GM 512 Flashcards
An officer desiring to carry an electronic control device (ECD) while on or off duty must successfully complete a training course at training academy in the use of the ECD or present a certificate of training from a TCLEOSE approved ECD training course and demonstrate proficiency in the use of the ECD to the ———- or———–.
training academy commanderOr his designee
Upon satisfactory demonstrating proficiency in the use of the ECD, the training academy commander or designee and recommends approval or disapproval for the officer to carry the ECD while on or off duty and routes a written report of the approval or disapproval to – – –
Officer’s division commander
The ECD is preprogram to deliver a – – – electrical burst
Five second
Officers must be selected by – – – or – – – to receive the ECD training
Chief of police or designee
If an officer fails any portion of the ECD remedial training, they will not be authorized to carry an ECD. The officer who has failed remedial training may request authorization to carry an ECD after – – – and if approved must complete the entire block of ECD training.
Six months
In regards to preoperational check of the ECD prior to going on duty: officers will test fire the ECD once. Accidental discharges of the ECD will require supervisor notification. The officer shall report the incident in writing – – – to his – – –. A copy of the report shall be forwarded to the internal affairs unit.
Through his chain of command to his division commander.
The ECD is deployed as a non-deadly tool for the officer and is not intended to be used in – – – situations. Personnel shall only utilize the ECD consistent with the training received.
Deadly force
T or FThe ECD is placed at the same level of force as OC spray/gel.
Officers may use and ECD when:1)——— have failed 2) in self defense or defense of a third person 3) subduing or controlling a violent subject 4)subduing an aggressively resisting actor or 5)physical force has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
Lesser methods have failed
Officers may use and ECD when:1)lesser methods have failed 2) in————-3) subduing or controlling a violent subject 4)subduing an aggressively resisting actor or 5)physical force has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
In self defense or defense of a third person
Officers may use and ECD when:1)lesser methods have failed 2) in self defense or defense of a third person 3) subduing or controlling a ——–4)subduing an aggressively resisting actor or 5)physical force has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
Subduing or controlling a violent subject
Officers may use and ECD when:1)lesser methods have failed 2) in self defense or defense of a third person 3) subduing or controlling a violent subject 4)subduing ————-5)physical force has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
Subduing and aggressively resisting actor
Officers may use and ECD when:1)lesser methods have failed 2) in self defense or defense of a third person 3) subduing or controlling a violent subject 4)subduing an aggressively resisting actor or 5)——– has proven ineffective or is not a reasonable option based upon the circumstances
Physical force
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:1) ——- of the device
Needless display
Prior to discharging the electronic control device, ECD, the operator should notify others on the scene by announcing – – –
What are the preferred target sounds for using an electronic control device?
Below the chest and off center below the neck from the back position
A supervisor shall be notified and respond to all scenes in which an electronic control device ECD has been activated. The supervisor will conduct a preliminary assessment of the ECD activation and submit – – –
A report of his findings along with the use of force report
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:2) careless or haphazard —— of the device
Muzzle control
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:3) use against any person in a ———
Punitive manner
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:4) use or threat of use of the device during an ——–
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:5) using the device to ———
Awaken a person
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:6)using the device as a ——-
A prod
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:7) using the device on ———person
A helpless or obviously disabled person
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:8) carelessness in its ——-
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:9) —— of the equipment
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:10) failure to report – – –
Damage to the device
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:11) failure to document receipt of a———–
A new or replacement device or cartridge
Improper handling or inappropriate uses of the electronic control devices ECD which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:12) tampering with the ——–
Device or the data
An officer desiring to carry an electronic control device (ECD) while on or off duty must successfully complete a training course at – – – in the use of the ECD or present a certificate of training from a TCLEOSE approved ECD training course and demonstrate proficiency in the use of the ECD to the training academy commander or his designee.
