Global3 Flashcards
Expresar, verbalizar
He has difficulty conveying his thoughts to the rest of the group
Llevar, transportar
These pipes convey water to the boiler(calentador)
Bang on about
No parar de hablar sobre algo
Talk insistently about
He didn’t want to….he had no desire
Los accionistas no tenian inconveniente en la cita
The shareholders had no objection to the appointment
The young man was the possessor(owner) of a fine grey mare(yegua)
It was my first encounter with Indian culture
Could you have a quiet word with John about his behaviour?
The whole crowd fell quiet and bowed their heads as a mark of respect ( se quedó en silencio e inclinó la cabeza en señal de…
She is giving me the silent treatment(no me habla) because I forgot her birthday
I didn’ t sleep until the small hours
Little did she know that I’d planned a secret birthday party for her
In contracts, it’ s important that you read the small word to make sure there are no nasty surprises
My manager shouted at me and I was made to feel small in front of my colleagues
Decimal:uno coma cinco/one point five(1,5)
0,33/nought point three three
Three quarters/ 3/4, A third1/3,
Percentages:fifty-one percent51%
8m2 / eight square metres
A hectic kind of a day
Un dia algo asi como frenetico
These days we constantly switch between different acticvities
We find it impossible to sit still(sentarnos quietos) do nothing and shut down (cerrar el negocio, la tienda)
Catch on
Ponerse de moda :the audiobooks caught on here in Spain
Comprender algo despues de cierta difficultad
His classmates were teasing him and finally he caught on
Switch off
Young people are now finding it difficult to switch off completely