Gluteal Region and Thigh Muscles, Vasculature and Innervation Flashcards
Gluteus Maximus
cover all other gluteal muscles with exception of anterosuperior 2/3 of gluteus medius muscle
neurovasculature enters deep surface of muscle at its centre
O- Ilium posterior to posterior gluteal line; dorsum of sacrum and coccyx;sacrotuberous ligament
I- IT band (tract) and gluteal tuberosity
A- Extension of thigh from a flexed position; assists with LR
N- Inferior gluteal nearve (L5,S1,S2)
B- Superior and Inferior gluteal arteries
Gluteus Medius
superior part of muscle can be palpated just inferior to iliac crest
O-ilium b/w anterior and posterior gluteal lines
I- Lateral surface greater trochanter of femur
A- ABD and MR thigh; keeps pelvis level when ipsilateral limb is weight bearing and advance opposite side during its swing phase
N- Superior Gluteal Nerve (L5,S1)
B- Superior Gluteal Artery
Gluteus Minimus
deep to gluteus medius
recognizable in lab by shinny white fan-shaped tendon
O- ilium b/w anterior and inferior gluteal lines
I- Anterior surface greater trochanter of femur
A- ABD and MR thigh; keeps pelvis level when ipsilateral limb is weight bearing and advance opposite side during its swing phase
N- Superior Gluteal Nerve (L5,S1)
B- Superior Gluteal Artery
Tensor Fascia Lata
enclosed b/w layers of fascia lata
shares common insertion with part of gluteus maximus (IT band)
O- ASIS; anterior part of iliac crest
I- IT band
A- Flexion of thigh, ABD, MR,; helps keep knee extended (tenses IT band)
N- Superior Gluteal Nerve (L5,S1)
B- Superior Gluteal Artery
Piriformis Muscle
pear shaped, partly on posterior wall of pelvis and partly posterior to hip joint
leaves pelvis via greater sciatic foramen
sciatic never emerges inferior to this muscle and it is the landmark for sup and inf gluteal n. and v.
O- Anterior surface of sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament
I- Superior Border greater trochanter of femur
A- LR of extended thigh; ABD of flexed thigh; steadies femoral head
N- Ventral Rami S1,S2
B- Superior and Inferior Gluteal Arteries
Superior Gemellus
often absent, triangular shaped
extrapelvic reinforcement of obturator interns
O- Ischial Spine
I- Trochanteric fossa of femur via tendon of obturator interns
A- LR of extended thigh; ABD of flexed thigh; steadies femoral head
I- Nerve to Obturator Internus (L5,S1)
B- Inferior Gluteal and medial femoral circumflex arteries
Obturator Internus
along with gemelli forms the triceps coxae
located partly in pelvis and leaves the lesser sciatic foramen and becomes tendinous
O- Pelvic surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bodies
I- Trochanteric fossa of femur
A- LR of extended thigh; ABD of flexed thigh; steadies femoral head
N- Nerve to obturator internus (L5,S1)
B- Pelvic Part- Obturator artery
Extrapelvic Part- Medial femoral circumflex artery
Inferior Gemellus
traingular shaped, extrapelvic reinforcement of obturator internus
O- Ischial tuberosity
I- Trochanteric fossa via tendon of obturator internus
A- LR of extended thigh; ABD of flexed thigh; steadies head of femur
N- Nerve to quadratus femoris (L5,S1)
B- Medial circumflex artery
Obturator Externus
obturato canal exits superior to muscle
deep to superomedial part of thigh
tendon passes directly under acetabulum and neck of femur
O-Margins of obturator foramen and obturator membrane
I- Trochanteric fossa of femur
A- LR of thigh; steadies femoral head
N- Posterior division of obturator nerve (L3,L4)
Quadratus Femoris
short, flat quadrangular muscle
located inferiorly to inferior gemellus
O- Lateral border of ischial tuberosity
I- Quadrate tubercle of femur and are inferior to it
A- LR of thigh; steadies femoral head
N- N to quadratus femoris (L5,S1)
B- Medial femoral circumflex and 1st performating arteries
Distal part has a long, cord like tendon
is a pes anserinus
O- Ischial tuberosity
I- Superior part of medial surface of tibia
A- Extension of thigh and flexion of leg; MR (when knee is flexed)
N- Tibial division of sciatic nerve (L5,S1,S2)
flattened, membranous proximal attachment
