This type of liposarcoma is characterized by abundant basophilic extracellular matrix, arborizing capillaries, and primitive cells at various stages of adipocyte differentiation resembling fetal fat?
Myxoid liposarcoma
On polarizing microscope, calcium pyrophosphate crystals are seen as?
Rhomboid-shaped, positively birefringent
Mutations in this gene is associated with the development of leiomyomas?
Fumarate hydratase
___ are osteophytes seen at the proximal interphalangeal joints of individuals with osteoarthritis
Bouchard nodes
Which of the following is FALSE regarding Ganglion Cysts?
Lined by simple squamous epithelium
What chromosomal translocation is seen in tenosynovial giant cell tumor?
1 and 2
Sarcoma botryoides is a type of?
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Subchondral cysts are seen in?
Both (Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis)
Which of the following is FALSE regarding synovial sarcoma?
Cell of origin are synoviocytes
Strap cells are seen in?
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Which of the following skin lesions are sometimes considered to be paraneoplastic syndromes?
In melanoma, the following histologic feature correlates with better prognosis
Absence of regression
Hyperplasia of melanocytes is noted in the following entity
Both choices are correct (Lentigines and Melanocytic nevi)
Referring to a skin lesion produced by repeated rubbing or friction
Which of the following is NOT an inflammatory blistering disorder?
Epidermolysis bullosa
Pautrier microabscesses are often observed in
None of the choices is correct
A result of the activating mutation of the CTNNB1 gene
True about dysplastic nevus
Dysplastic nevi are generally viewed as a direct premalignant lesion to melanoma in most
Skin lesion in Lesser-Trelat sign
None of the choices is correct
True of parakeratosis
Normally present on mucous membrane
Mutation involving enzyme glucokinase
Correct of iatrogenic cushings syndrome
High ACTH, high cortisol
Common appearance of the adrenal gland in ACTH dependent cushing syndrome
Diffuse hyperplasia
Which of the following is a characteristic of diabetes type 2?
Genetic factors play a more important role
Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma
Definition of malignant pheochromocytoma
Present of metastatic disease
Common location of gastrinoma
Cause/s of cushing syndrome that is suppressed by high doses of dexamethasone.
Pituitary adenoma
Hallmark of diabetic macrovascular disease
Accelerated atherosclerosis
This cell works with metalloproteinases
WNT binding to LRP5/LRP6 triggers
Both choices are correct (Osteoprotegrin production and beta catenin production)
Which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE
Both choices are correct
Which of the following statement is/are true?
Neither of the choices are correct
Blue sclera is seen in osteogenesis imperfecta type/s?
Both (I and II)
RUNX2 mutation is seen in:
Cleidocranial dysplasia
Which of the following is associated with CA2 mutation?
Which of the following statement is/are true?
a. neither of the choices are correct
b. increase in skeletal mass due to space activity is seen among astronauts
c. senile osteoporosis is categorized as high turnover osteoporosis
d. both choices are correct
Neither of the choices are correct
Which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE?
chondrosarcoma arising in multiple osteochondroma syndrome exhibit EXT mutation
Which of the following statement/s is/are TRUE?
Ewing sarcoma shows a translocation generating in-frame fusion of the EWS gene on Chromosome 22 to the Flil gene
Microscopically would show Homer-Wright rosettes
Common symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, except:
Symmetric weakness of hands
Microscopically would show peri-vascular pseudorosettes?
Parkinson disease is characterized by the following, except
Posture unaffected
a-synuclein is associated with:
Parkinson disease
True of Multiple Sclerosis, except
Bilateral visual impairment is a frequent initial manifestation
Most common type of glial tumor in the spinal cord
Neural component that is dominantly affected in Parkinsons disease
Substantia nigra
Present with progressive disorientation, memory loss and aphasia
Alzheimer disease
True of meningioma except:
Prior radiation is not a risk factor
An 18-year-old male high school baseball player gets hit in the head with a fastball in the temporal area. He does not lose consciousness, but afterward develops a slight headache. He is not taken to the emergency room. By evening he develops severe headache with vomiting and confusion. At that time he is taken to the emergency room, where, after being examined by a neurosurgeon, he is taken to the operating room for immediate surgery for an epidural hematoma. Which of the following is most likely present in this individual?
