GM 901 Flashcards
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting The symbol that denotes an employee’s duty status for each day of the accounting period for:Sick leave
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting The symbol that denotes an employee’s duty status for each day of the accounting period for:Legislative leave
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting The symbol that denotes an employee’s duty status for each day of the accounting period for:Injured on duty leave for any member sworn or non-sworn
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting The symbol that denotes an employee’s duty status for each day of the accounting period for:Leave without pay
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :In the event a member does not take the leave as documented on the Notice of Leave form, the member’s supervisor will email – – –
A supervisor in the accounting and personnel office
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :In regards to shift differential: unit supervisors will email a list of officers eligible for shift differential pay by – – – of each month to the manager of accounting and personnel office.
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :In regards to shift differential: unit supervisors will email a list of officers eligible for shift differential pay by 10th of each month to ——-
manager of accounting and personnel office
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :Fiesta and special event overtime accounting:Member shall choose either – – – or – – – as compensation for overtime worked at fiesta or special event prior to the start of the event.
Overtime or comp time
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :Fiesta and special event overtime accounting:Members may verify the amount of overtime or comp time earned after the completion of the fiesta or special event assignment by assessing – – –, through COSANET using either a mobile data computer or an office computer
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :Overtime and comp time cards:Approving authority – overtime and comp time cards submitted by sworn and non-sworn members shall be reviewed and approved by— – – – prior to being delivered to the accounting and personnel office
At least two levels of supervision
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :Overtime and comp time cards:Overtime and comp time cards must be submitted to the accounting and personnel office within – – –
Eight calendar days
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :Overtime Rates:The overtime rates for overtime payable at straight time (non-sworn members) is—-
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :Overtime Rates:The overtime rates for overtime payable at overtime payable at time and one half:—-
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :Donating blood – city endorsed blood driveSworn and non-sworn members receive – – – of comp time for donating blood during a city endorsed blood drive
Four hours
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :Donating blood – city endorsed blood driveMembers donating blood should obtain a – – – from blood bank personnel
Blood donor receipt
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting :Donating blood – city endorsed blood driveBlood bank personnel will send a list of members donating blood to the – – –
Office of the chief
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting:Instructions for filling out over time cards-Members shall print the – – – office code for their unit of assignment
Three letter
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting:Instructions for filling out over time cards-On late calls, time assigned, – – –, type of call, and the case number shall be included in the justification/event and case number line.
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting:Instructions for filling out over time cards-For a police officer or detective, the – – – or – – – is the first level of supervisory approval required on a card.
Shift/detail Sergeant or Lieutenant
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting:Instructions for filling out over time cards-A member may work on some assignment not covered by the budget assigned to their office code. The department will pay the member with the – – – some examples include working on a grant or responding to internal affairs while off duty
Accounting override
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting:Instructions for filling out over time cards-An officer working SPC who is not an FTO is assigned a cadet for the shift. First level approval is done by the immediate supervisor. The card is routed to the – – – for second level approval
Training academy
Payroll time sheets and overtime accounting:Instructions for filling out over time cards-An officer is ordered to write a report for internal affairs while off-duty the overtime code used is – –
Who is responsible for the completion and accuracy of the payroll timesheet?
Unit/shift directors