Training academy
ECD (electronic control devices) shall not be utilized in the following circumstances 1)when the officer knows a subject has come——
Contact with flammable liquids or is in a flammable atmosphere
ECD (electronic control devices) shall not be utilized in the following circumstances 2) when the subject is in a position to—–
Fall and possibly sustained substantial injury or death
ECD (electronic control devices) shall not be utilized in the following circumstances 3) punitively for purposes of—–
ECD (electronic control devices) shall not be utilized in the following circumstances 4). To – – – or – – – subjects
Escort or jab
ECD (electronic control devices) shall not be utilized in the following circumstances 5)– – – Unconscious subjects
ECD (electronic control devices) shall not be utilized in the following circumstances 6) on a – —–prisoner
ECD (electronic control devices) shall not be utilized in the following circumstances 7) when the subject is visibly – – – unless deadly force is the only other option
ECD (electronic control devices) shall not be utilized in the following circumstances 8) The subject is in or around – – –
Water where drowning could result
ECD (electronic control devices) shall not be utilized in the following circumstances 9)against – – – of any age
Frail persons
ECD (electronic control devices) shall not be utilized in the following circumstances 10)against persons known to be under
The influence of drugs
ECD, electronic control devices, should NOT be utilized in the following situations1) on subjects operating —–2) on a person operating a self-propelled vehicle3) when the subject is holding a firearm
Motor vehicles
ECD, electronic control devices, should NOT be utilized in the following situations1) on subjects operating Motor vehicles 2) on a person operating a ——3) when the subject is holding a firearm
Self-propelled vehicle like a bicycle
ECD, electronic control devices, should NOT be utilized in the following situations1) on subjects operating Motor vehicles 2) on a person operating a self propelled vehicle3) when the subject is holding a
ECD, electronic control devices, should NOT be utilized in the following situations4) when the subject is at ——-5) when deadly force is clearly justifiable unless another officer is present and capable of providing deadly force to protect officers and/or civilians as necessary
Extremes of age (youth or aged) or physically disabled
ECD, electronic control devices, should NOT be utilized in the following situations4) when the subject is at extremes of age youth or aged) or physically disabled5) when deadly force is clearly justifiable unless ——– to protect officers and/or civilians as necessary
Another officer is present and capable of providing that the course
ECD, electronic control devices, should NOT be utilized in the following situations4) when the subject is at extremes of age youth or aged) or physically disabled5) when deadly force is clearly justifiable unless another officer is present and capable of providing deadly force to protect officers and/or civilians as necessary6) in cases where another officer has already – – –
Successfully deployed and ECD on the suspect
Supervisor shall ensure fired ECD cartridges are replaced when?
Prior to the end of the officers tour of duty
Any officer discharging on ECD accidentally or intentionally shall immediately notify – – – and report the incident on riding through his chain of command to his division commander
On-duty supervisor
And ECD certified officer may remove the ECD darts when penetration has occurred; however, the officer will not remove probes embedded in the– – ——of the subject.Try to name 9
Face EyeMouthNeckhands female breast area nipples GroinGenitals
In regards to discharging an electronic control device, Anytime the probes break off inside the suspect the suspect will be——
Transported for medical treatment
Dispatchers shall dispatch – – – to all scenes where there has been a discharge Of an ECD by San Antonio police officer
Crime scene unit investigators
When the EMS personnel determine a prisoner does not require further medical attention, The prisoner is transported to – – – by the officer .The officer verbally notifies – – – personnel the prisoner was exposed to an ECD.
Detention facility (goes in both blanks)
Crime scene unit investigators shall promptly respond to the scene where there has been a discharge of an ECD by San Antonio police officer. The crime scene unit investigator shall place spent probes into – – – as evidence.
Property room
The armory and supply office replaces ECD equipment returned to the armory by officers and completes the appropriate section of SAPD form # 62-RFI, receipt for issue/replacement OC spray/gel and/or ECD and forwards a copy of the form to – – –
Internal affairs unit
In regards to electronic control devices, Supervisory officers must understand – – – of all weapons carried by their shift personnel
Maximum effective range
All ECD’s assigned under the supervisor must be downloaded on a –——- basis to keep the time and date accurate