Transection of a branch of the middle meningeal artery
A 27-year-old woman presents with the acute onset of severe headaches and vomiting. She describes these headaches as being the worst headaches she has ever had. There is no history of trauma. She is afebrile, and her blood pressure is within normal limits. Physical examination reveals stiffness in her neck, but papilledema is not present. A lumbar puncture reveals blood within the cerebrospinal fluid, but the cell count and the glucose levels are within normal limits.
The signs and symptoms in this individual are most likely the result of an abnormality located at
which one of the following anatomic sites?
Circle of Willis NS
This is characterized by expansion of the ependyma-lined central canal of the cord:
A 23-year-old woman is being evaluated for the development of polyhydramnios during the 15th week of her first pregnancy. Laboratory testing finds increased ?-fetoprotein in her serum, and an ultrasound finds an abnormal shape to the head of the fetus with an absence of the skull. Which of the following therapies would most decrease the probability of this abnormality occurring in subsequent pregnancies for this individual?
Increase dietary folate
A 79-year-old woman who lived alone and had a medical history of poorly controlled chronic hypertension died while at home. During the autopsy the pathologist finds a recent intracerebral hemorrhage involving the putamen. Histologic sections from this area reveal lipid and hyaline material to be deposited in the walls of cerebral arterioles, an abnormality that is associated with the formation of which of the following types of aneurysm?
Charcot-Bouchard aneursym
A lumbar puncture is performed on a patient with headaches, photophobia, clouding of consciousness, and neck stiffness. If these symptoms are the result of viral infection of the meninges, which of the following would examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) most likely reveal?
Cloudy increased neutrophils
A newborn infant is being evaluated for a cystic mass found in his lower back at the time of delivery. Physical examination reveals a large mass in the lumbosacral area that transilluminates. Workup finds flattening of the base of the skull along with a decrease in the size of the posterior fossa. Clinically it is thought that this infant might have an Arnold-Chiari malformation and would therefore be at the greatest risk for developing which one of the following within the first few days after delivery?
A 50-year-old man presents with headaches, vomiting, and weakness of his left side. Physical examination reveals his right eye to be pointing down and out along with ptosis of his right eyelid. His right pupil is fixed and dilated and does not respond to accommodation. Marked weakness is found in his left arm and leg. Swelling of the optic disk (papilledema) is found during examination of his retina. Which of the following is most likely present in this individual?
Uncal herniation
A lumbar puncture is performed on a patient with headaches, photophobia, clouding of consciousness, and neck stiffness. If these symptoms are the result of bacterial infection of the meninges, which of the following would examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) most likely reveal?
Cloudy increased neutrophils
Which of the following is/are feature/s of Joubert syndrome?
All of the above:
Altered shape of the brainstem
Hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis
Elongation of the superior cerebellar peduncles
A 22-year-old woman gives birth at term to a boy after an uncomplicated pregnancy. No abnormalities are noted on a newborn physical examination. During infancy, a well-infant checkup shows leukocoria in the right eye. The eye is enucleated. Molecular analysis of the enucleated tumor indicates loss of cell cycle control in the tumor cells. In comparison, the infants skin fibroblasts do not show any molecular abnormality. Which of the following statements regarding this infant is most accurate?
Loss of both RB gene copies in the eye tumor
A 73-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus and congestive heart failure has sudden loss of vision in her left eye. Funduscopic examination shows a cherry red appearance of the foveola, whereas the remaining retina appears pale. No abnormalities of the right eye are noted. Which of the following is the most likely cause for her sudden unilateral visual loss?
Central retinal artery occlusion
A study is conducted of children 1 to 2 years of age who appeared healthy when born at term but developed blindness and failure to meet developmental growth for neural development. On funduscopic examination they have pale retinae with prominent red macular regions. A deficiency of which of the following enzymes is most likely to be found in these children?
