Global10 Flashcards
Tener un blog….keep a blog
Transmite, comunica la inmediatez de lomque esta ocurriendo
Convey the inmediacy of what is happening
Ingresar a alguien en un hospital. The patient was admitted in the intensive care unit
Ingresar en un colegio,…to enter a school
Ingresar en ejercito…..join the army
Dar cuenta de primera mano de un acontecimiento
Give a first-hand account of an event
No se como empezar a describir lombien que sienta..i can’t begin to describe how good it feels to…
Write a blog entry /i
Sign up, registrarse
Enviar, submit, submit tambien entregar
Repetir curso…..repeat a course, retake a course
Mascar, masticar…..chew on
Mordisquear, picar…..nibble on snacks all day
Siesta, …nap, echar una siesta…take a nap
Problema , imprevisto….a snag
Aprovisionarse, abastecerse…..stock up on
Meter algo …stick something in the microwave
Lio , confusion….a hassle
Molestar, fastidiar….to hassle
Acurrucarse….tuck my legs … Cuddle juntos…
Su famila todavia vive en Madrid…his family still live/lives in Madrid
Este grupo trabaja mas que ninguna otra clase de studiantes que yo haya enseñado This group works/work harder than any class of students I've previously taught
El gobierno ha anunciado planes para subir el salario minimo el año que viene
The government has/ have announced plans to raise the minimum wage next year
En años recientes, el numero de estudiantes de ultramar, ha aumentado dramaticamente
In recent years, the number of overseas students at UK universities has/have increased dramatically
Cada miembro del equipo juega un rol igualmente importante en el resultado final
Each member of the team plays an equally important role in the final result
Nunca antes los medios digitales tuvieron un papel tan importante
En campañas politicas
Never before have digital media played such an important role in political campaigning
Not only do professional campaigners get their message across, but ordinary people get to have their say too
No sooner has a politician made a speech, than people are posting reactions on twitter
Hardly has a candidate finished speaking, when a video of the speech appears on Youtube
No longer are traditional print, radio and television the only means of disseminating ideas
Rarely has a medium of mass communication been so open and accessible to the individual
Abre lata….tin-opener
Plural de aircraft=aircraft
Formula, formulas
I’ve had enough of people leaving rubbish on the street
Taza para llevar…take-out cup
Lots of people have a coffee in a Take-out cup, then just leave it on a wall
No hace mucho….not long ago
A group of kids from the local school had a go at clearing it up not long ago
I have no idea if it was a one-off project or if they’re going to repeat it regularly
Of course, the local council has a responsability to keep the streets clean
We had high hopes for some new recycling bins in the area, but no one used them
Children account for 5%of the audience, they represent the 5%
Promesa, prometer….pledge, promise
La comida se estropea…Food goes off….spoil
La proporcion de gente que sufre de hambre aumenta
The proportion of people suffering from hunger is increasing
Fecha de consumo preferente….best-before date
Fecha de caducida….use-by date(due date, expiry date…)
Nutridos, desnutridos….Nourished, undernourished….
Tumulto, bullicio, disturbio….riot
Elevar estimular la toma de conciencia del problema del hambre…
Raise awareness of the problem of hunger
People lack the food they need to be healthy
La gente tira la comida, people throw away food
Derroche, desperdicio de comida….food wastage
Cortar por lo sano, reducir…curtail food wastage…
La gente en paises pobres tienden a comprar comida para to meet their immediate needs
Los ricos compran en grandes cantidades
The rich buy in bulk, so sometimes food is surplus to,requirement or quickly goes off
La cantidad total de comida tirada es
The total amount of food thrown away….