GM 618 Flashcards
Racial/bias profilingPolice officers shall not use race, national origin, citizenship, religion, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, or ——- for a law-enforcement-initiated action, except to determine whether a person matches a specific description of a particular suspect.
Physical or mental disability
Each officer has a responsibility for preventing racial/bias profile. Officers must remain customer oriented, while also considering their safety and the safety of others. Officer should:1) extend a customary greeting to each person they —– or ——2) identify themselves by name3) explain the reason for the stop or detention
Stop or detain
Each officer has a responsibility for preventing racial/bias profile. Officers must remain customer oriented, while also considering their safety and the safety of others. Officer should:1) extend a customary greeting to each person they stop or detain2) identify themselves ——3) explain the reason for the stop or detention
By name
Each officer has a responsibility for preventing racial/bias profile. Officers must remain customer oriented, while also considering their safety and the safety of others. Officer should:1) extend a ——- to each person they stop or detain2) identify themselves by name3) explain the reason for the stop or detention
Customary greeting
Each officer has a responsibility for preventing racial/bias profile. Officers must remain customer oriented, while also considering their safety and the safety of others. Officer should:4) afford the person the opportunity to provide their ——–5) politely ask for the person’s identification6) remain courteous and project a professional demeanor during the interview or questioning
Explanation of their behavior
Each officer has a responsibility for preventing racial/bias profile. Officers must remain customer oriented, while also considering their safety and the safety of others. Officer should:4) afford the person the opportunity to provide their explanation of their behavior5) politely ask for the ——–6) remain courteous and project a professional demeanor during the interview or questioning
Person’s identification
Each officer has a responsibility for preventing racial/bias profile. Officers must remain customer oriented, while also considering their safety and the safety of others. Officer should:4) afford the person the opportunity to provide their explanation of their behavior5) politely ask for the person’s identification6) remain courteous and project a ——- during the interview or questioning
Professional demeanor
Each officer is responsible for assisting in the prevention of racial/bias profiling by making custodial/non-custodial arrest based on – – – supporting the elements of the offense and not on racial/bias profiling.
Probable cause
Officers shall report any acts of racial/bias profiling in – – –
Writing to their immediate supervisor
Supervisory officers shall monitor the actions of the officers under their command to ensure racial/bias profiling does not occur and is not condoned. Supervisor shall immediately submit all reports of racial/bias profiling through – – – to – – —-
Chain of command to their division commander
The internal affairs unit presents the findings of all formal complaint investigations of racial/bias profiling to the – – –
Chiefs advisory action board
The department shall be responsible for providing training to all officers in racial/bias profiling to emphasize the need to respect the rights of all citizens to be free from unreasonable government intrusion or law enforcement initiated action. This training shall include:A.—— training B.annual in-service training C.input from those classes of persons identified in this policy in development the curriculum D.incorporation of the TCLEOSE curriculum and E.specific lesson plans for patrol officers, supervisors, FTOs, etc.
The department shall be responsible for providing training to all officers in racial/bias profiling to emphasize the need to respect the rights of all citizens to be free from unreasonable government intrusion or law enforcement initiated action. This training shall include:A.Cadet training B.annual ——- C.input from those classes of persons identified in this policy in development the curriculum D.incorporation of the TCLEOSE curriculum and E.specific lesson plans for patrol officers, supervisors, FTOs, etc.
In-service training
The department shall be responsible for providing training to all officers in racial/bias profiling to emphasize the need to respect the rights of all citizens to be free from unreasonable government intrusion or law enforcement initiated action. This training shall include:A.Cadet training B.annual in-service training C.input from those classes of persons identified in this policy in development the curriculum D.incorporation of the ——- curriculum and E.specific lesson plans for patrol officers, supervisors, FTOs, etc.
TCLEOSE curriculum
The department shall be responsible for providing training to all officers in racial/bias profiling to emphasize the need to respect the rights of all citizens to be free from unreasonable government intrusion or law enforcement initiated action. This training shall include:A.Cadet training B.annual in-service training C.input from those classes of persons identified in this policy in development the curriculum D.incorporation of the TCLEOSE curriculum and E.specific lesson plans for ————, etc.
Patrol officers, supervisors, FTOS
The SAPD considers racial/bias profiling a – – –
Serious form of Officer misconduct
Racial profile data must be collected on the – – – stopped for an alleged violation of a law or ordinance
Operator of any motor vehicle
Officers who initiate a motor vehicle stop, which does not result in the production of an incident or offense Report, shall document such occurrence by submitting one of the following forms:1) 2) traffic warning citation3) curfew violation4) Field interview5) DWI report6) gang contact data sheet
Traffic citation
Officers who initiate a motor vehicle stop, which does not result in the production of an incident or offense Report, shall document such occurrence by submitting one of the following forms:1) traffic citation2) 3) curfew violation4) Field interview5) DWI report6) gang contact data sheet
Traffic warning citation
Officers who initiate a motor vehicle stop, which does not result in the production of an incident or offense Report, shall document such occurrence by submitting one of the following forms:1) traffic citation2) traffic warning citation3) 4) Field interview5) DWI report6) gang contact data sheet
Curfew violation
Officers who initiate a motor vehicle stop, which does not result in the production of an incident or offense Report, shall document such occurrence by submitting one of the following forms:1) traffic citation2) traffic warning citation3) curfew violation4) 5) DWI report6) gang contact data sheet
Field interview
Officers who initiate a motor vehicle stop, which does not result in the production of an incident or offense Report, shall document such occurrence by submitting one of the following forms:1) traffic citation2) traffic warning citation3) curfew violation4) Field interview5) 6) gang contact data sheet
DWI report
Officers who initiate a motor vehicle stop, which does not result in the production of an incident or offense Report, shall document such occurrence by submitting one of the following forms:1) traffic citation2) traffic warning citation3) curfew violation4) Field interview5) DWI report6)
Gang contact data sheet
How many times?Profile data shall be filled out – – – for each individual (operator of motor vehicle only)
Only once
All racial/bias information required to be collected in accordance with article 2.133 of the code of criminal procedure must be completed and analyzed – – –( how often?)
Who shall be responsible for providing public information related to the agency’s efforts to comply with government mandate on racial/bias profiling?
The department
Avenues for the department providing public information related to racial/bias profiling will include the distribution of San Antonio Police Department – – pamphlets and – – –
Internal affairs unit pamphlets and new/press releases
Racial/bias profilingPolice officers shall not use race, national origin, citizenship, religion, ethnicity, age, gender,——-, or physical or mental disability for a law-enforcement-initiated action, except to determine whether a person matches a specific description of a particular suspect.
Sexual orientation