Government Unit 2 Flashcards
Thomas Hobbes
English Philosopher; Wrote “Leviathan” in which he discussed the need for and purpose of government; supported absolute monarchy
Ideas of John Locke and influence on government creation
All men are created equal; All men are born with Natural Rights; Life in state of nature is hard; People give up Natural Rights and form a government to protect rights; Government should carry out will of the people; People have the right to overthrow gov. and create a new one; Representative Democracy; Wrote Two Treatise on Civil Government
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Wrote the Social Contract Theory; Agrees with Locke on most ideas; Believes direct democracy is best form of government; Private property is root of all social problems; Governement should protect equality of opportunity
Wrote book called The Spirit of the Laws; Proposed checks and balances; Proposed separation of powers - 3 branches
Manga Carta
Written in 1215 by British Nobles; Purpose was to limit the power of the king and protect rights of the nobles; Supported limited government, rule of law, and government process
English Bill of Rights
Written in 1689 by English Parliament; Purpose was to expand rights of Parliament and people while limiting the king’s power; Big ideas included free elections to Parliament, right to bear arms, right to petition the gov., and right to a fair trial; limited government; rule of law
Examples of British taxation
Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, Townsend Revenue Act
Violation of American Rights
Right to fair and speedy trial; Search and seizure; Unfair taxing; Taxation without representation; Quartering Acts (troops living in colonists houses)
Author of DOI
Thomas Jefferson
Influence of Locke on DOI
Natural Rights
First government of U.S.
The Articles of Confederation
Structure of Articles of Confederation
Confederation (independent states with limited central government); Legislative branch only; eahx state had 1 vote no matter size or population; delegates appointed and paid by state legislatures
Powers of national government in Articles of Confederation
Only has legislative branch (unicameral - just congress
Problems with the A.O.C.
No power to tax, no power to regulate trade, no executive branch to enforce laws, laws needed 9/13 majority to pass, 13/13 states to amend document, no national court system
Location of Constitutional Convention
Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Article I
Legislative branch
Article 2
Executive branch
Article 3
Judicial branch
Article 4
Relations between the states
Article 5
Amendment process
Article 6
National supremacy, etc.
Article 7
Ratification process
Rule of law
Government and it’s officials are bound by the same rules and laws of the people and must follow the law
Eminent domain
right for government to take private land for public use