Global 4 Flashcards
Approve (of) aprobar algo, decir que si Trite formulas ( singular, formula) formulas triviales, no originales...
Soundbite: extracto de un texto, cita
These ideas are no more than convenient soundbites that do nothing to solve the issues
Desacreditar, despretigiar, ridiculizar
The study set out to debunk popular myths about mental illness
To set out to: proponerse hacer algo
Set out (salir de viaje
Close examination, escrutinio,mexamen
A sequel: a film that continues the story of another film
A costume drama: a film based in a particular period of history
Biopic /’bai6upik: a film based on a real person’s life (biografica)
Thriller, a film with an exciting story, often involving crime
Score: music written for a film(banda sonora) (tambien marca, resultado
Utillaje, atrezo, objetos utilizados por actores en teatro o pelis
Mobiliario y escenario de pelis: set
Cast: all the actors who appear in a film
Groundbreaking : revolucionario, innovador Paradigm : a pattern or model, Outset: comienzo, principio Tackling (a problem) afrontar, abordar The top-down paradigm: de arriba abajo
I slept like a log
My uncle smokes like a chimney, he must get through forty a day
I wouldn’t try to talk to Jack this morning, he’s like a bear with a sore head (dolorosa)
I can’t believe I forgot dad’s birthday, I’ve got a memory like a sieve(colador)
I felt like a fish out of water
Make out :hacer creer, hacer como que
He tried to make out it was like water on a glass, but I could tell he was upset
We had lots in common and got on like a house on fire(strongly, con fuerza)
Adage, (old saying, proverb
It is a well-known phrase that says something about life and human experience
Proverbio, un dicho,
Don’t count your chicken before they hatch
Hatch (salir del cascaron) no des por seguro que algo va a pasar antes de hacer lo conveniente
No vendas la piel del oso antes de haberlo matado
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink
(La gente va a hacer de todas formas lo que quiera, por mucho que le aconsejes
There’s no such thing as a free lunch
Todo tiene un precio
Don’t burn your bridges behind you,
Keep your options open
Whereas /w36r’aez
Mientras que
A la inversa, al contrario
Specifically, especialmente, especificamente,concretamente, a saber
I do agee that with the right mindset you can achieve your goal
Mindset(a way of thinking about things
I can’t help but feel that it …
Having said that, the performances are excellent
I don’ t share your views
In my opinion,mIt has more of the look and feel of a tv drama
Reconocer, admitir