GM 501 Flashcards
Use of force: officer shall use only the level of force necessary to accomplish ——. Anytime force is used the officer shall apply a level of force reasonable for the situation
a lawful police objective
In the course of discharging their duty, police officers are often confronted with situations requiring some degree of force to be exercised in order to effectively maintain public order and safety. This may be achieved on an ascending scale of the officer’s ——–, verbal communications, open/empty hand control, physical force, intermediate weapon and deadly force, according to and proportional with the circumstances of the situation.
In the course of discharging their duty, police officers are often confronted with situations requiring some degree of force to be exercised in order to effectively maintain public order and safety. This may be achieved on an ascending scale of the officer’s presence, ———-, open/empty hand control, physical force, intermediate weapon and deadly force, according to and proportional with the circumstances of the situation.
Verbal communications
In the course of discharging their duty, police officers are often confronted with situations requiring some degree of force to be exercised in order to effectively maintain public order and safety. This may be achieved on an ascending scale of the officer’s presence, verbal communications, ———-, physical force, intermediate weapon and deadly force, according to and proportional with the circumstances of the situation.
Open/empty hands control
In the course of discharging their duty, police officers are often confronted with situations requiring some degree of force to be exercised in order to effectively maintain public order and safety. This may be achieved on an ascending scale of the officer’s presence, verbal communications, open/empty hand control, ——–, intermediate weapon and deadly force, according to and proportional with the circumstances of the situation.
Physical force
In the course of discharging their duty, police officers are often confronted with situations requiring some degree of force to be exercised in order to effectively maintain public order and safety. This may be achieved on an ascending scale of the officer’s presence, verbal communications, open/empty hand control, physical force, ——– and—–, according to and proportional with the circumstances of the situation.
Intermediate weapon and deadly force
In regards to the application of force with the exception of an officer’s presence or verbal communications, the use of any type of force is not justified in response to – – –
Verbal provocation alone
In De-escalation of force when employing necessary force, which is greater than an officer’s presence, and this level of force is being employed to achieve a lawful police objective, officers shall ———-when a subject’s actions indicate that the initial use of force has achieved an acceptable level of compliance by a subject.
De-escalate their use of force options
If circumstances allow, officers should attempt to De-escalate situations through ——, warnings, verbal persuasion, and other tactics to reduce the need for force.
If circumstances allow, officers should attempt to De-escalate situations through advisement, ——-, verbal persuasion, and other tactics to reduce the need for force.
If circumstances allow, officers should attempt to De-escalate situations through advisement, warnings, ——, and other tactics to reduce the need for force.
Verbal persuasion
If circumstances allow, officers should attempt to De-escalate situations through advisement, warnings, verbal persuasion, and other —- to reduce the need for force.
If physical force has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances, officers are authorized to use an intermediate weapon to affect an arrest. Officers may resort to the use of an approved intermediate weapon when:1)—— have failed 2)in self defense or defense of a third person 3)subduing or controlling a violent subject 4)subduing an actively resisting actor 5)physical force has proven in effective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
Lesser methods have failed
If physical force has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances, officers are authorized to use an intermediate weapon to affect an arrest. Officers may resort to the use of an approved intermediate weapon when:1)lesser methods have failed 2——- or ———-3)subduing or controlling a violent subject 4)subduing an actively resisting actor 5)physical force has proven in effective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
In self defense or defense of a third person
If physical force has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances, officers are authorized to use an intermediate weapon to affect an arrest. Officers may resort to the use of an approved intermediate weapon when:1)lesser methods have failed 2)in self defense or defense of a third person 3)subduing or controlling a ——–4)subduing an actively resisting actor 5)physical force has proven in effective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
Subduing or controlling a violent subject
If physical force has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances, officers are authorized to use an intermediate weapon to affect an arrest. Officers may resort to the use of an approved intermediate weapon when:1)lesser methods have failed 2)in self defense or defense of a third person 3)subduing or controlling a violent subject 4)—– an actively resisting actor 5)physical force has proven in effective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
Subduing an actively resisting actor
If physical force has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances, officers are authorized to use an intermediate weapon to affect an arrest. Officers may resort to the use of an approved intermediate weapon when:1)lesser methods have failed 2)in self defense or defense of a third person 3)subduing or controlling a violent subject 4)subduing an actively resisting actor 5)——- has proven in effective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
Physical force has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
Only officers who have successfully completed a training course and are certified in the use of OC spray/gel and/or and ECD are authorized to carry and use OC spray/gel and/or ECD as an intermediate weapon. Additionally only officers who have also successfully completed – – – are authorized to carry and ECD
40 hour crisis intervention training course
OC spray/gel and/or ECD shall not be brandished, displayed, or pointed at a subject in an intimidating manner unless an officer is – – –
Attempting to prevent further escalation of force
The use of deadly force is authorized only to protect an officer or another person from what is reasonably believed to be an – – – or – – –
Immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury
Fire arms are not discharged under the following circumstances:1)as a —–2)when it appears likely a nonparticipant maybe injured or 3)at or from a moving vehicle except as the ultimate measure of self defense or defense of another. Officers should employ all reasonable means available to move to an area of safety if the vehicle because a threat, including retreating from the threat, if practical.
A warning shot
Fire arms are not discharged under the following circumstances:1)as a warning shot 2)when it appears likely a ——- or 3)at or from a moving vehicle except as the ultimate measure of self defense or defense of another. Officers should employ all reasonable means available to move to an area of safety if the vehicle because a threat, including retreating from the threat, if practical.
