Humanitarian Aid
Provided for humanitarian purposes, typically in response to humanitarian crisis
Bilateral Aid
Aid given from one government, directly from another
Multilateral Aid
INternational organisations providing aid.
What do Neoliberals believe about aid ?
Aid creates dependency
Dambisa Moyo’s view of aid (Neoliberal)
“Dead Aid’
- Says aid has become an industry
- Made makes good politicians bad and bad politicians worse
- Cannot deliver long term growth
- Wants western countries to ban/end aid
Bauer’s view of aid (Neoliberal)
- Aid could not be necessary for development because Northern countries did not receive aid when developing
- Aid implies third world countries are incapable of achieving what the Western World achieved
- Term ‘aid’ is misleading, making governments think they are doing good
What do Neo marxists believe about aid?
View aid as imperialism
Hayter’s view of aid (Neo-Marxists)
- Aid is continental: nearly always comes with strings attached
- Regards the claim made by the west gov, that aid helps the south as hypocritical: aid’s purpose is to strengthen a system that damages the interests of the poor. Aid does not go to those who need it
Samura’s view of aid (Social Demographic)
- Undemocratic/corrupt governments waste aid (Mobutu, Democratic Republic of Congo)
- Aid often used to strengthen armed forces
- Projects are chosen without good research, often damaging the environment
Modernisation theory view
- Rich would provide aid in the form of capital expertise and technology as a helping hand to those who were behind on the road to prosperity and consumption
- Jeffrey Sachs: for a big push for large scale, focused and integrated aid is needed to lift developing countries out of poverty
Paul Collier’s view of aid
- Aid has added 1 percentage point to the annual growth rate of countries in the bottom billion. Aid has stopped the situation from being worse
Irish aid in ethopia case study
- Research technology was able to happen due to aid
- Water pumps given
- Work together with the aid industry
- Programme began in 1944
- Afford to get out of poverty
- Focused aid
What is the Debt Crisis?
Rich countries started giving loans to poor countries due to modernisation theory (Marshall Plan). Served capitalism in the short term but this money can often be wasted. Economic crashing the 70s/80s. Poor countries lost income and could not pay debts.
What were George’s (1991) Six Debt Boomerangs? (Debt also creating problems for the North)
- Environment
- Unemployment
- Drugs
- Migration
- Taxes
- War
Environment Debt Boomerang
People in developing countries are forced by debt, to exploit their natural resources
Unemployment Debt Boomerang
Jobs would be lost if developing countries were better off.
Drugs Debt Boomerang
Huge demand for drugs
Migration Debt Boomerang
Many flee poverty by moving
Taxes Debt Boomerang
Pay taxes to give banks concessions so they can pay off debts
War Debt Boomerang
Debt creates social unrest, can lead to war