Hexosaminidase A
A 23-year-old primigravida with preeclampsia gives birth prematurely at 32 weeks gestation. The infants Apgar scores are 4 and 6 at 1 minute and 5 minutes, respectively. The infant has hyaline membrane disease and is intubated and administered positive pressure ventilation with 100% inspired oxygen. The infant survives and is discharged on the twenty-third day of life. Two months later, the mother notices that the infant does not always respond visually to her presence. The infant is examined and is found to be blind in nasal visual fields. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Retrolental fibroplasia
A 72-year-old woman has had decreasing vision for the past year. She now has increasing headaches. She has worn glasses since childhood because of myopia Funduscopic examination shows deepening of the optic cup with excavation. The surrounding retina appears normal. Screening of which of the following would most likely have detected the disease that led to these findings?
Intraocular pressure
A 74-year-old man suddenly lost the upper half of the visual field in the right eye. Before this event, he had decreasing visual acuity in both eyes for the past 6 years. On physical examination, his height is 170 cm (5 feet 8 inches), and weight is 92.5 kg (body mass index 32). Laboratory studies show a fasting serum glucose level of 165 mg/dL. What underlying pathologic process is most likely to account for the sudden loss of vision in his right eye?
Traction retinal detachment
An 82-year-old man still surfs every week at Siargao beach. He has noted clouding of vision on the right eye for the past year. On physical examination of the right eye there is a whitish irregular lesion on the conjunctiva extending onto the cornea. Which of the following is the most likely risk factor for his ocular lesions?
Sunlight exposure
A 7-year-old child has had worsening performance in school for the past 4 months from decreased vision. Examination of the right eye shows diffuse punctate inflammation of the cornea and pannus extending as a growth of fibrovascular tissue from conjunctiva onto the cornea. Microscopic examination of a corneal scraping shows lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, and scattered corneal epithelial cells that have cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. Which of the following infectious agents is most likely to produce these findings?
Chlamydia trachomatis
The appearance of retinoblastoma in one eye and a retinocytoma in the other eye indicates that the retinoblastoma is:
Chronic herpes simplex keratitis will be associated with a granulomatous reaction involving what membrane?
Descemets membrane
A 26-year-old man has had severe visual impairment since birth. He is legally blind without his glasses, but his astigmatism in both eyes is so severe that he cannot get a correction better than 20/100 with eyeglasses. He tries rigid contact lenses and gets a correction of 20/40. Which of the following ocular conditions is he most likely to have?
A 78-year-old man with a 30 pack-year history of smoking has had decreasing vision, mainly in a central pattern, for the past 3 years. He has no ocular pain. Intraocular pressures are normal. There are no abnormalities of the cornea or crystalline lens. On funduscopic examination, the retinal pigment epithelium appears atrophic and deposits are seen in the Bruch membrane. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Macular degeneration
An 80-year-old woman has had increasing visual problems that are worse in the right eye over the past 2 years. She is unable to see clearly when looking straight ahead because of cloudiness and opacification and has great difficulty reading printed material. Her peripheral vision is better. Her left eye is similarly affected. What pathologic process has most likely occurred in this woman?
Nuclear sclerosis of the lens
A 68-year-old woman with a history of left ventricular congestive heart failure has had decreased visual acuity for the past 5 years. She has no ocular pain. Her intraocular pressure is normal. Findings on funduscopic examination include arteriolar narrowing, flame-shaped hemorrhages, cotton-wool spots, and hard, waxy exudates. Which of the following underlying diseases is she most likely to have?
Retinitis pigmentosa
A 34-year-old man has had decreasing vision for the past 3 years and now has severely impaired vision in both eyes. His brother is similarly affected. Both parents have normal vision. Ocular examination shows diffuse cloudiness of the anterior stroma with aggregates of gray-white opacities in the axial region of the corneal stroma. He undergoes bilateral corneal
transplantation. The diseased corneas show basophilic deposits in the stroma that stain positively for keratan sulfate. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Macular dystrophy
Also known as Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy?
Gullain-Barre syndrome
Which of the following is TRUE about demyelinating neuropathies?
Both choices are correct
An immune mediated disease?
Gullain-Barre syndrome
Main pathologic findings are inflammation and demyelination of spinal nerve root and peripheral nerves
Gullain-Barre syndrome
Which of the following is a benign neoplasm of the peripheral nerve?