Global8 Flashcards
Mejorar, realzar, enhance
Mejoró su pecho con implantes
She enhanced her breasts with implants
Leer puede mejorar tu vocabulario
Reading may enhance your vocabulary
Siempre y cuando, providing…
Siempre y cuando sigas las instrucciones, elmriesgo de accidente es muy bajo
Providing you follow the instructions, the risk of an accident is very low
A no ser que algo salga terriblemente mal, no deberia estropearse
Unless somethong goes terribly wrong, it shouldn’t get damaged
A no ser que algo salga terriblemente mal, deberiamos terminar para el jueves
Unless something goes terribly wrong, we should be finishe by Thursday
La tapadera de las lentes, del objetivo
Lens cap
Si no remplazas la tapa del objetivo, se puede rallar facilmente
If you don’t replace the lens cap, it can easily get scratch
Si llevas zapatos de suela lisa en tiempo de hielo , es probable que resbales
If you wear smooth-soled shoes in icy weather, you’re likely to slip over
Siempre y cuando todo este correctamente empaquetado, no deberia dañarse
Providing everything is properly packaged, it shouldn’get damaged
Si hubiera llevado un casco de ciclista, probablemente habria tenido menos cortes y moratones
If she hab been wearing a cycle helmet, she probably would have fewer cuts and bruises
The whole thing could have been much more traumatic, had the driver not been so calm and kind
Frase incorrecta” cuidado con negative report…
The disease is believed to not cross the special barriers between sheep and human
Frase correcta: the disease is NOT believed do cross the barrierr…
No se utiliza “gossip” para report sentences,.. Se dice”it is rumoured”
No se utiliza “comprehended” tampoco, se utiliza “understood”
He is understood to play a critical role…
Pisar: tread-trod-trodden
Rasguño, arañazo, scratch “ i was so annoyed when I scratched the face of my watch
Agrietado, resquebrajarse: crack
This dish is slighly cracked, but i can still use it
Hacerse añicos, romperse en trocitos :Shatter:
deje caer uno de mis vasos favoritos de vino, y se hizo añicos
Tropezar, stumble…to trip
I felt terrible when my friend tripped over one of my son’s toys
Squash: aplastar
La caja se aplastó un poco en la oficina de correos, pero el contenido estaba bien. The box was slightly squashed in the post, but the contents were fine
El coche no arranca, the car ‘s not starting, the battery must be dead
Se entiende que El presentador del programa de entrevistas recibira tratamiento en la clinica de beverly hills
The controversial chat show host is understood to be receiving treatment in beverly hills clinic
El exterior esta cubierto con paneles dorados de metal
Golden metal panels
The exterior is covered in gold metal panels
Bland, un sabor soso, desabrido
Dreary, /’dri6ri/ tiempo gris, deprimente, dreary weather, landsacape
Monotono, aburrido, dreary work, dreary life, pesado, aburrido, dreary speech, dreary book
Bland, soso, insipido, comida, it tastes rather bland, /insulso, anodino, bland music, bland film, bland book,
Bland=apacible, suave, dulce, bondadoso,agradable, afable
We stayed in a bland chain hotel in a dreary suburb/’svb3:b
Suburb, afueras, barrio periferico, residential outskirt of city, barrio residencial,ciudad jardin,un ensanche (no equivale a nuestro suburbio, que seria slum)
Outskirt: periferia, (skirt the house)
Impresionante, alucinante. :Awe-inspiring, /’oinspai6rin
La lluvia de estrellas, meteoros/ the asteroid shower was awe-inspiring
Feo, horroroso, hideous,,espantoso, horrible, hideous/’hidi6s
Eyesore: an ugly thing, monstruosidad, engendro, monstruo
The building’s innovative design makes it incredibly energy efficient
El paseo en helicoptero nos dio una impresionante vista del bonito paisaje
The helicopter ride gave us awe-inspiring views of the beautiful landscape
Las habitaciones estan amuebladas con mucho gusto
The rooms are tastefully/’teistf6li furnished in a classic style
When the article appeared, it was greeted with outrage by women’s groups,/ greet, recibir, acoger
Outrage, /au’treidg , furia, indignacion
La opinion estaba dividida sobre su primera pelicula , lanzada hace dos años
Opinion was divided over his first film, released two years ago
His controversial photographs tend to provoke strong reactions
The books have proved to be incredibly successful with teenagers
Sin embargo, no obstante, albeit/o:l’bi:it
Asi que, de ahi que, por consiguiente… Hence, your grammar is weak, hence the low mark i’ve given to you
Por lo tanto, por eso, therefore, /de6fo:/. I think, therefore I exist
Por lo tanto , por consiguiente, thus, /thus, everyone decided to move on
Cubrir, tapar, cover up
Please cover up the leftover food, so we can eat it later
Therefore, thus, hence…asi que, por consiguiente, por lo tanto
Albeit /o:l’bi:it/ no obstante, sin embargo
Aleatoriedad, randomness
Aaleatorio, a random choice, a random result, random movement
Unforeseen, hit-or-miss, hit-and-miss, to have a hit-or-miss way of doing things,
The way she painted the room was rather hit-or-miss(sin ton ni son)
Apparently, seemingly, there’s a fifty-fifty chance of rain
Creo que susana tiene una buena oportunidad de conseguir el trabajo