When it appears likely a nonparticipant may be injured
Fire arms are not discharged under the following circumstances:1)as a warning shot 2)when it appears likely a nonparticipant maybe injured or 3)at or from a moving vehicle except as the ultimate measure of self defense or defense of another. Officers should employ all reasonable means available to ——- if the vehicle because a threat, including retreating from the threat, if practical.
Move to an area of safety
A shoulder weapon is intended to – – – under circumstances where a hand held weapon is not sufficient to neutralize a perceived threat that may result in serious bodily injury or death
Augment primary and approved handguns
A shoulder weapon may be used or deployed at a scene where it is requested by – – – or – – – who is in a position to articulate the need for such support
Officer or supervisor
Officers shall complete SAPD form #62 – UOF, a use of force report, for any force under The following circumstances 1) any force used by an officer greater than an open/empty hand control technique2) any force which causes an individual to impact the ground/floor, object, or another person.3) any force used by an officer that causes injury to an individual which requires ——4)any force used by an officer that causes death to an individual5) discharging a firearm at an individual to accomplish a lawful police objective6) The use of an intermediate weapon by an officer7) when a police K9 bites an individual
Medical treatment
Officers shall complete SAPD form #62 – UOF, a use of force report, for any force under The following circumstances 1) any force used by an officer greater than an open/empty hand control technique2) any force which causes an individual to impact the ground/floor, object, or another person.3) any force used by an officer that causes injury to an individual which requires medical treatment4)any force used by an officer that causes —–5) discharging a firearm at an individual to accomplish a lawful police objective6) The use of an intermediate weapon by an officer7) when a police K9 bites an individual
Death to an individual
Officers shall complete SAPD form #62 – UOF, a use of force report, for any force under The following circumstances 1) any force used by an officer greater than an ———-2) any force which causes an individual to impact the ground/floor, object, or another person.3) any force used by an officer that causes injury to an individual which requires medical treatment4)any force used by an officer that causes death to an individual5) discharging a firearm at an individual to accomplish a lawful police objective6) The use of an intermediate weapon by an officer7) when a police K9 bites an individual
Open/empty hands control technique
Officers shall complete SAPD form #62 – UOF, a use of force report, for any force under The following circumstances 1) any force used by an officer greater than an open/empty hand control technique2) any force which causes an individual to impact the ground/floor, object, or another person.3) any force used by an officer that causes injury to an individual which requires medical treatment4)any force used by an officer that causes death to an individual5) discharging a firearm at an individual to accomplish a lawful police objective6) The use of an ———- by an officer7) when a police K9 bites an individual
Intermediate weapon
Officers shall complete SAPD form #62 – UOF, a use of force report, for any force under The following circumstances 1) any force used by an officer greater than an open/empty hand control technique2) any force which causes an individual to impact the ground/floor, object, or another person.3) any force used by an officer that causes injury to an individual which requires medical treatment4)any force used by an officer that causes death to an individual5) discharging a firearm at an individual to accomplish a lawful police objective6) The use of an intermediate weapon by an officer7) when a police K9 ——
Bites an individual
Officers shall complete SAPD form #62 – UOF, a use of force report, for any force under The following circumstances 1) any force used by an officer greater than an open/empty hand control technique2) any force which causes an individual to impact the ground/floor, object, or another person.3) any force used by an officer that causes injury to an individual which requires medical treatment4)any force used by an officer that causes death to an individual5) discharging a firearm at an —— to accomplish a lawful police objective6) The use of an intermediate weapon by an officer7) when a police K9 bites an individual
Use of force: officer shall use only the level of force necessary to accomplish a lawful police objective. Anytime force is used the officer shall apply a level of force – – – for the situation
Each officer using force during an incident which requires him to complete the use of force report should notify the supervisor of – – – and whether the prisoner received any – – – as a result of the use of force
Type of force used type of injury
When the officer request the supervisor to respond to the use of force scene of an incident that requires you to complete a use of force report, The officer may relocate the prisoner prior to the arrival of a supervisor due to —— or —–
Threat of violence or exigent circumstances
One of the responsibilities of a supervisory officer who is notified to respond to a use of force incident, is that he must request a UEDI to photograph the person who had the force used against them. If a UED is unavailable a – – – shall be requested
Crime scene unit investigator
If the UEDI and the crime scene unit investigator are unavailable, the responding supervisor will take the photos at a use of force incident scene. The photographs shall include photos of – – – – and the photographs shall take place as soon as practical after the incident.
Any documented, visible or alleged injuries
A supervisor arriving on the scene of a use of force incident must ensure proper medical treatment has been offered to the prisoner, and if OC spray/gel was used, ——– is conducted
Decontamination process
The supervisory officer receiving a use of force report shall complete the appropriate section of the report and route the original report to – – –
Internal affairs unit
The field supervisor receiving a use of force form for clarification of details or corrections shall complete the use of force clarification form and return the form to their – – – who will forward the report to the internal affairs unit
Division commander
Supervisors not responding to any use of force incident shall document in the report the reason he did not respond. This report will be forwarded to his – – – through the chain of command
Division commander
Officers involved in the use of deadly force shall be placed on – – – or – – – in accordance with GM procedure 908 mandatory reassignment
Administrative duty or administrative leave