Global 1 Flashcards
Other people were wandering the streets, clearly n shock, looking completely bewildered(confused, desconcertados…)
Consternacion, desaliento
Gradable and undradable adjectives
Viewers around the world were absolutely horrified by the scenes of destruction
The effects of the earthquake were felt across an incredibly large area.
Villages near the centre of the quake were totally devastated(temblor)
Many roads were damaged, making it rather difficult to get through
The rescuers said they were very shocked by what they witnessed
Some people who had lost everything were utterly distraught(detresse)
Distress, afliccion
No tripulado, controlado remotamente(without a crew)
Thousands of people visit social networking websites
Many people update their status daily (actualizar)(keep up to date mantener actualizado)
Some people upload photos to their profiles and their friends can post comments about them
If they want, people can download the photos to their own computer
It’s also possible to upload videos to video-sharing websites
Friends can click on a link on your profile to watch them
En la delantera, vanguardia
The university is at the forefront of e-learning technology
De posgrado
Postgraduate students
De mas de una capa, has several layers
Encantado, delighted, joyful
Sobresalto, sacudida
I woke up with a jolt
Enhance /in’ha:ns
Mejorar, realzar
Including everything