))
Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
-Gram Pos, Club Shape, V/Y, Metachromatic granules
-Exotoxin: inhibit EF2 via ribosylation
-Bull’s neck, Myocarditis/ARR/Heart block/paralysis
DIA: Tellurite and Loeffler agar, Elek’s Test
VAC: toxoid, IgG response
TX: Passive admin. of vaccine (antitoxoid)
Listeria Monocytogenes
-Beta Hemolytic, CAT POS, Gram +
-Tumbling extra motility, intra: actin rockets
-Cold environment (milk/cheese)
-Pregnant women (to baby = meningitis)
-Elderly also
-Bacillus Anthracis and Cereus =
-Clostridium Tentani =
-Clostridium Botulinum =
-Clostridium Difficile =
-Clostridium Perfringens =
-Corynebacterium Diphtheriae =
-Listeria monocytogenes =
= Vikings
= GG Lab Monkeys
= Robots
= Chocolate Factory
= Military Guy Accident
= Corazon Bull Fight
= Santa’s List