Global 7 Flashcards
Esperanza de vida:lifespan
The average lifespan of a dolphin in the wild is 45 years
When they are resting , a normal person’s heart rate is around 60-80 beats
Tuvimos un romance relampago, torbellino
We had a whirlwind romance,
Julian se declaró a ella despues de dos meses
He proposed to her after 2 months
No encontré el amor verdadero hasta mis cincuenta cuando encontré a Alice
I didn’t find true love until my fifties…
Ahora somos almas gemelas
We’re soulmates
Encaprichado, obsesionado: infatuated
Cuando era adolescente, estaba obsesionada con el amigo de mi hermano
As a teenager, I was completely infatuated with my brother’s friend
A slow tempo, /ritmo, pace
Cansancio , fatiga: tiredness
Patients complain of suffering extreme tiredness and lethargy(lack of energy, apathy/’ap6zi
The friendly , laid-back atmosphere (lay back=ser, estar despreocupado) makes it a great place to relax
Cupo: quota/kw6ut6
The team are struggling to sell their full quota of tickets for the match
Si cambias de parecer, dame un toque y lo podemos volver a organizar
If you change your mind, just give me a ring, and we can rearrange it
A quien tienes en mente para ir al cine?
Who do you have in mind to go to the cinema?
Lo siento, se me olvidó por completo
I’m sorry, it completely slipped my mind
No estás en tus cabales, nadar en el mar en esta época del año
You’re out of your mind, swimming in the sea at this time of year
Cuidado con la cabez al salir del coche
Mind your head as you get out of the car
Se me pasó por la mente que podías estar aquí también
It crossed my mind that you might be here too
Puedes tenerlo hecho para la fecha limite, si te lo propones
You can have it done by the deadline if you set your mind to it(
If you are determined/di’t6:mind)
Distraerse, apartar la mente de…
Take my mind off something
Me mantendré ocupado para distrAerme, apartar la mente entrevista de la semana que viene
I’m keeping myself busy to take my mind off next week ‘s interview
Es la imagen identica de su padre, son image tout crachée
He’s the spitting image of his father
Mi hermano se parece a mi padre
He really takes after my father, he bears an extraordinary resemblance to my father
No me parezco nada a ninguno de mis padres
I look nothing like either of my parents