GEO_Vocab_GP5_Geosphere_Plate Tectonics Flashcards
folding; folded
Occurs when rock layers bend due to stress. Mountains created in this manner are called _______ mountains. Examples include the Jrura Mountain within the European Alps and parts of the Appalachian Mountains,
Movement and rearrangement of continents due to tectonic activity.
continental drift
Mountains can also be created through _____________________.
Occurs when stress causes rocks to break away and slide past each other. Tension usually creates the normal type of this while compression usually creates the reverse type of this. A strike-type of this occurs when the rock moves horizontally.
Faulting (general);
divergent boundaries
Occur when tectonic plates are pulling apart from each other. Sometimes two oceanic plates spread the sea floor apart at mid-ocean ridges and new crust is created. Other times continental plates spread creating great rift valleys.
Slab Pull
More dense crust will sink beneath less dense crust, pulling plates with it in a process called
convergent boundaries
Occur when two tectonic plates push into one another. When two continental plates collide they thicken and push upwards creating huge mountains. When an oceanic plate collides with the continental plate, the oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate. The same happens when two oceanic plates collide.
transform boundaries
Occur when two tectonic plates are sliding past each other horizontally . These commonly cause earthquakes but not volcanic activity.
The amount of force per unit area. It can both compress(push together) and pull apart (tension) the crust causing it to break and move around.
Richter Scale
The strength of an earthquake is measured using the __________ ________. The higher the number on the scale, the more dangerous the earthquake is.
A sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust in the form of seismic waves which causes the ground to shake. Most of these occur at tectonic boundaries where the plates move against each other.
Tectonic Plates
Pieces of the lithosphere that move around on top of the asthenosphere.
A sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust in the form of seismic waves which causes the ground to shake. Most of these occur at tectonic boundaries where the plates move against each other.
Describes the movement of tectonic plates and how they interact with each other
plate tectonics
More dense crust will sink beneath less dense crust, pulling plates with it in a process called
Slab Pull
plate tectonics
Describes the movement of tectonic plates and how they interact with each other
Occur when two tectonic plates are sliding past each other horizontally . These commonly cause earthquakes but not volcanic activity.
transform boundaries
Mountains can also be created through _____________________.
Many _____________ can be built to reduce or withstand the shaking from an earthquake.
S Waves
Secondary waves because they arrive second, and shear waves because they shear rock back and forth. This stretches the rock side to side.
When a fault is under stress the rock will bend and deform until enough stress is applied to cause the energy to be ____________.
Faulting (general);
Occurs when stress causes rocks to break away and slide past each other. Tension usually creates the normal type of this while compression usually creates the reverse type of this. A strike-type of this occurs when the rock moves horizontally.
Occur when tectonic plates are pulling apart from each other. Sometimes two oceanic plates spread the sea floor apart at mid-ocean ridges and new crust is created. Other times continental plates spread creating great rift valleys.
divergent boundaries
The strength of an earthquake is measured using the __________ ________. The higher the number on the scale, the more dangerous the earthquake is.
Richter Scale
Occur when two tectonic plates push into one another. When two continental plates collide they thicken and push upwards creating huge mountains. When an oceanic plate collides with the continental plate, the oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate. The same happens when two oceanic plates collide.
convergent boundaries
P Waves
Primary waves because they are the fastest moving wave and therefore the first to arrive and pressure waves because they move stretching and compressing the ground,
When shaking causes soil to behave like liquid.
continental drift
Movement and rearrangement of continents due to tectonic activity.
Scientists cannot perfectly predict the time and place of an earthquake, but they can use the knowledge of __________ __________ and past earthquakes to predict the likelihood of an earthquake occuring in a populated area.
Tectonic Movement
The amount of force per unit area. It can both compress(push together) and pull apart (tension) the crust causing it to break and move around.
Primary waves because they are the fastest moving wave and therefore the first to arrive and pressure waves because they move stretching and compressing the ground,
P Waves
Occurs when rock layers bend due to stress. Mountains created in this manner are called _______ mountains. Examples include the Jrura Mountain within the European Alps and parts of the Appalachian Mountains,
folding; folded
Pieces of the lithosphere that move around on top of the asthenosphere.
Tectonic Plates
Secondary waves because they arrive second, and shear waves because they shear rock back and forth. This stretches the rock side to side.
S Waves
When a fault is under stress the rock will bend and deform until enough stress is applied to cause the energy to be ____________.
When shaking causes soil to behave like liquid.
Many _____________ can be built to reduce or withstand the shaking from an earthquake.
Tectonic Movement
Scientists cannot perfectly predict the time and place of an earthquake, but they can use the knowledge of __________ __________ and past earthquakes to predict the likelihood of an earthquake occuring in a populated area.