distal attachement divides into 3 parts:
-direct attachment to tibial condyle, part that blends with popliteal fossa, reflected part that forms the oblique popliteal ligament
O- Ischial tuberosity
I- Posterior part of medial condyle of tibia
A- Extension of thigh and flexion of leg; MR (when knee is flexed)
N- Tibial division of sciatic nerve (L5,S1,S2)
Biceps Femoris
long and short head but has common insertion
workhorse of the hip extensors
long head protects the sciatic nerve
O- Long head- Ischial tuberosity
Short Head- Linea aspera and lateral supracondylar line of femur
I- Lateral side head of fibula
A- Extension of thigh and flexion of leg; LR when knee is flexed
N- Long head - Tibial Division of Sciatic nerve (L5,S1,S2)
Short head - Commom Fibular Division of Sciatic Nerve (L5,S1,S2)
flat quadrangular muscle
transitional b/w anterior and medial compartments
O- Superior pubic ramus
I- Pectineal line on femur, inferior to lesser trochanter
A- ADD and flexion of thigh
N- Femoral Nerve (L2,L3); may have branches from obturator nerve
chief flexor of thigh
composed of iliac us and psoas major muscles
O- Iliacus - iliac crest and fossa, ala of sacrum, anterior sacroiliac ligament
Psoas Major- sides of T12-L5 vertebrae and IVD, TP of all Lumbar vertebrae
I- Iliacus- Tendon of psoas major, lesser trochanter and femur distal to it
Psoas Major- Lesser trochanter
A- Flexion of thigh or trunk; stabilize hip joint
N- Iliacus - Femoral Nerve (L2,L3)
Psoas Major - Ventral Rami of L1, L2
tailers muscle, is a pes anserinus muscle
acts on 2 joints and permits cross legged flexion
O- ASIS and superior part of notch inferior to it
I- Superior part medial surface of tibia (per anserinus)
A- Flexion, ABD, and LR of thigh; flexion of leg; MR leg when knee is flexed
N- Femoral nerve (L2,L3)
Rectus Femoris
kicking muscle, crosses knee and hip joints
ability to extend knee, limited when in flexion
O- AIIS and iliu superior to acetabulum
I- Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A- Extension of leg; flexion of leg; steadies hip joint
N- Femoral Nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Vastus Lateralis
O- Greater trochanter and lateral lip of line aspera
I- Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A- Extension of leg
N- Femoral Nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Vastus Intermedius
O- Anterior and Lateral surfaces of shaft of Femur
I- Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A- Extension of Leg
N- Femoral nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Vastus Medialis
O- Intertrochanteric line and medial lip of line aspera
I- Tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon
A- Extension of leg
N- Femoral Nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Adductor Longus
large fan shaped muscle
most anteriorly placed
cover anterior part of adductor brevis and magnus muscles
O- Body of pubic crest
I- Middle 1/3 of line aspera
A- ADD thigh
N- Anterior branch of obturator nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Adductor Brevis
lies deep to pectineus and adductor magnus
two divisions of obturator nerve pass ant. and post. to muscle
O- Body and inferior rams of pubis
I- Pectineal line and proximal part of line aspera
A- ADD and limited flexion of thigh
N- Obturator Nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Adductor Magnus
largest and most powerful and posterior adductor
triangular muscle, has adductor and hamstring parts
O- Add part- Inferior ramus of pubis, rams of ishium
Ham part - Ischial tuberosity
I- Add- Gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, medial supraconylar line
Ham - Adductor tubercle
A- ADD thigh; Add part- flexes thigh; Ham part extends thigh
N- Add- Posterior branch obturator nerve (L2,L3,L4)
Ham - Tibial Division of Sciatic Nerve (L4)
most medial of adductor group
weakest member, crosses the hip and knee joints
joins to form the per anserinus muscles
O- Body and inferior rams of pubis
I - Superior part of medial surface of tibia (pes anserinus)
A- ADD thigh; flexes leg; MR leg
N- Obturator Nerve (L2, L3)