Global5 Flashcards
Deberias tener cuidado con no sobrepasarte, como “ steady on”
You should be careful not to overstep
Convocar la presencia de alguien
To summon / s6mn
You have been summoned before our emperor
Pull out
If a car pulls out , it moves away from the pavement into the road
Pull out :sacar o extraer algo, arrancar, extract…
Abnegado, altruista, desinteresado
Selflessness: desinteres, abnegacion, altruismo
Thanks to the extraordinary selflessness of the villagers, the epidemic was contained
He’ s not humble, but is he now prepared to show some humility?
She was grown into a mature /’ m6tchu6/ self-confident young woman
Mientras que, considerando que…
Throughout /zru’uaut/ her life she stood up for the rights of women and children
She believed that a lack of education stood in the way of women fulfilling their potential in society(obstruir, obstaculizar)
Ella opinaba que la falta de educacion impedia a las mujeres completar su potencial.
Disuadir a alguien de hacer algo, desalentar, discourage sb from doing sth
Deter somebody from doing sth
Don’ t let the weather deter you
I didn’t buy it because I was deterred by the cost
The price deterred me from buying it
Ella hizo campaña incansablemente por un cambio social
She campaigned tirelessly for social
Give way on , flaquear
She gave way on her decision, cedio en sus decisiones
She never gave way on her decisions
She stood her ground against opposition
Se mantuvo firme frente a la oposicion(remaining firm
She stood up to her male colleagues (confront, face up to)
Preventable, /preven’teibl , avoidable
Evitable, que se puede evitar
Epidemic:when a disease spreads to many people
Debt:the state of owing money
Corruption:dishonest behaviour by powerful people
Malnutrition: a lack of nutritious food
Illiteracy: being unable to read and write
Hurricane: a destructive storm with very high winds
Sanitation: clean living conditions,saneamiento,mejora de condiciones higienicas
Drought¡:lack of rain
Tsunami¡ a huge wave caused by an earthquake
Arson: incendio provocado Piracy: pirateria Burglary: robo de una casa Break-in: entrar a la fuerza Assault: asalto, ataque
Theft: robo, hurto
Armed robbery: robo a mano armada, theft with a weapon
Fraud: fraude
Manslaughter: homicicio involuntario, unintended killing
Theft: robo, hurto
Blasphemy: irreverence toeards sth sacred/seikrid
Bribery: dar o coger un soborno
Bribe:lo que se ha cogido o pagado
ASEAN: association of southeast asian nations
The UN : the united nations was founded in 1945 to replace the league of nations
Like many other UN /iu en/organisations, the headquarters of the WHO is in Geneva(world health organization?..??)UN=ONU org. De nacio.uni
OPEC /6upec/ is made up of countries in Africa
Since its foundation, in1949, NATO/neit6u/ Has expanded from its original 12 member states to include 28 countries (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)nuestra OTAN
Mischievous : travieso, Misgiving: dida, recelo ADHD :attention deficit hyperactivity disorder /aiperak'tiviti/ ADD : attention deficit disorder Badly -behaved: mal educados
Personas acusadas de delitos menore People convicted of lesser offences (con c) Offence infraccion delito, ofensa... Criminal /krimin6l Inaugurar! /in'6ugiureit
Quiz: prueba, de preguntas
Game involving questions
Deterrent: something that makes people decide not to do something by making them realise that something unpleasant could happennto them
Words in italics: palabras en letra cursiva
Words in bold’ negrita
To soothe :tranquilizar, calmar
A student shall be considered truant when absent without parents permission
Calvo : bald, hairless La casta de un pueblo: caste Grassroots; Posthumously: postumo She received messages of support from well-wishers