GM Section 507 Flashcards
Officers establish probable cause for arresting drivers for driver DWI or DUI
By relying on personal knowledge and training
PC for DWI includes
Personal observation in traffic accidents/ traffic violations
Reasonable suspicion
Personal observations of drivers stopped after the the officer
After a traffic stop or arrival at a traffic accident scene, the officer shall:
Remove the driver to a place of safety if he is suspected of being intoxicated
Conduct a field interview using questions listed on SAPD form 24–1 1A to develop further prob cause
Conduct a standardize field sobriety test
Record any observations on SAPD form #24-FSC
Other sobriety testing an officer may conduct are:
Reciting the alphabet
The numerical count
Modified Romberg balance test
Finger to nose
When an answer makes a decision to start an investigation of an a violator, The officer shot activate the mobile video recorder but
Chill not verbally articulate the initial traffic violation observed or any observations of SFST’s
If the juveniles portable breath test shows any alcohol concentration of less than .08
The officer should contact the parents or legal guardian and loud them one hour to come to the scene to take custody
What are the required reports for DUI arrests
SAPD form 24–1A DWI/ traffic case report
SAPD form DIC – 23- PO sworn statement
SAPD form DIC – 24- statutory Warning
SAPD form DIC-25- notice of suspension
In conjunction with the rest of Driver suspected of being intoxicated, officers:
Collect my cord items of evidence
Identify and record the names of all passengers and witnesses
Record questions in verbal responsives made by drivers, the odor of intoxicants on drivers, and other identifying factors that may indicate to the officer the driver was intoxicated at the time of arrest
Juvenile DWI suspects shall be read _______ form on video
A qualified Intoxilyzer/video operator is assigned to the DWI testing room every day from _____hours to ______ hours
Hey voluntary portable breath test is done to
Determine any detectable amount of alcohol in a minor system
Determine any detectable amount of alcohol in a driver system while operating a CMV
When I suspected DUI is injured or physically disabled to the point he is unable to perform SFST
Officers having a suspect under arrest for the office of DWI Who refuse to submit to a voluntary breath test will process the suspect as follows:
Apply for the warrant
Book suspect for DWI
Officers will request that medical personnel obtain two (2)
10-ml gray topped vials
Each great avail should contain
Eight (8) to ten (10) ml of blood
A ______________ will be taken if a traffic accident resulted in a death or cause series by the injury to another and the officer has probable cause to believe that the accident occurred because the driver was operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated
Blood test
If while investigating an accident that resulted in death or call series body injury while under the influence,
The officer shell apply for a warrant for blood if the suspect refuses a voluntary blood draw
When a suspect is it going to be charged with Intoxication assault or intoxication manslaughter
Officers will have a medical personnel draw the suspects blood
Blood collection kit includes
Technology/blood alcohol kid laboratory submission form
(2) 10 mL blood collection vials grey tops cont 100mg of sodium fluoride/ 20 mg potassium oxalate
(2) absorbing pouches to cushion the blood collection vials
(2) plastic screw-cap tubes to hold blood collection
Foam padding with 2 spaces
Blood vial seal (tamper proof)
Integrity seal
Mailing label
Plastic sleeve to hold paperwork
The video tape sobriety testing includes but is not limited to
Field sobriety tests
Alternative sobriety test
An interview
The DRE is responsible for the
12 step DRE process
All DRE evaluations will be conducted
On video
What drivers license are not confiscated
Out of state