GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT: Employment Flashcards
Formal Employment
Jobs with regular hours, a weekly set wage, pay taxes and have reasonable working conditions
Informal Employment
Jobs that do not involve payment of taxes, often unskilled and labour intensive, require little money and offer no protection to the worker
Money sent to family/friends/ saving account in foreign countries by the immigrant workforce
Groups at risk due to informal employment
- Children
- Older people
- People with disabilities
- Women
Why are children at risk due to informal employment?
- May go to work rather than school
- Time at school, could be spent making money
- No nuclear family socialisation - being socialised into the workforce (functionalism)
Why are Older People at risk due to informal employment?
- Retirement belongs to the formal sector
- State pensions are unlikely
Why are People with Disabilities at risk due to informal unemployment ?
- No state support, people rely on community and family
- May generate income by begging
Why are Women at risk due to informal employment?
- Some cultures do not accept women working outside the home
- Often rely on their husband
- Can be hard to find money without a male