geog international development & rivers & flooding Flashcards
High Income Country. Examples: USA UK JapanGNI per capita of greater than $12746
Low Income Country. Examples: Kenya Afghanistan Bangladesh. GNI per capita of $1045 or less.
Newly Emerging Economy - a country that has begun to get richer. BRICS Brazil Russia India China South Africa. GNI per capita of more than $1045 but less than $12746
The use of resources to improve the standard of living and quality of life of a nation.
Development Indicator
are measurable data that helps to show how developed a country is. Geographers use a series of development indicators to compare the development of one country to another.
Life Expectancy
The average age people of a given population are likely to live to
gross national income. The total amount of money earned by a nation’s people and businesses calculated by the country’s income ÷ country’s population.
Literacy Rate
is the percentage of adults who can read and write.
Infant Mortality Rate
The number of children who die under the age of two per 1000 births per year
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
the total value of all goods and services provided produced in a country in a year (what everyone earns in a year!) GDP is given in US$.
Purchasing Power Parity PPP
means it has been adjusted to account for what this can buy in different countries. This lets us compare countries of all sizes fairly no matter how many or few people they have. Gdp/population
An area (country) surrounded by land with no ocean or coastline
Reclaimed land
Developing the limited area of usable natural land by adding material such as rocks soil and cement to an area of water to create new land.
Absolute poverty
Where people are so poor that they cannot meet basic needs such as food.
Relative poverty
Where people are poor compared to the average in their society (but have enough to live on)
The time when a country or region gains political freedom from outside control.
Buying and selling of goods and services between countries.
Human Development Index is a composite indicator used by the United Nations and is made up of a number of important measures such as: GNI per capita; number of years schooling ; life expectancy & calorie intake. The measures range from 0 to 1. An HDI between 0.8 and 1 is high and between 0.6 and 0.4 is low.
(Heavily Indebted Poor Countries) with high levels of poverty and debt overhand are eligible for special assistance from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Charities (such as Oxfam) which help people and are independent of the government.
When a country or NGO donates resources to another country to help it to develop or improve the people’s lives.
Buying and selling goods and services between countries.
transnational corporations Company that has operations (factories, offices, research and shops) in more than one country.
When NGO’s give small loans to people to help them to set their own businesses.