GM 324 Flashcards
It is the policy of the S A PD to use performance evaluations to identify – – – in order to enhance the service expectations, policing styles, and responsibilities of the department’s sworn members to reflect the goals and objectives of the department and it’s community policing philosophy
Training needs
Non-sworn members are evaluated in accordance with the EPDP
Employee performance management and development system
Besides using performance evaluations to identify training needs and enhance the service expectations, policing styles, and responsibilities of the department’s sworn members these evaluations are also used as a catalyst for enhancing what?
The career development of sworn members
And the SAPD form #6PE used for the annual planning session from the prior January will be the form used for the annual performance evaluation conducted in January of the following year. Planning session forms shall remain in——?
Sworn member’s departmental field file
Performance evaluations for sworn members who are transferred during a performance evaluation are conducted by the last supervisor to whom a member is assigned during the performance evaluation. Previous supervisors should be contacted for input. The performance evaluation will be submitted to the reviewing officer by —– of each year.
February 15
Probationary police officers are evaluated how often in accordance with FTO program SOP207,evaluation process for probationary police officers,through their riding phase?
How often are probationary officers who have completed their riding phase evaluated for the remainder of their probationary period in accordance with patrol section 213, probationary police officer monitoring program?
All newly promoted supervisory officers shall receive professional and career development, coaching, counseling, and performance evaluation training during their promotional training school. This training is designed to increase knowledge and skill in the following three areas:
1)planning expectations for new performance evaluation period 2) performance evaluations3) career development consultation
At any time during a performance evaluation. If a supervisor detects an immediate need to address a training issue the supervisor should document the issue in writing and submit a written report—— to the——-.
Through the chain of commandTo the training advisory board
All sworn members are considered to have a rating value of – – – in all listed categories at the start of a performance evaluation period
Meet expectations
All sworn members are considered to have a rating value of “meets expectations” in all the categories at the start of the performance evaluation period. Movement up and down the rating scale is based on five areas?
Supervisors expectations, observations, documentation, coaching, and counseling of a sworn member
Supervisors who give a rating other than – – – in any section of the performance evaluation form must state the reason for the rating in writing in the comments section
Meets expectations
And upon completion of an annual performance evaluation, the member’s supervisor conducting the evaluation signs the performance evaluation form and delivers the form to—–?
A reviewing officer
If a sworn member believes performance goals and objectives set by the supervisor cannot be obtained as a direct result of “supervisory conflict” meet with the – – – to mediate mutually agreed-upon objectives for improving work performance
Supervisor’s supervisor
A reviewing officer in disagreement with the Rater’s rating value in any category may require the rater to justify the rating value in writing. If the reviewing officer still disagrees, he states the reason for his disagreement and records his assessment of the rating value in – – – next to the Rater’s assessment.
Red ink