Glaciated Landscape Development Flashcards
What is a corrie and how is it formed? (E)
- Armchair-shaped rock basin found on the N and E slopes of mountains
- Snow is compacted in a hollow and erodes the hollow through nivation, abrasion, plucking and rotational slip
What is an aréte and how is it formed? (E)
- Steep knife-edged ridge formed between two corries
- The backward erosion of two conjoined corries through plucking forms steep back walls
What is a pyramidal peak and how is it formed? (E)
- Angular, sharply-pointed summit
- Three or more corries meet back-to-back and their back walls are eroded by plucking
What is a glacial trough and how is it formed? (E)
- Straight, wide U-shaped valley
- Glaciers move over existing V-shaped river valleys and cause glacial scouring due to their massive erosive power
What is a hanging valley and how is it formed? (E)
- Small tributary U-shaped valley
- The tributary valley glacier does not have a large enough erosive power to erode to the valley floor and is left hanging, often with a waterfall
What is a truncated spur and how is it formed? (E)
- Ridge that descends to the valley floor found in a glacial trough
- Glaciers erode interlocking spurs from an existing river valley and remove areas of land
What is a roche moutonée and how is it formed? (E)
- A rock mound with a smooth stoss side and a jagged lee side
- Plucking and abrasion erode areas of resistant rock as a glacier moves over it
What is a Bergschrund and how is formed? (E)
- A large crevasse in a glaciated landscape
- A glacier moves and separates from the back wall of a corrie
What is a ribbon lake and how is it formed? (E)
- A lake formed within a glacial trough
- A glacier moves over alternating bands of soft and hard rock, eroding the soft rock at a higher rate and leaving a rock basin which fills with rainwater
What is a fjord and how is it formed? (E)
- Steep coastal cliff in a glaciated landscape
- Glacial erosion occurs below sea level and sea water fills the valley floor as the glacier retreats
What is a drumlin and how is it formed? (D)
- A smooth, elongated mound of unsorted till with a steep stoss side and a gentle sloping lee side
- A glacier slows down as it moves over a resistant obstacle and causes deposition behind it
What is an erratic and how is it formed? (D)
- A large boulder in a glaciated landscape
- Carried by the glacier and deposited in an area of completely different geology
What is a till plain and how is it formed? (D)
- A large expanse of flat relief covered in glacial sediment
- Formed as a large section of ice detaches from a glacier and melts, causing deposition of unsorted till
What is a moraine? (D)
A ridge of deposited glacial sediment.
What are the five types of moraine?
- Lateral
- Medial
- Terminal
- Recessional
- Push